The shock of the Ministry of Science and Technology!
Hearing this familiar voice, Ji Chengtian raised his eyelids slightly, and then leaned forward. When he took a closer look, he was stunned when he saw the document sent by Tang Zhenli.
“Little Tang
In the murmur, Ji Chengtian’s eyes flashed a trace of curiosity, and then clicked open.
After opening it, the length of this document is not too long, but it makes Ji Chengtian’s expression change in a short period of time.
“Solutions on ‘Phoenix’ Antigravity System Engines…”
After watching it at last, the light in Ji Chengtian’s eyes was no longer restrained, and there was a hint of shock under the excitement on his face. Where is the haggard and melancholy look on his face, the whole person now seems to be full of new vitality.
Then I saw Ji Chengtian gesturing something with his fingers, as if realizing something, his pupils shrank slightly,
“It’s less than half a month before “240”… This is solved???”
The tone between the words was full of surprise and disbelief.
After a long while, Ji Chengtian’s chest heaved a few times, resisting the excitement in his heart and called his secretary to inform the following meeting! Such an important matter is obviously unreasonable without a meeting.
After instructing to go down, Ji Chengtian also got up and walked towards the conference room.
After a while, it was still the familiar conference room. Ji Chengtian sat in the first seat with a relaxed expression and calm eyes looking at the heads of various departments of the Science and Technology Department who slowly entered.
It can be seen that the mental state of these big men of the Ministry of Science and Technology has not been very good for a while, and everyone’s expressions are a little bit different.
Don’t think about it carefully, the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ is the first technology route promoted by the Dragon Kingdom in the next ten years or even decades. Now that there is no hope in sight, if the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ is really cancelled, then they will As the senior management of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it is also to blame!
And here is temporarily notifiedEveryone in the meeting was also a little confused.
But as soon as they entered the conference room and saw Ji Chengtian’s relaxed expression, everyone’s heart moved slightly.
Judging by Ji Chengtian’s expression at this time… Could it be… What good things have happened recently?
With this in mind, a glint of anticipation flashed in the eyes of the bigwigs from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
After everyone was seated one after another, Ji Chengtian cleared his throat slightly, and then said.
“Ahem. Comrades, there is good news to be announced at this meeting!”
After finishing speaking, his eyes glanced around everyone present with a hint of joy.
And when everyone heard the words, their hearts jumped, as expected…
Could it be that the top executives of the Dragon Kingdom knew about the anti-gravity system engine? Relaxed the time conditions of the ‘Tianting Project’? ?
If so, that is indeed a good thing!
With the current controllable nuclear fusion technology being put into civilian use, Dragon Kingdom can save a lot of money in economic construction… So for now, this news is the most practical good news!
As for the anti-gravity system engine… They didn’t think about it at all. It’s only been a few days.
Results after three months
After Ji Chengtian finished speaking, he smiled slightly at the people with different expressions, and said directly.
“This good news is about the ‘Tianting Project’…”
In the middle of speaking, Ji Chengtian paused, and everyone secretly understood.
“Just now academician Tang sent the news that the anti-gravity system engine plan has been successfully developed, and the progress of the ‘Phoenix’ is back on track!” As he spoke, the smile on Ji Chengtian’s face gradually became undisguised.
And everyone who was doing it was slightly stunned when they heard the words, as if they hadn’t reacted yet.
What did Jibu say just now? ? ? Has the anti-gravity system engine been successfully developed? ? ?
Immediately, everyone present, including Li Wei’s first reaction, was disbelief, thinking that Ji Chengtian was wrong.
It took less than half a month for the anti-gravity system engine to go wrong, and it was successfully developed again? ?
They instinctively felt that Ji Chengtian was so excited that he missed the word feasibility…
After all, during the three-month period, it was only a request for a feasibility study discussion…
But after hearing the success of the feasibility study, everyone still couldn’t help but choke their breath and their minds wavered.
After realizing this, Li Wei, who was sitting on Ji Chengtian’s right hand, immediately said to Ji Chengtian with a somewhat excited expression,
“Jibu, so the feasibility study plan of the anti-gravity system engine has been completed, is it really feasible???”
And just after Li Wei’s words fell, the others looked at Ji Chengtian expectantly…
Unexpectedly, Ji Chengtian smiled when he heard the words, and then shook his head slightly, which made everyone’s hearts skip a beat yesterday.
But what Ji Chengtian said next made them feel that their cognition had been challenged.
After shaking his head, Ji Chengtian said in a slightly passionate tone,
‘It’s not that the feasibility of the anti-gravity system engine scheme was successfully developed, but under the leadership of Academician Tang, the anti-gravity system engine scheme was successfully developed! ! ’
When the voice fell, everyone was shocked! ! !
Some people even patted their ears lightly to make sure they heard correctly.
So it wasn’t that Ji Chengtian missed the word feasibility, but the real plan was successfully developed? ? ?
In less than half a month, the anti-gravity system engine development plan was successful? ? ? ? ?
When did the anti-gravity system engine…be so easy to develop? ? ? ?
You must know that there are not no cutting-edge research institutes in foreign countries that are researching thrusters such as anti-gravity, and even after decades in this field, there is no possibility of finding a complete theoretical support!
In less than half a month, Academician Tang has succeeded? ? ?
Is this something people can do? ? ? ! ! !
Previously, they generally believed that it could be called a miracle that the results of the feasibility study of the anti-gravity system engine could only come out within three months…
But now…the plans are all out! Is there anything more off-putting than this? ?
From a certain point of view, this is no longer a miracle, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a miracle!
At this time, they generally have some self-doubt in their hearts.
For a while, they couldn’t tell whether they underestimated Academician Tang or overestimated the difficulty of the anti-gravity system engine… To be honest, what can they do in less than half a month?
Half a month’s time is not even a fraction of the ‘Strong Eight’ project cycle!
But now, Tang Zhenli told them exactly what they could do in half a month! ! !
His half a month’s time is enough to surpass other people’s ten or even decades of time! ! !

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