Is Tang Gong Satisfied Before the Results? ? ?
Not long after, when the smoke of gunpowder in the target area was about to dissipate, a staff member in the camp far behind opened the curtain and walked out in a hurry.
Then he trotted all the way in the direction of Tang Zhenli and the others.
At this time, the scene in the telescope of several people, after the smoke of gunpowder dissipated, slowly appeared in front of everyone…
I saw that the unmanned tactical mecha was half-kneeling on the ground, and there was a huge bomb crater less than two meters beside it, and this scene made everyone’s heart sink…
Could it be that… the test of the first stage of the unmanned tactical mech… failed? ? ? ? ?
For a while, the atmosphere of the crowd behind the transparent wall of high-strength material was a little quiet…
Du Wenxuan’s expression was a little dignified, and he was still looking at the unmanned tactical mecha through the binoculars.
The military colonel looked a little regretful. In his opinion, even if the unmanned tactical mecha was not hit directly by the cannonball at a distance of less than two meters, it was also affected by the shock wave caused by the explosion of the cannonball. now…
Of course, if they insist on the result, they also need to look at the front of the unmanned tactical mecha. For angle reasons, they cannot see the front of the 8 30 unmanned tactical mecha at this time.
If it was only affected by the shock wave, then the first stage experiment of the unmanned tactical mech should be considered a reluctance to succeed!
If the frontal was hit by a shell that caused the battle damage, then the first stage of the experiment would be considered a failure…
But no matter what, the performance of this unmanned tactical mecha today exceeded his expectations…
As a traditional soldier, it was the first time that he saw this high-tech technology capable of carrying the contemporary army tiger, which brought him shock and thought.
You can imagine the change!
J And Tang Zhenli, who was in the center of the predecessors, after taking a look at the unmanned tactical mecha,After thinking about it for a while, I seemed to think of something, and I breathed a sigh of relief…
Then he handed the telescope to a staff member next to him, and then said to Du Wenxuan and the officer.
“The first phase of the experiment has come to an end… In general, the results are satisfactory…”
After saying that, I walked straight towards the testing ground ahead…
The two people who heard the words changed their expressions slightly, and subconsciously frowned, somewhat unclear.
Before the results came out, Tang Gong was satisfied? ? ?
Just at this moment, the staff responsible for recording the data in the rear tent also came to the two of them.
“Tang…Du Gong, the data is out!”
The staff member who spoke did not see Tang Zhenli, so he was stunned for a moment, and then he could only report to Du Wenxuan.
Hearing this, Du Wenxuan and the officer’s expressions changed, and their expressions suddenly became a little more urgent. After that, Du Wenxuan said to the staff member who came to report.
“Tell me, what’s the result?”
“Du Gong, after five rounds of salvo, the battle damage rate of the unmanned tactical mecha is less than 1%! But…”
Before the staff member could finish speaking, the officer’s expression froze, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, and then he directly asked the staff member.
“What, the battle damage rate is less than one percent??? Are you sure you’re right?”
Rao was prepared in his heart, but at this time he was still a little stunned to hear the staff member’s report!
Ordinary people may not have the concept of what the battle damage rate is less than 1%, but as a soldier, he is very clear!
If it is converted to the main battle tanks of the current military, a 1% battle damage rate only means that a little paint has been smashed! Because as long as there is damage, the battle damage rate cannot be 1%!
And Du Wenxuan also had a hint of joy on his face when he heard this, but after hearing the staff member’s follow-up words, he couldn’t help but ask. “But what?”
“Du Gong, when we were debugging, we forgot to set the overclocking state, and just used the normal frequency of the White Tiger power module…” The voice fell, and Du Wenxuan showed the same surprised expression as the officer just now.
“What??? You mean this is a white tiger power module in normal state?”
“Du Gong, what does overclocking mean?”
At this time, the officer was a little confused, forced himself to suppress his surprise, and asked curiously.
After hearing this, Du Wenxuan glanced at him subconsciously, and then explained word by word.
“Overclocking means the peak state of the white tiger power module, but it can only last for half an hour. The performance of the white tiger power module in the overclocked state is about twice as high as that in the normal state!”
“Uh-huh? ? ? ? ! ! !”
At first, he didn’t hear anything wrong, but when he finally reacted, his eyes widened, and he almost jumped up.
Dare Qing has just passed the test of the unmanned tactical mecha perfectly, is it half of the complete strength? ? ? ? This is like a confrontation between two masters, and one master directly gives up one hand!
However, looking at the current results, the ten main battle tanks in active service in the military are not at all a match for the unmanned tactical mecha.
– During the time, he didn’t know whether the unmanned tactical mecha was too strong, or the ten main battle tanks were too weak…
With only half of his strength, he easily passed the first stage of the test.
Originally, when he received this task, he still felt that the research and development team of the unmanned tactical mecha was too crazy.
Now it seems that an unmanned tactical mecha fighting a tank armored company is still conservative in the past… At this time, he and Du Wenxuan seem to have thought of something at the same time…
His eyes couldn’t help but look towards Tang Zhenli, who had already walked away in the experimental field.
No wonder Tang Gong just said that he was very satisfied with the results…
It turns out that, it seems that Tang Gong has long expected!
Thinking about it, I heard that the White Tiger and Suzaku in the Four Sages were independently developed by Tang Gong… The understanding of their performance is definitely far more than they…
Thinking of this, Du Wenxuan looked at Tang Zhenli in surprise and awe…
He knows that, for now, the performance of the Suzaku and Baihu power modules in the experiment is perfect…
And these are all developed by him alone…
Suddenly, Du Wenxuan’s eyelids jumped, and he remembered his previous impressions of Tang Zhenli.
This is a ruthless man who even robs his own research project!
Fortunately, now he is in charge of the ‘Phoenix’…
Otherwise… the big thing is bad!

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