: Close Combat! The collision of mechs and fighters!
The unmanned tactical mecha hovering steadily in the air has declared the success of the second phase of the test!
The final data showed that after two rounds of individual anti-armor missiles and individual anti-aircraft missiles bombarded by a total of four missiles, the battle damage of the unmanned tactical mecha was less than 30%!
You know, even if each of those four missiles is the most advanced model of the current Dragon Kingdom military!
Even the main battle tanks in the first round of tests couldn’t withstand the attack of even one!
But this unmanned tactical mecha not only withstood it, but also withstood four shots!
This final result really shocked the officer!
In fact, he really wanted to ask the research and development team of the unmanned tactical mech what materials were used on the unmanned tactical mech.
But think about it,
Needless to say, this kind of material must be a material that cannot be generally installed.
After that, a voice asking for instructions came from the earphones that had been silent for a long time on his head.
a military base.
Apparently, someone has just reported to the military region the testing process of the unmanned tactical mecha at this time.
19 After asking for instructions, the officer subconsciously looked at Tang Zhenli in front of him, then took two steps forward, gave a military salute to Tang Zhenli, and said in a firm tone.
“Report to the chief, the fighter jets for the third phase of the test are ready, are you allowed to set sail!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said calmly.
“Yes! ”
Seeing this, the officer immediately gave instructions to the other side of the headset.
A few minutes later, in a military restricted zone hundreds of kilometers away, a fighter plane received an order and slowly began to taxi along the runway. After a burst of whistling, the speed of the fighter plane reached a terrifying speed, and then it plunged straight into the clouds and disappeared in the clouds… Here, in the test field,
The original white-painted unmanned tactical mech in the target area was still transported back to the camp. After two rounds of testing, at this time, its original white paint had become shattered under the baptism of various artillery fires. It was gloomy, but there was an aura of blood and fire emanating from the inside out, like a battle-tested veteran!
At this time, both the soldiers and the staff were all looking at the unmanned tactical mecha being slowly transported back by the loading truck with solemn expressions! After going through two rounds of frantic tests, it has gained everyone’s approval with practical actions!
Rao was the officer who was not optimistic about the mecha, but now his attitude towards the mecha has completely changed!
However, regarding the final round of testing that is about to take place, he is still a little pessimistic about the mecha…
Even though the first two rounds of experiments have changed his attitude, what it will deal with next is the supersonic fighter, which is known as the pinnacle of human combat power!
And more importantly, the unmanned tactical mecha is a ground combat unit, the original intention of the design is not to be used in the air at all, the flying ability is just an additional condition, and it is not the field that the mecha is good at!
At this time, everyone including Du Wenxuan just took the third test as a test to check the performance of the mecha, there is no condition to pass the test, they just want to see where the limit of the unmanned tactical mecha is!
So now in the camp, compared to the tenseness of the previous two rounds, the current staff looked a little more relaxed, because in general, the unmanned tactical mecha can be said to be a success.
Only Tang Zhenli, from the first round of experiments, had a calm expression on his face. Even Du Wenxuan, who had a sophisticated mind, and Qi Lu, who knew Tang Zhenli well, could not understand Tang Gong at this time…
Could it be… Tang Gong still has expectations for the third phase of the test of the unmanned tactical mecha?
Just at this time, there was a whistling sound in the sky, and the voice of the pilot came from the earphone of the officer in the camp… Afterwards, after greeting Tang Zhenli in advance, he directly turned to Du Wenxuan to hide nodded.
Du Wenxuan also nodded in understanding, then picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and directed,
“Testing department, the mecha is ready to take off and run at full power! Start testing!”
According to the plan, as long as the unmanned tactical mecha is not thrown away by 100 kilometers within ten minutes when it is fully functioning, the test will be considered a success!
You must know that the cruising speed of the unmanned tactical mecha is only about 300 kilometers per hour, while the top supersonic fighter jet sent by the military currently has a speed of almost Mach 3! In conversion, it is more than 3,000 kilometers per hour!
The speed difference is more than ten times. Although the fighter plane will not use full speed during the test, according to the plan, the fighter plane must reach a speed of at least Mach 1 during the test, which is more than 1,000 kilometers per hour, and the difference is about 830. Three to four times. .
Even under the full-speed explosion of the white tiger power module, in terms of speed, it may not be comparable to the fighter jets, so not to be thrown away by 100 kilometers within ten minutes, to be honest, it is already a very difficult goal.
I am afraid that in the Four Saints plan, only the Suzaku power module can crush the supersonic fighter in terms of speed!
At this time, after Du Wenxuan gave an order, the staff responsible for activating the unmanned tactical mecha also activated the artificial intelligence system of the mecha, and then entered the predetermined command.
Then I saw on the big screen in the tent,
The nozzle behind the black unmanned tactical mecha in the center of the camp began to emit tail flames, and then the powerful white tiger power module
pushBelow, the black mecha first made a roar, and then a wave of air spread into the tent. I saw a ‘bang’, and the black mecha rushed straight into the sky like a sharp sword!
At this time, the fighter plane is circling above… It seems to be waiting for this overachieving challenger… The speed competition between the mecha and the fighter plane officially begins!

Under the push of , the black mecha first made a roar, and then a wave of air spread in the tent. I saw a ‘bang’, and the black mecha rushed straight into the sky like a sharp sword! At this time, the fighter plane is circling above… It seems to be waiting for this overachieving challenger… The speed competition between the mecha and the fighter plane officially begins!
Crystal I beg
reward share

“Du Gong, even if I’m a rough man, I know that nothing perfect exists in the world!”
During the conversation between the two, it can be seen that although the third test of the unmanned tactical mecha is not optimistic, they are obviously optimistic.
“Afterwards, the two discussed and looked at the figure of the mecha on the screen from time to time. At this time, within the vision of the mecha, the existence of the fighter could no longer be seen, but the result was within everyone’s expectations, if they could see it. , that’s really a ghost!
Unconsciously, Tang Zhenli left the camp, but on the table where he was just now, there was a note with dense calculation formulas written on it.
But now everyone’s eyes are focused on the screen in the center of the venue, and no one pays attention to this piece of paper…
Quietly, ten minutes passed gradually, until the staff in charge of collecting the data ran over to report with a flushed face, and the two people in discussion came to their senses.
“Du.. 21.3 km, 21.3 km!”
“What 3 kilometers?”
Hearing this, Du Wenxuan first asked subconsciously, then froze for a moment, and then he reacted, and then the corners of his eyes gradually widened, and his face showed shock, and then he stammered.
“You you you… what did you say? You mean 21.3 kilometers???”
“You can’t be wrong, Du Gong! The distance detected by the instrument is 21.3 kilometers!”
The staff member heard the words, and then nodded affirmatively.
“Are you sure the instrument is correct????”
Du Wenxuan seemed to be unwilling and continued to ask.
“Du Gong, the instrument has been debugged before, so it’s definitely correct!”
The staff heard the words, nodded heavily, and then said. “Oh my God!”
Du Wenxuan never imagined that the third-stage test, which he thought was the most underrated, would give him the biggest shock!
At this time, when the staff in the camp heard this data, they also grew their mouths, and only some soldiers headed by the officers were left with a dazed expression. They didn’t know what these people were shocked by.
In the end, the officer couldn’t help but asked Du Wenxuan who was still in shock,
“Du Gong, is this 21.3 kilometers so important?”
Hearing this, Du Wenxuan turned his eyes and looked at him. He was shocked so much in a short period of time that his eyes were a little bloodshot, and then he slowly explained to him.
The original expected plan is that the distance between the mecha and the fighter does not exceed 100 kilometers within ten minutes, even if it meets the standard.
But ten minutes later, the mecha was only less than twenty kilometers away from the supersonic fighter!
This concept may not be understood by ordinary people!
But for this group of scientific researchers, the distance of 20 kilometers is not too outrageous!
They know that this test is in the overload state test of the mecha, but they also know that there is a death mode on top of the original overload state test!
The overload mode is activated, that is, it can exert more performance under the condition of slight loss of the body!
And when the death mode is turned on, it means that there is no loss of wear, and the entire mecha is fully powered, maintaining a super high explosion in a short period of time! It is estimated that the mecha after turning on the death mode is also a consequence of scrapping to the slightest extent!
In this test, within ten minutes, the overloaded mecha (good money) was only 20 kilometers away from the fighter, and the mecha in Reaper mode could completely close the gap!
That is to say, when the unmanned tactical mecha under the death mode is activated, it can get close to the fighter directly without surprise! And the consequences of the fighter being approached by the mecha… Needless to say, you can know…
Through Du Wenxuan’s popular explanation, the expression on the officer’s face also changed instantly, and he obviously reacted.
The unmanned tactical mecha has the ability to get close to supersonic fighters! ! ! !
And close, it represents a unilateral massacre! ! !
That is to say, the peak of human combat power in the future, maybe a name will be added? ? ? ? ? ? ? …..lift.
< I emptyFenfu

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