Intercepting the ‘Death God’ Planetary Defense Conference
Longguo Astronomical Observatory,
Since the beginning of the year, I received the ‘letter’ from Tianpengzuo for 100,000 years.
During this whole year, the observation department in the Longguo Astronomical Observatory has already made full preparations.
For higher work efficiency, the staff in the cosmic monitoring room also changed from two shifts to three shifts.
As the current ‘letter’ has not been deciphered, this state may continue for a long time.
It was already late at night, but the two staff members on duty did not dare to be careless, and were still sitting in front of the main console full of energy.
The two were chatting, hoping to use this method to relieve their troubles.
Right at this moment, a staff member felt a red light flashing from the corner of his eye, which made his heart skip a beat.
Subconsciously, he turned his head to look at a screen in the corner of the monitoring room.
Since the ‘Letter’ event in Tianpeng, the observatory has placed the screen for observing cosmic radiation and wavelengths in the center.
The observation screen for other celestial bodies is conveniently placed in the corner of the monitoring room.
“Hey, look, what is that?”
At this time, the slightly younger staff member turned his head to look, and asked his colleagues curiously.
Hearing this, another staff member followed his gaze.
It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t look at it, this look shocked his heart.
What caught his eye at this moment was the monitor display screen in the corner, and the scarlet light continued to flicker.
And what this means, it is self-evident to him with long working experience!
Danger Alert! ! !
In an instant, the two quickly got up and walked towards the monitor screen in the corner. The expressions of the two of them were visibly solemn.I prayed secretly, hoping that there was a problem with the monitoring equipment.
After the two walked to the screen, the phone in the monitoring room suddenly rang.
“Jingle Bell~”
I saw two staff members looking at each other, and then the older one said to the younger one.
“Go pick it up, I’ll keep watching.”
“it is good..”
Hearing this, the younger staff member also nodded, and then quickly walked towards the telephone station.
The older staff squatted in front of the monitoring screen that was continuously flashing red light, and recognized at a glance that this was a binocular refractor called the ‘Earth Sentinel’ belonging to the Longguo Astronomical Observatory.
The telescope’s mission is to monitor near-Earth asteroids and then issue alerts.
Judging from the situation just now, there should be some kind of important discovery.
With this in mind, he wanted to call up the telescope’s previous record.
In this case, there should be a near-Earth asteroid with a wind direction that collides with the Earth.
Generally speaking, this kind of risk can be encountered once in a few years, although each time it has been proven that the probability is too low and it is a false alarm.
But that doesn’t mean this monitoring is irrelevant.
After seeing the star map fed back by the binoculars, his pupils could not help shrinking.
Looking at these two different negatives shot in the same sky area, there is also a faint, faint, dim and elongated star idea.
Sure enough, it’s an asteroid!
After realizing it, one of his heart instantly lifted.
At this moment, there was a movement from the other side of the monitoring room, and it should be the phone.
Seeing this, he followed quickly and walked over there.
Before he could get close, he saw his colleague speak to the other end of the phone with a look of astonishment, his expression still lingering in fear.
“…I understand, I’ll report to the top..”
After speaking, he hung up the phone, and then he asked his colleague.
“Is it from the ‘Earth Sentinel’ observatory?”
The colleague nodded with difficulty.
“Yes, according to the ‘Earth Sentinel’ observatory, this asteroid’s orbit is quite close to the earth..”
Hearing this, his pupils shrank slightly, and then his professionalism forced him to calm down. He looked at this new colleague and patted his shoulder to comfort him.
“Don’t worry, this kind of thing can happen once in a few years, just report it up truthfully.”
As he spoke, he forced himself to smile, and the younger colleague calmed down a little.
Then the two of them handed in the report to the expert group attached to the Longguo Astronomical Observatory.
The specific results need to be consistent with the study to know.
A few days later, Ji Chengtian was awakened by a loud phone ringing in the middle of the night.
Generally speaking, a person of Ji Chengtian’s level lives in a house with a direct-connected landline phone, so he can be better informed if there is a very urgent matter.
Ji Chengtian, who was woken up, rubbed his temples, and after his eyes regained clarity, he picked up the handle.
“Hey~ I’m Ji Chengtian!”
The voice fell, and there was a rapid sound from the other end of the phone.
“Hello Ji, I’m Gong Jianbo, the station director of the Longguo Astronomical Observatory. Recently, my station observed an terrestrial asteroid. After the orbit calculation of the expert team of our station, the probability of its planetary orbit hitting the earth is estimated to be 100%. Fifty of them!”
After the voice on the other end of the phone finished speaking, even Ji Chengtian was stunned for a while, and then his mind went blank.
After a long while, he came back to his senses, and said to the other end of the phone with a heavy tone.
“What you said, are you sure it’s true?”
After speaking, he quietly waited for the other party’s answer.
“Ji Bu, it’s absolutely true. The result is that after several days and nights of discussions, the result just now, I have sent the detailed documents to your mailbox as soon as possible, you can take a closer look!”
After the news was confirmed, Ji Chengtian’s expression became more and more solemn, but it was only solemn, and he didn’t have too many negative emotions.
Thinking about it, Ji Chengtian forced his mind to calm down and said immediately.
“Okay, I see, this news cannot be disclosed, so as not to cause panic, remember, this is an order!”
“Yes, Ji Bu!”
After speaking, Ji Chengtian just hung up the phone.
After hanging up the phone, Ji Chengtian’s expression revealed an anxiety.
If the news is indeed true, then the big thing is not good!

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