Compact arrangement, only for the phoenix to lift off! !
On the other side, Wu Shaoying, who was slowly walking out of the crowd, listened to the environmental sound from Tang Zhenli’s side, with a peaceful smile on the corner of his mouth. He… didn’t hang up the phone…
In this way, Wu Shaoying walked towards the periphery of the crew, and the couple on the phone also tacitly maintained silence for a period of time, then Wu Shaoying looked at the direction Zhao Yunxia pointed to just now, with a trace of longing in his eyes, and his tone Said in a somewhat complicated way.
Not long after, Tang Zhenli, who seemed to be on the phone, was also silent for a while, and then a warm voice came.
“Um…me too…”
After finishing speaking, the couple was silent again for a while, and a different kind of melancholy condensed between them through the mobile phone.
Thinking about it, it has been almost half a year since the beginning of the new year, and it has been less than half a month since the two met each other.
Even Tang Zhenli, who has always been obsessed with scientific research, is still a young man in his early twenties anyway, and the throbbing of love always exists.
Yueyao debut
Hearing Tang Zhenli’s rare blunt words, Wu Shaoying’s expression changed after being silent for a while, her starry eyes narrowed like crescent moons, and the curves reflected on her pretty face were very pretty!
“I’m filming in the Great Northwest right now, can I come and see you when I’m done filming?”
After the words fell, Tang Zhenli’s voice came directly.
“Of course… I can arrange it then
Wu Shaoying, who was reading the book, had a sweeter face. When she was about to speak, she only heard the noisy environment from Tang Zhenli’s side.
The lingering love words were also held back in his mouth.
“Well, then let’s put it this way, then…you should be busy first! I won’t bother you anymore!”
And Tang Zhenli on the other end of the phone seemed to have something to do, so he said it directly.
“Okay, then I’ll take care of things and talk again when I have time!”
After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly.
Listening to the busy voice of ‘beep beep’ on the other end of the phone, Wu Shaoying’s expression suddenly fell, but for a while, she thought of what Zhao Yunxia said to her just now.
This relationship is destined to be difficult, but I will definitely stick to it!
At this thought, Wu Shaoying’s expression changed, as if she had regained her strength, her face was full of confidence.
At this time, sister Xia’s voice came from behind.
“Yingying, filming is about to start! Come back and change costumes!”
“coming! ”
Wu Shaoying’s expression changed when he heard the words, a smile appeared on his face, and then he trotted towards the crew…
On the other side, inside the Northwest Space Base,
After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhenli paused in his heart. In this way, Yingying is also filming in the Northwest now..
just don’t know where…
Then Tang Zhenli took another look at the normal operation of the current assembly workshop, and his expression changed slightly.
At present, the main body of the “Phoenix” is being built in an orderly manner, and the projects of various subsystems are also constantly running in. As long as there are no major problems like the previous anti-gravity system engine, then to a certain extent, the “Phoenix”‘s The overall progress has reached about 70%, which is the cumulative progress of the main body and subsystem projects.
This saves nearly one to two months of time compared to the time planned in the original “Tianting Project”.
Based on this calculation, at the end of this year, the ‘Phoenix’ is expected to be launched!
Thinking of this, even Tang Zhenli couldn’t help being slightly startled.
This progress is indeed a bit frightening!
Since I went to Taichenyue to beg for a project, if it is launched by the end of this year, the project cycle will be only a little over a year… But looking at the scene of the assembly workshop in full swing, the surprise in my heart has slightly eased a little.
There are so many scientific researchers who are active on the front line regardless of their own lives, this appallingThe project cycle seems to be somewhat taken for granted…
Shanghai Stock Exchange, the entrance of Shanghai No.4 Middle School,
It is now the end of May, and according to the date of the college entrance examination, there is still less than a week left.
At this time, a family-grade bm car slowly parked on the side of the road at the school gate. Chen Xinyao looked at the students who were rushing out one after another, trying to find her daughter accurately.
After all kinds of psychological counseling by the teachers and the arrangement of the examination room, the senior three students of Shanghai No. 4 Middle School have a week off in advance so that they can meet the college entrance examination in a better state!
Therefore, after Chen Xinyao received the news of the school holiday, she immediately came to Shanghai No. 4 Middle School to pick up her daughter, who became more and more worried as she grew up!
But when he looked left and right, he still didn’t see the familiar figure. When he was a little anxious, Chen Xinyao seemed to feel something, and his head subconsciously looked to the left.
Unexpectedly, a quirky and pretty face was tightly attached to the window, staring at her so blankly, looking very terrifying!
|| Ah! “At this time, even Chen Xinyao’s mind was calm, but she couldn’t help screaming in fright.
Then the door was opened, and a playful laugh followed.
That person just now is not Tang Ziyue, who else could it be.
“(Money is good) Damn girl! If I don’t teach you a lesson today, my mother is your surname!”
Hearing this laughter, Chen Xinyao’s whole body suddenly exploded, leaning out and reaching out to Tang Ziyue, who was at the back, from the new novel network disk resource library
The group is updated daily to release novels
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
————With her slender hands, Tang Ziyue, who was laughing out of breath at this time, didn’t know how to react, and she was directly caught by Chen Xinyao, and she was chubby. The pretty face, and twisted several times.
“It hurts! Mom, it’s wrong, it’s wrong, it’s wrong, I don’t dare anymore…”
Tang Ziyue was grabbed by her lifeline for a while, the corners of her eyes were sparkling, she wanted to break free but was afraid of pain.
After a while, Chen Xinyao’s anger subsided a little, and then let go.
After that, she glared at Tang Ziyue fiercely, then started the car and drove towards the house…

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