Death Line
On the surface, after realizing that the human crisis has been resolved.
Looking at the scattered meteor shower in the sky, all human beings are in a carnival at this moment.
However, after the carnival, most people flocked to the live broadcast platform immediately.
Looking at Tang Zhenli who is still alone in the main control room in the picture, I feel reverence in my heart!
What a great feat to save all mankind alone!
This kind of scene that only appears in movies is being played out by Tang Zhenli in real life at this moment!
At this moment, he has become the hero of all mankind!
But before they had a glimpse of Tang Zhenli’s demeanor, they heard Tang Zhenli’s voice ordering everyone on the ‘Phoenix’.
And this order fell into everyone’s ears verbatim.
At this moment, they all know,
The crisis of the “Phoenix”… is coming!
The shock wave generated by the explosion of the “Reaper” asteroid impacted the “Phoenix”……
Even the most stupid people can guess the serious consequences.
In an instant, the eyes of all the viewers watching the live broadcast were no longer excited, but worried.
17 “Professor Tang, don’t be in trouble!”
“Heroes who save mankind shouldn’t die like this! The ‘Phoenix’ will definitely survive this crisis, just like humans!”
“Objectively speaking, based on the energy generated by the explosion of the ‘Reaper’, this time… the ‘Phoenix’ may be more or less ominous… The slightest is the result of the hull breaking or leaking… The most serious is the ‘Phoenix’ ‘Lose power and fall or even disintegrate…'”
“Shut up, you don’t need to deal with customers at this time!”
The moment this remark appeared, it was directly overwhelmed by abuse.
existAt this moment, there has never been a scene where all human beings are attached to one person.
Shanghai market, Dijing Mansion,
After a false alarm, the family returned to their home and immediately started the live broadcast.
Similarly, the family who had no time to celebrate suddenly heard the sad news.
At this moment, both Chen Xinyao and Tang Ziyue’s mother and daughter looked at the lonely figure on the screen with red eyes, and the intense worry in their eyes was beyond words.
Tang Lizhe also watched the live broadcast with a depressed expression, and a sense of powerlessness as a father emerged in his heart.
This is, Tang Ziyue, who was curled up next to Chen Xinyao, looked sad. Looking at her own brother on the screen, she couldn’t help but weakly said to her mother.
“Mom, do you think brother will…”
But before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a vicious voice.
“To shut up!”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue was taken aback, but looking at her mother with sharp eyes at this time, she also knew that she had said something wrong, her little head could not help shrinking on her knees, and she felt a little guilty in her heart.
Chen Xinyao in front of her was like a female animal about to lose her child, her heart was extremely sensitive.
Whenever someone mentions Tang Zhenli’s situation at this time, his reason will be overwhelmed by emotion in an instant.
On the other side, Yandu, Jinling Bieyuan.
The atmosphere among the four girls on the sofa was incomparably solemn, and the reasons for this naturally need not be elaborated.
Wu Shaoying clasped her fists together, her entire delicate body trembling uncontrollably. She looked at the live broadcast with a pale face, and under the tension in her heart, her lips were bitten with blood oozing out.
But she didn’t notice any of this, because now Wu Shaoying is completely focused on the back on the screen.
“…Never! Don’t worry! Tang Zhenli, I’m still waiting for you to come back and marry me!”
While thinking about it, Wu Shaoying’s eye sockets were moist, and tears were about to burst out in the next second, but in the end she held back.
While the other three girls looked at Wu Shaoying’s appearance at this time, they couldn’t help showing a bit of pity and distress on their faces.
However, at this critical moment, no amount of comfort would only put pressure on Wu Shaoying’s spirit, so they were very sensible and did not speak.
Including the little assistant, the little Baozi also had a serious face, leaning against Wu Shaoying and hugging her arm tightly.
At this moment, with a pure heart, she could only think of silently comforting Wu Shaoying in this way.
On the other side, the Longguo Science and Technology Department,
Ji Chengtian returned to the ground office with a serious expression while watching the live broadcast, and at the same time had a conference call with the heads of the major aerospace bases in Longguo.
Hearing some noisy voices on the phone, Ji Chengtian’s face showed a bit of anger.
By this time, are you still scruples about this and that?
Rao Ji Chengtian, who has always been mild-tempered, couldn’t bear it anymore.
In the next moment, Ji Chengtian slapped the table hard, so hard that the voice could be transmitted directly to the other side through the phone.
Immediately, Ji Chengtian said with an extremely serious expression, his tone was not negotiable at all.
“I don’t care how many scruples you have! Immediately mobilize all space stations 127 in orbit to move towards the direction of the ‘Phoenix’. If something happens to Academician Tang, you all resign voluntarily!”
At this moment, Ji Chengtian didn’t even hide the slightest bit, and directly expressed his thoughts.
If the worst outcome really happens, then he has only one idea, he can’t care about others, he only wants Tang Zhenli to live!
Although this order looks cruel, it is extremely real.
To be realistic, let’s not talk about Tang Zhenli’s previous scientific research achievements.
As far as the present is concerned, the value of Tang Zhenli alone far exceeds everything else!
After all, he just saved all mankind with his own strength!
At the same time that Ji Chengtian’s voice fell, all kinds of noisy voices on the phone were suddenly choked.
Moments later, the heads of various space bases gave affirmative answers.
After hanging up the phone, Ji Chengtian let out a long breath, and then looked at Tang Zhenli in the picture without blinking, feeling a little helpless under the worry in his heart.
Now, he can only do what he can do…
As for the result, he couldn’t predict it.

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