I knew it! ‘Phoenix’ is real!
As soon as this announcement came out, the previous doubts about the ‘Heavenly Court Plan’ were self-defeating!
Whether in the Dragon Kingdom or in international forums,
The trend of discussion about the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ suddenly changed, and personnel transfer came out, and it was also the transfer of Academician Xiao Tang!
If the ‘Phoenix’ of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ has not progressed or is false, then this personnel transfer will not make sense at all.
Even if Long Guo made a fool of himself, he would not be able to fool Academician Xiao Tang and the official statement.
So the ‘Phoenix’ must be real! ! ! And there has been great progress recently! ! !
Otherwise, Academician Xiao Tang will not be transferred!
When the netizens of Longguo thought of this, their hearts suddenly became hot, and they rushed to the international forum to ‘disgrace before the snow’!
“Didn’t you say that our ‘Heavenly Court Project’ is fake? So we academician Xiao Tang are also fake!”
“When our ‘Phoenix’ lifts off, his “240” will know it’s true and false!!!”
“Expect their surprise then!!”
For a while, the voices of doubts were no longer there.
Because at this level, there is no need for the officials of the Dragon Kingdom to come up with such a moth.
If you question the official statement of the Dragon Kingdom, it would have been said in the past, but this incident has also involved Tang Zhenli. With Tang Zhenli’s current status in the field of international scientific research, there is no need to cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom to cheat.
It can be said that now Tang Zhenli’s reputation can completely put an end to the biggest doubts!
andAfter the dissemination of netizens, the personnel transfer of the Longguo Science and Technology Department has gradually become known to many people.
Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai No. 4 Middle School,
In the third grade of high school, there are less than two months before the college entrance examination.
So at this time, even in the recess time, none of the students dared to slack off. Everyone sat in their seats and scribbled the questions. The atmosphere in the class was unusually quiet, only the rustling of the pen and paper. Sounds in the class.
At this time, Lin Zhuyan, the head teacher of the third class of senior three, walked in from the back door, and then pushed up her glasses subconsciously, and looked directly at Tang Ziyue, who was sitting in the third row, her eyes lit up slightly!
From the time he learned that there was such a great god in his class, even Lin Zhuyan, who had more than ten years of teaching experience, was secretly surprised.
Academician Xiao Tang’s younger sister…still in high school…
To be honest, it’s not normal to be surprised! ! !
This also indirectly led to Lin Zhuyan taking extra care of Tang Ziyue in the following period of time, and by the way, her tone was much more polite.
At this time, some students in the classroom noticed the arrival of the head teacher, but they didn’t care much in their hearts, but continued to brush the questions on their own.
All of them are top-notch high school students in Shanghai and even in the whole country, and their minds are naturally more mature than their ordinary peers.
Lin Zhuyan felt the atmosphere in the room and nodded with satisfaction.
After that, Lin Zhuyan thought of the phone call made by the principal Kong Weiyang just now, her expression changed, and she walked straight to Tang Ziyue in the third row…
After arriving at Tang Ziyue’s seat, Lin Zhuyan patted Tang Ziyue’s table lightly, and then said in a warm tone.
“Ziyue, the college entrance examination is coming soon. Do you have a favorite college?”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue raised her head suspiciously and looked at her head teacher, her expression a little unclear, but after pondering for a while, she still said honestly.
“Teacher, I want to go to Dragon University!”
“Cough cough… Ziyue, Longke University doesn’t have an undergraduate major, so it doesn’t admit fresh high school students…”
Tang Ziyue’s voice fell, Lin Zhuyan’s expression froze, she coughed twice, and then explained.
And the atmosphere of the class was instantly affected by the conversation between the two, and even the previous rustling was much quieter!
It’s not the first time that Lin Zhuyan knew about Tang Ziyue’s desire to go to Longke University. When the president of the university, Kong Weiyang’s phone call, it meant that Tang Ziyue would be given a recommended place in this year’s prestigious school.
But… Longke University is not in this list!
At this moment, Tang Ziyue’s expression changed, a hint of confidence appeared on her face, and then she said firmly,
“I know, my brother can go, why can’t I go!”
Anyway, the fact that Tang Zhenli is her brother has been known to the whole school, and it is not a big deal to say it.
Just after Tang Ziyue finished speaking, the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly suffocated…
This seems to be reasonable…but the logic in the reasonable is a bit unreasonable…
Tang Ziyue naturally understands that she wants to follow her brother… But…
“Well this, this, Academician Xiao Tang… he’s not an ordinary person!”
At this time, Lin Zhuyan, who heard the words, revealed a hint of embarrassment on her face. She wanted to persuade, but she didn’t know how to persuade…
This way… it’s not good to interact with the principal…
“Why are you not ordinary people? My brother and I grew up together, and I don’t think he is any different?”
As soon as Tang Ziyue’s voice fell, the atmosphere in the class seemed to freeze again…
That said…it doesn’t seem to be wrong…
How can we say that, our eyes will show unconscious envy?
After a long while, Lin Zhuyan was helpless, sighed leisurely in her heart, and then left the classroom.
After leaving the classroom, Lin Zhuyan took out her mobile phone and dialed the number she had recently contacted…
Shanghai No. 4 Middle School, Principal’s Office,
The computer was staying on the official website of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, and Kong Weiyang was fascinated by the personnel transfer.
After a while, his cell phone suddenly rang. When he saw the caller’s name, Kong Weiyang’s eyes lit up, and then he pressed the answer button directly.
“Hey! Teacher Lin, what did Tang Ziyue say?”
“It’s still Longke University
Lin Zhuyan on the other end of the phone said something dull.
“Or Longke University?”
Kong Weiyang jumped in his heart, then repeated it, and then said with a long sigh.
“Okay, I see…”
After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.
After hanging up the phone, Kong Weiyang rested his head on the cushion of the chair, his expression was a little low, and his mind was full of thoughts.
She has a lot of places in Huaqing, Yandu University and other prestigious schools, and this girl has also met the conditions for the recommendation… But why is she so stubborn?
It is impossible for everyone to get the treatment of Academician Tang…
For a while, Kong Weiyang didn’t know what to do…
He is very concerned about Tang Ziyue. After all, he is the younger sister of Academician Tang, and Academician Tang has just been transferred to the general person in charge of the ‘Phoenix’, and his rank is getting higher and higher.
You must know that since Shanghai No. 4 Middle School has a Tang Zhenli, the benefits are incalculable, so if you can, you will naturally be able to repay some or some.
After going back and forth like this, the friendship doesn’t end.
So this is why Kong Weiyang took time out of his busy schedule to arrange for someone to ask Tang Ziyue’s wishes.
But now…it’s hard to do!
But just as Kong Weiyang had a headache, a light flashed in his mind.
By the way, we don’t have a guaranteed quota for Longke University, you can contact Longke University!
After all, Academician Tang also has an identity, a professor of Longke University, and I heard that the president of Longke University and Academician Tang have a good relationship…

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