For the Phoenix to Soar Above the Nine Heavens! !
Northwest Space Base,
“The humming sound came from far and near.
Above the airport at this time, an ordinary military helicopter hovered.
After the helicopter landed slowly, Tang Zhenli, who was carrying his bag as usual, also walked out of the cabin.
However, unlike the previous arrivals, Tang Zhenli heard the applause and cheers of a group of people when he got off the plane.
When he took a closer look, it turned out that it was not far from where he landed. About one or twenty people walked towards him, and the eyes of the crowd were all looking at him very hotly.
After all, this is the big guy who just rejected the Nobel Prize in Physics! ! !
The Nobel Prize in Physics, which was coveted by countless people in the international scientific research field, was rejected by this big man with two words of lightness! ! ! How can this not make them worship!
Of course, there are exceptions in the crowd. Just like Chu Wenqian at this time, looking at the familiar face in the distance, her eyes are a bit complicated, and she has some inexplicable feelings in her heart.
In a sense, she is watching Tang Zhenli’s growth trajectory step by step, andAnd it has come to this point!
Since the first meeting at the Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion Devices
, and then served several times at the space base, and then directly became a new
The person in charge of the Li Sisheng Research Institute, and finally the person in charge of the ‘Phoenix’!
Each of these steps is a chasm that is difficult for ordinary researchers to cross in their lifetime!
But it only took Tang Zhenli two years, or in other words, his starting point was already an end point that ordinary people couldn’t surpass!
Only Chu Wenqian can have this kind of feeling, because before Tang Zhenli, she was always considered to be the most promising newcomer in the aerospace field of Longguo!
Of course, in the past two years, she is still… but this is because Tang Zhenli has long been a leader in the scientific research community of Longguo!
Just kidding, who dares to call the father of controlled nuclear fusion a newcomer in the scientific research community?
And Tang Zhenli is not only the father of controllable nuclear fusion, he is the chief power engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ project, professor of Longke University, and academician of Longguo Academy of Sciences.
In addition to being the person in charge of the ‘Phoenix’ at this time, this kind of reputation is enough to make people forget his age and forget that he is only a young man who has been in the scientific research field for less than two years!
With complicated eyes, Chu Wenqian sighed slightly, and the crowd was getting closer and closer to Tang Zhenli.
And the leader is not others, it is Wang Shan who is familiar to him.
When the crowd approached, Wang Shan showed a familiar smile at Tang Zhenli, and then extended her right hand towards Tang Zhenli.
“Tang Gong, welcome to take over as the project leader of the ‘Phoenix’!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and he also stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Wang Shan, and said in a warm tone.
“You’re welcome, Gong Gong!”
After chatting with Wang Shan for a while, Tang Zhenli and Wang Shan went straight to the original ‘Zhuangba’ project building.
In fact, Tang Zhenli is only as familiar with this place as Dragon University of Science and Technology, and even with the Sisheng Research Institute, he is not familiar with the aerospace base. After coming to the project building,
Wang Shan dismissed the welcoming crowd, and then brought Tang Zhenli to her office alone… or rather, Tang Zhenli’s office for a while in the future.
At this time, the office had been cleaned up, and there was no trace of Wang Shan’s past.
It can be seen that before Tang Zhenli came, Wang Shan had already made sufficient preparations for the shift…
At this moment, Wang Shan had a relaxed expression on her face, and then she said to Tang Zhenli with a smile.
“Gong Tang, this will be your office from now on!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and then he smiled at Wang Shan.
“Thank you for your hard work”
Unexpectedly, the smile on Wang Shan’s face was even more undisguised than his.
“It’s not hard work, it’s all for our Dragon Kingdom’s phoenix to soar above the nine heavens! And to a certain extent, for me, it’s not a kind of horny army!”
For Wang Shan, this is not a relief. Since taking over as Wei Pengyu’s class, she has been trapped in the office every day to deal with things, and her mentality will be worn away.
Seeing that Wang Shan’s every move is free and easy, Tang Zhenli was sure, but after thinking about it, he immediately asked.
Then Wang Gong will rest for a while, or…”
Hearing this, Wang Shan’s expression changed, and then she shook her head with a smile.
“Rest? No need to take a break! For me, being able to work at the grassroots level every day is a break!”
This is indeed the case. For Wang Shan, going to the grassroots to guide her work every day is better than any rest! Seeing Wang Shan say this, Tang Zhenli was slightly aware.
If I have to say it, Wang Shan is a more alternative scientific research madman!
At this time, after taking a final look at the office, Wang Shan felt slightly relieved, and then said.
“Then Tang Gong, I’ll go first (to Zhao). If you have any problems with the handover time in the past two days, you can come to me!”
After speaking, he nodded towards Tang Zhenli, then turned his head and walked outside.
“Okay, Wang Gong walk slowly!”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli didn’t say anything to retain him. After Wang Shan left, he was the only one left in the huge office. I saw him pacing and looking at the new working environment, and it was considered a preliminary adjustment.
I should be working here for a long time in the future…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli sighed slightly… People will eventually grow old one day, and the former Chief Engineer Wei is already recuperating.
And he became the man at the helm here.
y I straight
After speaking, he nodded towards Tang Zhenli, then turned his head and walked outside.
“Okay, Wang Gong walk slowly!”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli didn’t say anything to retain him. After Wang Shan left, he was the only one left in the huge office. I saw him pacing and looking at the new working environment, and it was considered a preliminary adjustment.
I should be working here for a long time in the future…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli sighed slightly… People will eventually grow old one day, and the former Chief Engineer Wei is already recuperating.
And he became the man at the helm here.
Hoi I*
reward share

If the main body is made of titanium alloy material, with the expected size of the ‘Phoenix’, even the Dragon Kingdom cannot afford it!
So in the end, aluminum alloy material was selected as the main construction material of ‘Phoenix’.
Of course, this aluminum alloy is not an aluminum alloy on the market, but an aluminum alloy material specially used for aerospace!
And this is only used for the main body. Some important components still need high-strength materials as fillings, such as carbon fiber high-strength composite materials, maraging steel, high-toughness and corrosion-resistant stainless steel, etc.
Now what Tang Zhenli wants to allocate is the latest progress of the construction of the main body of the Northwest Aerospace Base. One is from the new novel network disk resource library
The group is updated daily to release novels
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
———— conveyed to the research institute or laboratory of the subordinate ‘Phoenix’.
For him, the strengthened brain can easily handle these things quickly, but it’s easy to be easy. To be honest, when there are no major problems for him to solve, personally, it is really a bit boring. .
After all, right now he is still thinking about the curvature spaceship…
Finally, when there were no major problems on the third day, Tang Zhenli finally couldn’t sit still. He just felt that sitting in the office was like sitting on pins and needles.
°In the end, Tang Zhenli simply took care of all the work of the ‘Phoenix’ in the morning, and devoted himself to the theoretical study of the curvature of the flying boat in the afternoon.
In this way, the time flies by like this, and the construction of the main body of the ‘Phoenix’ is also proceeding quickly and in an orderly manner.
Jinling Bieyuan,
Sister Xia and her party are preparing to pack their things. The new drama “The Land of the Deep Sky” led by the official Longguo has decided to officially start tomorrow.
The estimated shooting period is about half a year, which is much longer than the average film shooting time. After all, the Longguo Science and Technology Department and the Propaganda Department are the two major contributors. Naturally, the appointed headquarters film studio also had to Pay attention to.
Wu Shaoying’s door was knocked gently by Sister Xia, and then Sister Xia’s voice came in through the door.
“Yingying, I have everything! Bring more, especially for facial care. You have also read the script. Most of the filming locations are in the desert, and the conditions are very difficult…”
“Okay, got it!”
Hearing Sister Xia’s words, Wu Shaoying also responded. At this moment, she was leaning on her waist, looking at the clothes in the wardrobe with a look of embarrassment.
Who would have thought that Sister Tianxian is a patient with difficulty in choosing…
The script of “The Land of the Deep Sky” was based on the extension of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ to customize the plot in the initial negotiation between Ji Chengtian and Wang Hongxuan.
It is similar to the combination of outer space exploration and immigration. In a sense, if “The Land of Deep Space” is well shot, it can be regarded as the prospect direction of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’!
Human immigration to aliens and cosmic exploration is the main line of “Deep Sky”, and it is also one of the visions of the ‘Heavenly Court’!
So, this is a movie, or even a series of movies, about the future human beings step by step from the mother star to the galaxy, and then to the universe, thereby establishing a cosmic civilization empire!
After all, the pace of human exploration of the universe can never be stopped! According to this outline, it is not impossible to make a series of movies!
As for outer space exploration and immigration, it is destined that most of the plots in the “Land of Deep Space” movie will not be on the earth, but will be on other planets.
The alien areas in the human impression are similar to the desert Gobi scene before civilization settles in.
So it is not difficult to explain that most of the filming locations are above the desert!
When Wu Shaoying saw the script, she was actually mentally prepared for it. Isn’t it a desert…
It’s just… Compared with the harsh conditions of the desert, it seems that the full wardrobe will bring her more psychological torture, after all
After struggling all afternoon, she still felt unable to start!
In the end, Wu Shaoying, who was standing in front of the closet with a sore waist, was heartbroken, and simply took out several large suitcases and stuffed all the clothes in the closet.
Then I clapped my palms contentedly…
Since you don’t know how to choose, then of course you want all of them! ! !

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