Announcement! ‘ Phoenix’s flight date is tentatively set!
The next day, Tang Zhenli, who was at the Northwest Aerospace Base, received news from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
‘Phoenix’ granted maiden flight! Submit the flight test plan after the decision is made!
Looking at this reply, Tang Zhenli was slightly aware of it, and then put the test flight plan from yesterday on the desk again…
As far as the current progress of the ‘Phoenix’ project is concerned, the ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha and the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter aircraft have begun to take shape, and they can be put on the plane after preparation.
The main body of the ‘Phoenix’ large-scale strategic platform for occupying the sky has almost been completed, and according to the team that built the main body of the ‘Phoenix’, the main body of the ‘Phoenix’ will be delivered in at most one month!
So for Tang Zhenli, the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’ is naturally the sooner the better.
While thinking, Tang Zhenli kept tapping on the table with his fingers, his expression thoughtful.
In the end, he directly decided that, to be on the safe side, two months later, in November, the ‘Phoenix’ made its maiden flight!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli thought of that familiar figure again in his mind…
Before that, you have to be prepared, but you can’t get away from it. 830…
Without further ado, Tang Zhenli directly found his chief assistant Qi Lu!
Ten minutes later, Qi Lu’s figure appeared in Tang Zhenli’s office,
“Tang Gong, are you looking for me?”
“Qi Lu, what do you think of the ‘Phoenix’ test flight in two months?”
Tang ZhenliSitting at the desk, looking at Qi Lu, he asked in a calm tone.
Hearing this, Qi Lu’s expression changed, and then he asked in surprise.
“Tang Gong, are you sure?”
“Well, before that, I’m going to give you a few days off. Don’t be in a hurry to refuse. I have something to ask you.”
Hearing Qi Lu’s doubts, Tang Zhenli nodded, and then continued. When it came to the holiday, Qi Lu wanted to open his mouth to refuse, but Tang Zhenli waved his hand and explained directly.
When Qi Lu heard the words, a trace of suspicion flashed in his mind. Holidays…Tang Gong…Is there something you want to ask me?
“Come here, I’ll tell you in detail…”
This is a rare cautious look on Tang Zhenli’s face.
Seeing this, Qi Lu couldn’t help but moved forward curiously.
After that, Tang Zhenli put his ear beside Qi Lu directly, as if he was explaining something.
As time went by, Qi Lu’s expression became more and more surprised, until at the end, a pair of eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly.
After speaking, Tang Zhenli patted his shoulder and said something.
“Then please!”
“Tang Gong, I understand, I promise to complete the task!”
And after listening to Tang Zhenli’s instructions, Qi Lu’s pretty face was a little red, and he glanced at Tang Zhenli vaguely, with a hint of admiration in his eyes!
For a while, she was a little envious…
Thinking about it, Qi Lu walked out of the office. Tang Zhenli gave her three days off. Within these three days, she had to complete the things that Tang Zhenli explained to him…
After Qi Lu left, Tang Zhenli was left alone in the office.
At this time, Tang Zhenli’s expression has returned to calm…
But in an instant, he seemed to think of something again, and immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Wu Shaoying.
“The first flight of the ‘Phoenix’ I told you last time is tentatively scheduled for two months…”
In less than a moment, Tang Zhenli’s cell phone vibrated.
“Do you really want to fly? I thought you were teasing me! (cute)”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli raised an inexplicable mention in his heart, and immediately replied.
“That must be true, Yingying, do you have time?”
“It should be, the filming of “Deep Sky” is almost over this month…”
Seeing Wu Shaoying’s reply, Tang Zhenli breathed a sigh of relief.
“Okay, then you get ready!”
On the other side, Wu Shaoying looked at Tang Zhenli’s news and slowly replied ‘um’.
Then put down the phone…
To be honest, now Wu Shaoying is a little nervous for some reason…
It turns out Tang Zhenli is not joking…
Don’t look at how straightforward she was replying to Tang Zhenli’s reply, but in fact, she just didn’t turn around in her mind…
In her impression, traveling in space is for astronauts!
And now, when I think that I may go to space in two months, it is impossible to say that I am not excited or nervous… You must know that although I am a big star, I am still an ordinary person. One day in space! “Sister Yingying, what’s wrong with you?”
At this time, the assistant noticed Wu Shaoying’s abnormality and asked with concern.
After hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s expression changed, and she said with a complicated expression.
“Xiao Yin, do you believe me when I said I’m going to space in two months?”
“Sister Yingying, are you kidding me?”
ISgS, the girls in the nanny’s car all laughed, especially Sister Xia, who looked at her even more curiously.
“Yingying, what are you talking about?”
Lei Yi smiled, but the three girls couldn’t laugh anymore, only Wu Shaoying looked at them leisurely, without any intention of joking… In the end, Sister Xia’s expression changed, and her tone was somewhat uncertain.
“That is not true, is it…”
Hearing this, Wu Ming Shiying nodded slightly towards them, and then explained it to them word by word.
After hearing the end, Sister Xia, the assistant and Ye Yingxin were all stunned.
After a long while, Ye Yingxin said in a sour tone,
“Sister Yingying, I really envy you!”
“Brother-in-law spoils you too much! Is this an unofficial decision?”
The little assistant also had an envious look on his face.
Even the experienced Sister Xia has complicated eyes at this time.
“Well, it’s not just for me, it was originally planned to bring 500 people up there… I just took it by the way.”
Seeing the envious gazes of several women, Wu Shaoying couldn’t help but explain.
“Really? So we have a chance?”
Hearing this, the little assistant’s eyes lit up.
“Of course, as long as the physical examination is passed, Wu Shaoying, who is generally not a big problem, replied after thinking about what Tang Zhenli told her.
And just as her voice fell, I saw a few girls staring straight at her space travel, who wouldn’t be tempted!

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