‘Bao Peng’ rides on the wind one day, soaring to 90,000 miles!
In the airport of the Northwest Aerospace Base, which usually takes off and lands frequently, there is no one plane in sight.
in ‘PhoenixUnder the requisition of the project, the entire airport was closed, and the Northwest Space Base was temporarily prohibited from taking off and landing ordinary aircraft.
And before that, under the authority of Tang Zhenli’s ‘Phoenix’ project leader, the nearest military unit was mobilized to set up an air defense identification zone within a 100-kilometer radius of the Northwest Space Base for air control.
Although the location of the Northwest Space Base is already very remote, in order to be safe, some preparations should be made.
In the airport of the Northwest Aerospace Base at this time, there was only one aircraft with a strange shape and a black body.
Without further ado, this strange looking aircraft is naturally the ‘Bao Peng’ aerial drone!
Looking at the whole body, the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter uses a forward-swept wing structure, which looks quite like a pair of wings that are stretched out. kind of preparation.
Not only that, the body of the ‘Bao Peng’ UAV is also coated with a light-absorbing coating, which can isolate the light to the greatest extent. Reflecting light, the entire body appears even more profound!
The original design of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter aircraft was to take off and land in the atmosphere like ordinary fighter aircraft, and at the same time, it could also take off and land in space!
After the external inspection by the ground crew, the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace UAV just dormant on the runway of the airport, waiting for the moment when the engine starts running!
It’s like a bird of prey ready to go, if it doesn’t move, it’s gone, and if it moves, it will be thunderous!
You know, this experiment is directly rushing into outer space from the earth’s surface! It has to directly cross the internationally defined Karmen line that distinguishes the atmosphere and outer space!
This is a feat for any country in the world today!
Therefore, in the main control room of the Yakunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter at this time, the atmosphere between the scenes was a little dignified for a while.
Many staff members looked at the ‘Bao Peng’ aerial drone on the airport runway on the big screen in the field with different expressions. Some were nervous, some looking forward to it, and some were gratified..
This experiment, (bjei) can be said to be of great significance, not only the moment to test their achievements in the past year, but also the moment to create the history of human civilization!
But now, the only hope is the driver who is currently in the cockpit. All they can do is to prepare the driver completely.
After getting the signal from Tang Zhenli just now, the person in charge of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter project calmly gave the order to start the test flight of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter!
The sound was transmitted to the ears of the driver in the cockpit through a signal, and the driver in the cockpit looked solemn, and then began to operate the buttons in the cockpit.
The first step is the self-test, after the system self-test,
A large green screen is displayed in the center of the large screen in the main control room.
The heartstrings of the people present were relieved, and then most of them subconsciously looked at Tang Zhenli, who was holding his arms and standing at the back of the main control room with a calm expression.
At least for now, they didn’t lose face in front of Tang Gong!
If there is a problem with the self-inspection at the beginning, then the entire Yakunpeng’s aerospace unmanned fighter project team will be thrown into the grandmother’s house. After that, according to the normal process, the driver starts to warm up the engine.
At this time, the large screen in the center of the main control room also clearly displayed the real-time scene of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerial drone on the runway.
I saw the sound of the two tail nozzles of this unique aerospace fighter. Obviously, under the control of the driver, the Suzaku power module has begun to operate!
At the beginning of Tang Zhenli’s design, the Suzaku power module was composed of two propulsion modes to form a combined power mode!
It uses a supersonic combustion ramjet operating in the atmosphere, and then in space is a nuclear fusion engine previously developed using magnetic mirror technology.
It stands to reason that this combination of multiple engines would make the operation and structure complicated and unreliable, but obviously Tang Zhenli had already taken this into account in his original plan!
And his solution is also very rough. In short, using the transmission device, when the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter is at the critical line in the Karmen line, the driver can switch the position of the engine in the body. More importantly, this It is still an operating system!
Keep the operation as simple as possible!
Although after each flight back carefully check the engine switching gearing!
But it has to be said that Tang Zhenli’s way of thinking is really bold, so that after the Suzaku power module was completed by the Four Saints Research Institute, they did not dare to make changes to the overall structure of the Suzaku power module, only in terms of internal materials. Start to perfect.
And the ‘Bao Peng’ aerial unmanned fighter in the field started to slide on the runway gradually under the drive of thrust after a few minutes of engine warm-up.
When the staff in the main control room saw this, their fists clenched directly, and the data feedback from their respective responsible modules looked serious and focused! On the big screen in the main control room, the tail nozzle of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter also began to spray out a slight blue flame gradually.
If you are in the airport, you can even hear the sharp noise from the Suzaku power module, as if a divine bird is brewing.
At this moment, there is no need for anyone to direct the next experiment, and all the next experiments are handed over to the driver who is in the cockpit at this time.
All they have to do is real-timeMonitor various data inside the body of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter, and notify the driver immediately if there is any abnormality!
Obviously, the pilot was also very courageous. When he saw that all the values ​​were normal, he took off decisively!
I saw that the ‘Bao Peng’ aerial drone was under control and driven by the thrust of the tail, and the speed on the runway was getting faster and faster!
In the end, in the eyes of everyone, after the speed reached the expectation, it pulled up, and the Yakunpeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter directly raised a graceful arc from the runway.
I saw that the ‘Bao Peng’ aerial unmanned fighter plane was directly facing a 90-degree direction. After a sharp sonic boom, the fighter plane broke through the speed of sound in a short period of time, and finally rushed straight towards the sky!
The scene is huge and heart-wrenching!
Just like, that ‘Bao Peng’ rides on the wind one day and soars up to 90,000 miles!

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