The difficulty of the Tiangong plan!
With the efficient operation of the scientific research community in the Dragon Kingdom, the Sisheng Research Institute, as one of the most advanced research institutes in the Dragon Kingdom, is unavoidable to discuss and participate in the ‘Tiangong Project’.
After a period of discussion, the Ministry of Science and Technology has sorted out a series of difficulties according to the expectations of the ‘Tiangong Project’!
Now to complete the interstellar colony, there are still several major difficulties that have not been overcome. Until these problems are solved, all this is just a fantasy.
Eight Dragons Technology has ensured that there are enough people, and all the experts and tutors who have studied these related topics have been dispatched.
The location of the discussion was chosen at the Sisheng Research Institute, which was temporarily free.
In the research of the ‘Tiangong Project’ in the Four Saints Research Institute, Tang Zhenli is naturally among them.
Even looking at the cases that have failed in the past, Tang Zhenli specially assigned a group of people to analyze the specific reasons for the failure of these cases.
For a period of time, the four “847” holy institutes were brightly lit all night, and many experts and scholars who were called in did not sleep to conduct research.
After all, the lunar base is no more than the ‘Phoenix’, and the fields and technologies covered by the ‘Tiangong Project’ are very much.
The first big problem they face now is how to solve the main energy supply problem in the lunar base.
Although fossil fuels are now the mainstream, once in space, fossil fuels have become a very backward option.
“Our Hall thruster technology has been at the forefront of the world and can complete the propulsion of small and medium-sized spacecraft, but for the power consumption
Consumption is a bit scary. ”
At a technical research conference, when someone mentioned that the consumption of electricity was terrifying, Tang Zhenli said in a calm tone.
“If you can,
The application of controllable nuclear fusion technology in space, the Sisheng Institute can be responsible.

Hearing Tang Zhenli’s words, the scholar who asked the question just now suddenly lit up.
Now that the father of controllable nuclear fusion has spoken, the energy issue will not be a problem.
In fact, what he is waiting for is Tang Zhenli’s speech, if the Sisheng Research Institute can make a move in the field of controllable nuclear fusion energy that it is good at
, Then the energy problem of the ‘Tiangong Project’ can be considered solved.
In his previous idea, when going to space, it is a matter of course to use solar sails, but now that there are better options, it is not more rigid than rigid
on the sun sail.
“Now that our goal has become a sea of ​​stars, why should we keep our eyes on the original routine?” Tang Zhenli added.
Seeing Tang Zhenli speak, all the experts and scholars in the room immediately froze.
Although Tang Zhenli is the youngest among all the experts and scholars, the three words of Tang Zhenli alone carry a lot of weight! Later, in the first discussion meeting, with Tang Zhenli’s decision.
The ‘Tiangong Project’ solved the colony’s energy storage method and energy utilization method once and for all. Just after solving the energy problem, a bigger stumbling block appeared in front of them.
As a key component of the ‘Tiangong Project’.
The ecological dome is also their top priority.
Only by establishing a self-sufficient ecological dome, the moon base in the ‘Tiangong Project’ can achieve space colonization.
Then all the research they are doing now is meaningful.
However, the ecological dome technology has no precursor technology support, which means that it is not very difficult to start from scratch.
At this time, experts and scholars in related fields from all over the Dragon Kingdom gathered at the Sisheng Research Institute.
However, until now, no experts and scholars have made a successful adaptive and circular ecosystem solution.
If this is the case, that is to say, after going to space, they have a high probability of relying on external supplies, and there is no way to be self-sufficient.
This would be a deadly trouble for space colonies.
It’s good to say that these space stations stuck in low-Earth orbit, once they really get to the moon and rely on supplies so much, how much time will it take?The energy and funds are simply astronomical.
Therefore, the research and development of ecosystem solutions that can adapt to the cycle is really urgent!
Naturally, a discussion on solving this difficult problem will follow.
At the meeting, the main question was raised.
“What embarrasses us now is the corrosive effect of these carbonic acids on building materials. We have tried countless combinations of materials, but very few can withstand this corrosive effect.”
After the man’s voice fell, all the experts and scholars present were contemplative.
However, many experts and scholars looked in Tang Zhenli’s direction.
There is no way, Tang Zhenli’s reputation is too great now, and almost all the scholars in Longguo’s scientific research circle regard him as the backbone.
Seeing these people turn their eyes to him, Tang Zhenli also had a headache.
He is not a scholar in this field, so why do you look at yourself?
However, before participating in the discussion, he also temporarily had a general understanding of the eco-dome technology.
Tang Zhenli had already read the original plans and experimental records related to the dome, but there were very few useful ones…
Among these programs,
Each attempt at a dome is a breakthrough. After denying the design of the previous domes, the problematic ones

Some improvements have been made.
However, these practices did not achieve the desired results.
These domes, after making changes, end up with the same dilemma, and the biggest problem.
There is no way for them to reproduce a complete ecosystem in a small space.
After several discussions without any results, the discussion meeting could only be concluded hastily.
After returning to the laboratory,
Looking at these failed plans, Tang Zhenli always felt that he seemed to have missed something.
While Tang Zhenli was studying these failed experiment reports, Wu Shaoying walked in with a cup of hot tea.
Since the engagement, Wu Shaoying would appear in Tang Zhenli’s laboratory from time to time, and the staff members were tactful and did not stop her.
At this time, seeing Tang Zhenli’s pensive face, Wu Shaoying couldn’t help poking her head over. After seeing the previous question, Wu Shaoying subconsciously
“Did the research and development of these domes be too entangled in being small and comprehensive?” During this period of time, she also understood these things.
Hearing Wu Shaoying’s words, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help being stunned for a moment. Although Wu Shaoying’s words seemed unprofessional, they gave him a hint of inspiration.
In the next second, Tang Zhenli turned over all the materials he had read before, and read all the problems in it. With his eyes flickering, he also realized the fatal mistake of these plans.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli jumped up and hugged Wu Shaoying excitedly. Seeing this, she couldn’t help but turn a little rosy.
At this time, Tang Zhenli finally knew what was wrong with him just now, exactly where it was.
These dome experiments are all obsessed with building an entire ecosystem in a small space.
And I was led into this wrong idea preconceived.
If it wasn’t for Wu Shaoying who suddenly woke him up, I’m afraid it was him, and he would have to persist in this problem for a long time.
After hugging Wu Shaoying tightly, Tang Zhenli murmured softly.
After the couple had been warm for a while,
Tang Zhenli then turned around and threw himself directly in front of the experiment table, constantly writing his latest research plan.
far away


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