Feeding billions of people to eat dog food!

While the applause came from the main cab, netizens from all over the world who watched the live broadcast could clearly feel the dog food that Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying fed from thousands of miles apart!
In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded again!

“Fuck!!!! I feel so full after watching the live broadcast!!!!!!! I won’t eat for the next day!!!!”

“Kill the dog!! ! Kill the dog! ! ! Academician Xiao Tang killed the dog! ! ! Sister Tianxian kills the dog! ! ! The Dragon Kingdom officially kills the dog! ! !

“Bachelor’s Public Execution Night!!!!!”

“Don’t feed! Don’t feed! ! ! I’m full, and I’m dying to feed! ! ! ! ”

“I didn’t want to watch it when Academician Xiao Tang and Sister Tianxian were about to kiss, but I still watched it, and I wanted to watch it a few more times. Do you think it’s a bitch!!”

“Damn, is this the legendary love without borders!!! But can it be changed now, love has no bounds!! I can feel the sweetness of the sweet horse across thousands of miles!!”

“Brothers, why can’t I see it, just because I’m a male Tong?? By the way, are there any brothers coming to fencing!!

“Men Tong get rough! ! ! ”

“Nan Tong is disgusting!!!!”

Until the end, there was a barrage that caused everyone’s discussion.

“Does this count as feeding dog food to billions of people around the world!!!!!”

“Fuck, what do you say, it makes sense! I don’t know why, when I think of academician Xiao Tang and sister Tianxian feeding billions of people all over the world a belly of dog food, I suddenly feel better!!”

“I also feel much better after saying that. Is this the legend that one Lele is not as good as a group of Lele??? (funny)”

“It is possible that only Academician Xiao Tang and Sister Tianxian can forcefully feed billions of people a mouthful of dog food!!! 〃

“Is it okay to apply for the Guinness World Records directly? Showing affection to this extent, it is estimated that this record may not be broken in the future! ! 〃

At the same time, relatives and friends of Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying watched the scene of the two people spilling dog food in the live broadcast, and everyone felt differently.

As soon as Tang Ziyue saw it, she screamed and hurriedly said that she would pursue her own conditions one more time later, which quickly attracted the eyes of Chen Xinyao and Tang Lizhe.

After Wu Xingjian saw it, he didn’t know why, and felt a little cold in his heart. The expression on his face was like that of a child, and he looked very wronged. Yao Shihuai could only comfort him quickly when he saw this.

It’s okay to say that a married daughter is like water that has been poured out. It’s okay to adapt in advance…

However, these words of comfort obviously fell into Wu Xingjian’s ears, and they only felt so harsh…

As for the group of old men and women in the conference room of the Longguo Science and Technology Department, they all looked away after seeing Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying kissing, even Ji Chengtian coughed twice and turned his attention away from the live broadcast screen. .

It can be seen from this that the discomfort caused by eating dog food is not limited to young people…

space, inside the ‘Phoenix’,

After orbiting the Earth a few times, as expected, the ‘Phoenix’ is about to touch down.

Finally, the ‘Phoenix’ ran in orbit for nearly an hour, and under the command of the Northwest Space Base, it slowly descended towards the ground.

Normally, the landing of the ‘Phoenix’ is obviously very important, even more important than the time of take-off, it will definitely attract everyone’s attention!
But after Tang Zhenli’s marriage proposal, the focus of billions of people was no longer on the landing of the ‘Phoenix’, but on the immortal couple in the center of the live broadcast screen!

And the planning of the main station of Longguo also seems to be able to feel what everyone wants to see. The picture of the camera has not been turned, and it has been staying in the main cab!
At this moment, Wu Shaoying, who was in Tang Zhenli’s arms, spoke up, and a muffled voice reached Tang Zhenli’s ears.

“Tang Zhenli, after working on the ‘Phoenix’, what do you plan to do next?”

The words were full of earnestness and hope.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli smiled, knowing Wu Shaoying’s thoughts in his heart, and said softly.

“It’s been so long, I should take a break…”

When the words fell, Wu Shaoying’s little head moved slightly, then she hugged Tang Zhenli tightly, and responded in a dull tone.


After that, the two hugged each other for a while.

At this time, the ‘Phoenix’ was already slowly descending, and in the announcement of the broadcast, everyone returned to the ship’s cabin as usual when they came.

Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying were no exception.

However, after returning to the ship’s cabin, Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli were stunned when they looked at the little assistant who was sleeping on the seat…

It turned out that the little assistant’s mind was tense due to being too nervous before taking off, and finally fell asleep, and has slept until now.
“Xiao Yin, wake up!”
Wu Shaoying hurriedly woke up the little assistant, and then saw that the little assistant raised her eyelids with difficulty, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes, and she saw the ring on Wu Shaoying’s finger at first sight. He looked at Tang Zhenli and then at Wu Shaoying.

“Sister Yingying, ring… ring!”

“Yes, Xiao Yin, you missed it, I’m already your brother-in-law’s fiancee!!!”

Although this sounded obedient, Wu Shaoying smiled at the assistant and sat down with Tang Zhenli in the same position.

Only the little assistant is left to doubt life!
Somewhere, she felt as if she had missed a lot…
But at present, her mind is in chaos, and she has no clue for a while!

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