Holy need not rush at all! ! This is where the involution comes from!
Northwest Aerospace Base, Wei Pengyu’s office,
“dong dong dong”
“Come in! ”
Wei Pengyu raised his eyelids slightly, and then said something in a deep voice.
Then I saw Wang Shan walking in with heavy steps, looking at Wei Pengyu with a slightly worried look.
“Wei Gong”
On the phone just now, Wei Pengyu had already outlined the matter, so Wang Shan was inevitably a little worried at this time.
“Needless to say, it is indeed difficult for me to continue. I have already told the Ministry of Science and Technology that the ‘Phoenix’ will be handed over to you next. I can’t stand this old bone…”
Wei Pengyu waved his hand, a relieved smile appeared on his face, and said in a relieved tone.
Wang Shan felt that Wei Pengyu had decided to leave, and did not persuade him any more, but her expression was slightly condensed, and after a long while, she said something unspeakable.
“Wei Gong, I’m afraid I won’t be able to take up this position… Actually… I think Tang Gong is more suitable than me “210”…”
Hearing this, Wei Pengyu smiled, as if he had expected Wang Shan’s reaction.
“I know what you think… Tang Gong is indeed the best person to be in charge of the ‘Phoenix’, whether it is his previous scientific research achievements, or his charisma and leadership ability.But now the Four Saints Research Institute still needs him, and at his age, he is indeed a bit shocking… After thinking about it again, I still think you are more suitable! ”
“But…” Wang Shan wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Wei Pengyu.
“Okay, I’ve already recommended it to the Ministry of Science and Technology, so don’t refuse! And don’t worry, I’m just taking a back seat, it doesn’t mean I’m not participating in the project. As for the future, I’ll talk about it later…”
After speaking, Wei Pengyu stood up, patted Wang Shan on the shoulder, and then glanced at the office that had been struggling for decades, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes, but this reluctance only flashed for a moment, It disappeared without a trace.
It’s a foregone conclusion, so don’t miss it!
Four Saints Institute,
At this time, all the new staff members have been divided into groups according to the previous plan.
After this period of time, Tang Zhenli has completed most of the detailed planning of the Xuanwu power module and the Baihu power module. The various development directions have been given by Tang Zhenli’s detailed data simulation.
For example, the Xuanwu power module is the main driving force, and it only moves in this direction!
The white tiger power module is divided into two directions.
One is the direction of the super-large mecha. In layman’s terms, it is to amplify the power module of the White Tiger to a certain extent in the way of performance, and then load it into the core of the super-large mecha to act as its power system. Iron giant is no longer just a dream! ! !
There is also a way to reduce the power module of the white tiger to a certain extent, and reduce the power module into a small energy source, which is loaded on the armor of the metal armor.
The technology required in this area may have to be re-supported by the tomacak device, which is simpler to use than the magnetic mirror technology.
In short, the White Tiger power module is divided into two extremes, one is large and the other is small, one uses magnetic mirror technology, and the other goes back to the previous Tomacak device.
Under the circumstance that the technical problems and the solution problems have been solved by Tang Zhenli, the perfection team is responsible for perfecting the Xuanwu power module and the Baihu power module that were developed before.
While Tang Zhenli was hesitating whether to improve the previous ‘Hanguang’ or develop a new power module, a phone call from Fu Zhiyuan made him clear his purpose.
” P Complete Reverse 99
“Xiao Tang, have you heard the news about the astronomical observation released by the Dragon Kingdom recently…”
Fu Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone seemed to be very worried, and his tone was a little serious.
“Astronomical observations?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment. In addition to spending a day with Wu Shaoying, he spent the rest of his time on improving the plan of the Xuanwu power module and the Baihu power module. He really doesn’t care about this matter. clear.
Hearing Tang Zhenli’s surprised tone, Fu Zhiyuan was also stunned, and before he could answer, he asked.
“Don’t you know? So the Ministry of Science and Technology has not given you an order to speed up the progress of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’?”
“Speed ​​up? I see! I’ll make arrangements later…”
Tang Zhenli nodded and said in a positive tone.
Fu Zhiyuan listened to Tang Zhenli’s answer, but he didn’t know what to say for a while, why did he feel strange…
After a few breaths, it reacted…
The progress of the Sisheng Research Institute does not seem to need to be urged at all… Originally, the entire ‘Heavenly Court Project’ project was inscribed with its own efforts… It seems that the Ministry of Science and Technology did not intend to speed up the progress of the Sisheng Research Institute, because its progress was originally soon…
Thinking of this, Fu Zhiyuan sighed slightly, and then said… “1, then you should go and read the news, anyway, I don’t think it’s a good thing…” After finishing speaking, he didn’t wait for Tang Zhenli to answer. , hung up the phone directly.
Listening to the busy voice of the mobile phone, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed with surprise, and then he couldn’t help muttering to himself.
“Why is the dean babbling so madly…”
However, he was also curious about what news was in the dean’s mouth, and immediately searched the web page.
After a while, Tang Zhenli’s expression froze as he looked at the news on the webpage.
“A letter from 100,000 years ago? Signal analysis?”
Looking at it, Tang Zhenli’s expression gradually became solemn.
No wonder…
Recently, I feel that people at the Institute are doing everything with a sense of urgency…
But if according to this process, it would be a bit too much to say that it is a rainy day…
It seems that… the senior officials of the Dragon Country should know something that others don’t…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli also felt a sense of urgency in his heart. There is no major problem in the short term, but in the long run, it is really hard to say…
No wonder the dean just now said that the progress of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ has been accelerated…
Afterwards, Tang Zhenli sighed and sat down in his heart to make a decision. For the ‘Hanguang’ drone armor, it is now obviously that the importance of the 4.8 of the Four Saints Project has to rise by a notch.
After leaving his office, Tang Zhenli went straight to the core laboratory on the third underground floor.
At this time, ‘Hanguang’ just stayed there quietly, Tang Zhen looked at it reluctantly, and finally put it in a warehouse and sealed it up.
Finally, between the Qinglong power module and the Suzaku power module, Tang Zhenli decisively chose the Qinglong power module that helped the ‘Phoenix’ more. There is no other reason. The main battery life of the Qinglong power module is destined to be more suitable for carrying the load of a large aerospace carrier. After all, the aerospace carrier needs to be driven by long-term power after it enters orbit.
As for the Suzaku power module,It’s just a part of the subsystem of the ‘Phoenix’, so it can be ignored for the time being.
Then Tang Zhenli convened all the members of the R&D team for a meeting to discuss.

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