‘Phoenix, Nirvana!
It is already mid-April at this time, and for the Northwest Space Base, the daytime temperature will be slightly milder…
Although the annual average temperature here is low, the main reason is that the temperature difference between day and night is too large…so during the day, the temperature is still controlled within the comfortable range of the human body.
But compared to the warmer temperature, the morale of the entire Northwest Space Base has dropped to freezing point now!
For now, the ‘Phoenix’ and even the ‘Tianting Project’ don’t look very optimistic.
In the final analysis, it is still the lack of the anti-gravity system engine, it is like an important piece of the puzzle in the “Heavenly Court Project”, it is indispensable! Now the original anti-gravity system engine research and development team was instructed by Tang Gong to restart the calculation of the wrong plan, but nearly ten days have passed
‘ Yes, now the first is the support of the project team, or the ‘Phoenix’ project itself, is already in jeopardy! ! !
And at this moment, the door of Tang Zhenli’s laboratory… quietly opened!
18 At this time, Tang Zhenli’s expression was slightly excited, holding the original tablet computer in one hand, and holding a palm-sized ring-like object in the other hand.
He walked out of the laboratory briskly.
However, the atmosphere outside made him slightly frowned. In a few days, the atmosphere in the space base seemed to be more depressing. This kind of depression can be seen from the staff coming and going, everyone’s expression is very low.
“Tang Gong!”
“Tang Gong!”
At this time, many staff members saw Tang Zhenli and greeted him as usual.
But not only from their expressions, but also from their tone of voice, they all looked absent-minded.
Tang Zhenli thought about it for a moment, and gradually understood it in his heart.
It seems…now the plight of the ‘Tianting Project’…is well known
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli frowned, then randomly pulled over a few staff members, and said to them.
“Go and contact the project leaders of the ‘Phoenix’ in the space base, and ask them to have a meeting in the meeting room on the fifth floor at two o’clock in the afternoon!” At the end, Tang Zhenli glanced at the time. It is now half past one, and there is Half an hour…should be enough.
After Tang Zhenli’s words fell, the several staff members who were pulled over looked solemn, then nodded quickly and said in unison.
“Okay, Mr. Tang!”
After speaking, they scattered away, everyone’s emotions were tense and mixed with a trace of expectation.
According to what Tang Gong meant, he wanted to announce the fate of the ‘Phoenix’…
Whether the phoenix will be reborn from nirvana or just perish may depend on the outcome of the meeting in the afternoon…
And here Tang Zhenli felt a little hungry after giving the order. Since he went to the laboratory on a temporary basis, the daily life commissioner didn’t know where he went, so this caused him to not eat rice noodles for almost two or three days. At this time, even if he is iron, he can’t hold it
But now it’s too late to see the situation…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli went back to the office to get a lunch box, and then walked towards the cafeteria.
At 1:50 p.m., in the conference room on the fifth floor,
This is the largest conference room in the aerospace base except for the auditorium. There is a rectangular table in the front, just like an ordinary conference room.
The long table is average, but the difference is that if you want to sit on this long table, you must be at least the person in charge of a large module of the ‘Phoenix’! For example, the power module that Tang Zhenli was in charge of before.
As for the position of the person in charge of other small projects, it is on the chair behind.
At this time, Tang Zhenli, who had just finished cooking from the cafeteria, walked towards the head of the long table with his lunch box in his arms, sat down slowly, his face was a little dignified, even a little ugly, after sitting down, he closed himself Rest your eyes and wait for the arrival of everyone.
Not long after, there was a burst of movement outside the corridor, and people entered the meeting room one after another.
When he saw Tang Zhenli, who was sitting high in the first seat, his expression was startled, and then he subconsciously glanced at the pink one on the long table.
Come on R… Tang RenyingKai Lu has just finished his work and hasn’t come to eat yet
But this lunch box…
And Tang Zhenli also opened his eyes at this time, and glanced at every project leader who came.
“Tang Gong!”
“Tang Gong!”
In response to their greetings, they nodded expressionlessly.
He could clearly feel that the emotions of those in charge of the ‘Phoenix’ project were obviously not very stable. Even Wang Shan’s eyes had lost the light of the past.
If it was just now, Tang Zhenli could understand it in his heart. After all, if the ‘Phoenix’ project were to be interrupted, it would obviously be a huge blow to them.
But now… after seeing the progress report of the ‘Phoenix’ for the last ten days, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel an unavoidable gloom in his chest when he looked at the state of everyone.
What are they doing in these ten days! ! !
Not long after, at two o’clock, the last person in charge of the project arrived, Tang Zhenli coughed lightly, and made the hundreds of project leaders present to stand up, and their expressions became much more awe-inspiring.
After taking a deep breath, Tang Zhenli forced himself to calm down, and then he didn’t give a shit, but said straight to the point,
“Yes, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued an order to the ‘Phoenix’ some time ago to report the feasibility study results of the anti-gravity system engine within three months. If feasible, the ‘Phoenix’ project will continue. If it’s not feasible, there is no need to say more…”
Then Tang Zhenli’s loud voice came from the huge conference room.
Many project leaders present were in an uproar, and there was a lot of discussion. Only the person in charge of the large module sitting on the long table was calm, and he must have learned some inside information early.
So, is it possible that the ‘Phoenix’ or ‘Plan of Heaven’ could be stillborn? ? ?
With this in mind, even though Tang Zhenli was still sitting in front of him, some project leaders off the court had already started to make a commotion.
Three months is an impossible task!
Even if you only need to get a feasible result, it is difficult to reach the sky!
Because the logic of the previous plan has all been overturned, now it is undoubtedly starting from scratch!
Just as the meeting room was about to become more noisy, a low shout spread throughout the meeting room instantly.
The voice fell, and the whole place was silent.
Everyone looked in awe at the young figure at the front.

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