Unprecedented, the Nobel Prize winner has changed? ? ? ? ?
But what Li Xigang didn’t expect was that,
After this statement, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo issued another announcement, which was indirect but clear.
“Due to the outside world’s doubts about Longguo’s controllable nuclear fusion technology, it has been decided that the technology sharing of follow-up research projects in the related fields of Longguo’s controllable nuclear fusion has been temporarily suspended! This announcement is hereby!”
And this announcement has been issued, and some people have tasted the meaning of it through the recent global university competitions and the Nobel Prize incident.
This is Long Guo’s counterattack against the two injustices! -!!
The moment the announcement was issued, not only the netizens were discussing it, but even the officials of various countries couldn’t sit still!
Looking at the situation, the meaning behind the words of this announcement…
Could it be
In the field of controllable nuclear fusion, Longguo still has goods? ? ?

And the time period when this announcement was issued is so ambiguous…
How can the high-level leaders of various countries not know that this is the Dragon Kingdom letting other countries stand on the platform!
In the past, all countries could wait and see all kinds of attacks against the Dragon Kingdom, but now there are almost obvious interest exchanges, how can this be justified?

After the controllable nuclear fusion technology was exchanged with Longguo, various countries have also conducted research on it one after another, but there has been no progress at all!
This is also the reason why some behind-the-scenes black hands are ready to move against the Dragon Kingdom. In their view, the Dragon Kingdom will not make much progress in the field of controllable nuclear fusion in a short time…
But now it seems that Long Guo’s hint should not be too obvious!
The prosperity of the world is for Lilai! All the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit!
There is no need to search for seedlings. In a short period of time, in the international community, countries have put pressure on the educational and scientific research institutions of the United Nations and the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Crusaders! ! !
Following in the footsteps of the Dragon Kingdom, various countries issued notices one after another, declaring their boycott of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the educational and scientific research institutions of the United Nations!
And deny their authority!
And just being authoritative, this is undoubtedly the lifeblood of these two organizations!
What’s more, the pressure between countries is different from the pressure of fishing boats. People can ignore the pressure of fishing boats, but the pressure between countries can affect the international situation! ! !
-in time,
The Royal Academy of Sciences of the Crusaders and the educational and scientific research institutions of the United Nations only felt a monstrous force coming towards them!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Chief,
Ji Chengtian was chatting with Li Wei on the coffee table, with a very relaxed expression.
At this time, Li Wei picked up the tea and took a sip, then a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
“Jibu, this trick of taking advantage of the situation to suppress people can be said to be a draw from the bottom!”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian smiled and said immediately.

“Let’s go to war! In the final analysis, it is still thanks to our confidence in controllable nuclear fusion technology! Facts have indeed proved that science is
The primary productive force, and the level of technology determines the right to speak in the international field! ”
In the middle of speaking, Ji Chengtian’s tone paused slightly, and his eyes showed a little bit of embarrassment.
“The Dragon Kingdom is no longer what it was ten years ago, let alone what it was a hundred years ago. In the final analysis, it is thanks to Xiao Tang that the Dragon Kingdom has made it to where it is today.”
Li Wei also nodded in agreement. For the country, the importance of talents is clearly shown in Tang Zhenli! Having said that, Ji Chengtian pondered for a while, and then continued.
“Continue to exert pressure, the present and future of Dragon Kingdom are not afraid of any challenges!!!”
“it is good! ”
Li Wei nodded firmly and responded.
After that, the officials of the Dragon Kingdom continued to exert pressure secretly, and it was a propaganda offensive that swept across the countries, and the fishing boat offensive carried out pressure!
Obviously, the official fishing boat offensives of various countries are obviously more formal and more rhetorical.
“This Nobel Prize in Physics is a blasphemy against the current human scientific research community!!!”
“This is a blatant provocation to the field of scientific research!”
…ask for flowers…
U 99
For a time, a wide range of fishing boats made things gradually develop in an uncontrollable manner.
In the United States, Jiazhou University of Technology, in a secret laboratory,
Li Xigang looked at the internal news in front of him with a very ugly expression.
“Humph! ”
After an angry snort, Li Xigang punched the table heavily, as if trying to cover up his inner anxiety with anger. He never expected that this would be a series of tricks in Longguo!
To say that he was full of confidence before, now he is really a little panicked.
In such a general situation, whether the United Nations educational and scientific research institutions and the Royal Academy of Sciences can withstand this pressure… He didn’t even dare to think about it!
If the Royal Academy of Sciences cannot withstand the pressure and changes the winner, then he will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history and become the laughing stock of future generations!
But after thinking about it, Li Xigang felt a little more at ease, and then murmured in a low voice, as if to give himself confidence.
“Impossible, the Nobel Prize has been awarded for hundreds of years, and I have never heard of an example of changing the winner…Impossible, it should be impossible…” But the development of things is often not satisfactory,
The educational and scientific research institutions of the United Nations and the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Crusaders gradually could not bear this pressure, and they seemed to be out of breath, and then issued a statement on the same day!
“In view of the international community’s doubts about the fairness of this Nobel Prize and the selection of universities, it is decided to invalidate the previous resolutions and re-select!” As soon as the statement came out, the international fieldThere was an uproar.
Under the pressure, the educational and scientific research institutions of the United Nations and the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Cross Country finally bowed their heads!
And this also means that, unprecedented, the winner of the Nobel Prize has changed for the first time after the promulgation! ! ! ! ! ….Long.

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