The Heavenly Palace Project! ! ! !
Longguo Science and Technology Department, meeting room,
The entire conference room could only feel a serious atmosphere, and no one spoke.
Ji Chengtian sat in the first seat with documents in front of him, and all of this was an evaluation of the next step of the Tianting plan.
The first phase of the Heavenly Court Project has been successfully completed, and it has harvested exceptionally rich results.
Even the effect achieved by the Phoenix is ​​far beyond their imagination.
With the end of the first stage, the agenda for the second stage of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ is urgent! So that’s the topic of today’s meeting!
“Comrades, I am very happy that our current Phoenix has successfully made its maiden flight and returned smoothly, bringing us so much good news!”
Heart, Ji Chengtian said slowly, taking the lead in applauding!
Afterwards, the heads of the 19 departments of the Science and Technology Ministry who were sitting off the field also applauded.
“However, the temporary success does not mean everything, we must not be complacent, we have achieved the results in front of us, but we cannot stand still in the future, that is to say, the second stage of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ must be decided as soon as possible! !”
Ji Chengtian slowly put down his hand and said very seriously.
The people who can sit here are all heads of departments of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Among them, they know the countless detours that the Dragon Kingdom has gone through. Today, the strength of the Dragon Kingdom has finally reached a new stage. However, as the senior leaders of Longguo scientific research, they have no time to enjoy the process of stage victory, because they still have to decide on the next step of Longguo scientific research.
step direction! ! !
“Do you have anything to say?”
Ji Chengtian glanced around the crowd, and then said slowly.
“Everyone can say what they think about the second phase of the Heavenly Court Project!”
This meeting is not to block everyone here, they can speak freely and talk about their thoughts on the plan of heaven.
Although the expert group has discussed it before, the discussion before this is inevitable!
The voice fell, and the people sitting off the field began to express their thoughts one by one.
“Now the Phoenix large-scale aerospace strategic platform has been successful, and the space strategic force is ready to be established! Next, the focus should be on alien exploration! The best target at present is the moon! ! ”
“Ji Bu, I also think that under the premise of the gradual improvement of controllable nuclear fusion technology, although the energy problem is no longer a problem, we cannot stop the exploration and development of technology!!!”
“Our exploration of the moon is far from these small ideas! We are too restricted in our own steps, and we can only use our limited brains to think about its beauty, but how can a planet be imagined by us.”
More and more people began to speak, and the words were full of eagerness to explore!
A truly giant planet, the guardian of the planet and the source of their prying eyes.
“I don’t think we can just keep our feet on the moon, there are so many planets waiting for us to explore! We can look a little further.”
The head of one of the departments said slowly.
“In the moon, we have found a lot of substances that are not found on the earth, I think we can increase the research efforts to put this
These substances are used in practical life. ”
The voice fell, the conference room was a little quiet, and everyone’s eyes showed a look of thinking.
These responsible persons are particularly interested in freshly produced substances, and under the knowledge of books and their own continuous exploration, they are almost ready to analyze everything.
Although they are not yet ready for it, they are willing to work hard for it.
“Go forward step by step and keep your heels firm, and never be too aggressive!”
Ji Chengtian frowned slightly and shook his head at the various speculations and thoughts of the person in charge.
He let these people speak freely, not to carry out those fantasies in the void.
Even if they clearly know that the moon has all kinds of scarce materials, they have to move forward step by step.
“Now our main goal should still be on the moon, which is the closest planet to us and the outer space world we know best!”
Too radical, before the moon has not been studied clearly, looking elsewhere will only make them arrogant.
“Yes! But when we conduct research, we should also pay more attention to the safety of those researchers, and we can relax the requirements a little bit.”
With the Phoenix, they have a springboard between the Earth and the Moon.
This will greatly accelerate the exploration of the moon!
They can also experiment with it, what kind of physique can stay on the moon for a longer time!
“After all, we are going to carry out mining operations on the moon, and the unmanned tactical mech should be competent enough!”
Li Wei slowly put forward his own ideas and opinions.
dragonThere is an old saying in the country, more people are more powerful!
It can be fully manifested at this time.
Ji Chengtian nodded calmly and affirmed Li Wei’s idea.
Before this, the unmanned tactical mech had the task of mining and exploration in anticipation. Next, the focus of the Dragon Kingdom should be on the exploration and mining of the moon! ! !

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