: Hiring the Space Strategic Force
The space strategic force is different from the ordinary force, its strategic duty location, the quality of the soldiers and other requirements are different from those of the ordinary force.
And these kinds of requirements are not generally high.
Just the precise control of the ‘Phoenix’ is not something ordinary people can learn.
In the meeting room,
The old man in the lead looked at the reactions of everyone in the conference room, and then continued.
“The completion of the space strategic force must be accelerated. I have received the above notice. In the second phase of the “Tianting Project”, our space strategic force will play an important role…”
The voice fell, and the expressions of everyone present moved, and they all showed the look of thinking.
Seeing this, the old man continued.
“At present, the above-mentioned requirements for our space strategic force are to serve as transportation, escort and other tasks in the ‘Tiangong Project’…”
In fact, these requirements were decided unanimously by a group of experts and scholars in the Dragon Kingdom.
In the early stage of the ‘Heavenly Palace Project’,
Some basic materials, instruments and equipment, as well as personnel, need to be used as a springboard for the “Phoenix” for transportation and escort mission 093.
Moreover, the production line of the “Phoenix” series of large-scale aerospace carriers has begun to be constructed. In the future, the space strategic force of the Dragon Kingdom will not be able to.It’s not just the ‘Phoenix’, an empty space carrier.
At that time, the space carrier group represented by the “Phoenix” will serve as the biggest guarantee for the Dragon Kingdom to stand on top of the world!
In fact, after the successful maiden flight of Dragon Kingdom’s “Phoenix”, various countries in the international community are also proceeding in an orderly manner with the research and development of this type of aerospace carrier.
After all, now that the controllable nuclear fusion technology, which is the basic technology of the space carrier, is made public, not only the Dragon Kingdom has in-depth research in this area, but other countries have made breakthroughs in this field with each passing day.
Under this environment,
If Longguo stagnates, it is very likely to be overtaken by a curve, thus losing its current dominant position in the international community.
This is why the Dragon Council is eager to launch the ‘Tiangong Project’.
To put it more broadly, at this critical moment of human civilization, there is no party that does not want to explore the universe as a pioneer of mankind!
To put it bluntly, for the status in the international community, this is likely to be an opportunity to reshuffle the cards.
In the meeting room,
After the old man in the lead finished speaking for a while, a younger-looking soldier with a resolute face looked a little strange. After hesitating, he raised his hand, and then said to the old man in the first seat.
“Chief, the current handover of the ‘Phoenix’, when our technicians are handing over…may be a little difficult…”
As the middle-aged soldier’s voice fell, everyone present also showed a little thought.
Obviously, the reason for this is very simple. It is necessary for military technicians to learn how to control the space carrier in a short period of time… To be honest, it is indeed a bit embarrassing…
And the middle-aged soldier who spoke saw the silence in the room, his complexion changed for a while, and he hesitated to speak.
The middle-aged man is called Meng Siyuan, and his identity is the first officer of the newly established space strategic force. Naturally, he is more clear about the specific process of the handover of the “Phoenix” than other people.
At this time, the old man who was in charge obviously noticed Meng Siyuan’s strangeness. His eyes flickered and he understood slightly. Then he turned his head and said to him.
“If you have any suggestions, just speak up? Isn’t the purpose of the meeting to discuss?”
Hearing this, Meng Siyuan was sure, and then said in a solemn tone.
“Chief, I think that if we want to complete the handover with the ‘Phoenix’ as soon as possible, the fastest way is to transfer the personnel of the ‘Phoenix’ research and development team and technical team to military status, and then our own technicians can be trained step by step. , don’t stick to the moment…”
As Meng Siyuan’s voice fell, everyone in the conference room looked slightly thoughtful, and many people already nodded slightly in agreement.
Even the old man in the lead stared at him, as if he was thinking about it. After a while, the old man in the lead continued to talk to him.
“Go on, be more detailed…”
Seeing that the chief recognized his thoughts, Meng Siyuan’s eyes lit up immediately.
Then he said directly.
“Chief, in my anticipation, Academician Tang, who is the general manager of the ‘Phoenix’, must be the main target. I suggest that the position of Chief Advisor of the Space Strategic Force discussed earlier should be transferred to the military…”
“With Academician Tang here, our technicians can work more efficiently with the R&D and technical teams of the ‘Phoenix’…”
“More importantly, once the strategic space force is established, the new weapons and combat methods it brings will also need to be changed. At this time, the military needs high-tech talents like Academician Tang…”
As Meng Siyuan confided his inner thoughts, the high-ranking members of the Dragon Kingdom military who were present nodded again and again, and even the old man in the lead looked pensive.
However, judging from his demeanor, it is obvious that he has changed a little bit about Meng Siyuan’s suggestion.
“However, the biggest problem now is how to allow Academician Tang to join the military. Even a short-term assistance is acceptable… I am afraid that the Ministry of Science and Technology will not let people go…”
After the last voice fell, the top military officials of the Dragon Kingdom were also slightly taken aback.
In this way, it is indeed difficult…
You know, the current academician Tang is a hot scientific research scholar in Longguo and even in the whole world.
This kind of existence that can leave a name in history, let alone whether the Ministry of Science and Technology is willing to release people, is Academician Tang’s personal wish, which is also extremely important.
Even if they are the Dragon Kingdom’s military, it still depends on Tang Zhenli’s personal wishes.
After all, Tang Zhenli’s current position is in place, and no one can let such a person take action against his will.
Thinking of this, the atmosphere in the meeting room became more and more silent.
As time passed, more and more people’s eyes fell on the old man in the first seat…
After another half hour, the head of the old man’s eyes flickered, and a gleam flashed across his eyes, and then he got up and said.
“Well, Academician Tang will negotiate with the Ministry of Science and Technology. The specific result… depends on the situation…”
After the words fell, everyone’s hearts were shocked. They didn’t expect that the leader of the Dragon Kingdom’s military would actually appear in person at this moment, and judging by his expression, he didn’t have much confidence..
But seeing that the top leaders have taken action, this matter can be regarded as settled. As for the result, we can only see the follow-up situation…

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