: Ji Chengtian’s Surprised Perfect Order
in the room,
Tang Zhenli just looked at Wu Shaoying who was sleeping soundly, as if he couldn’t get tired of watching it.
And time gradually passed by…
Not long after, several hours have passed since Tang Zhenli first arrived.
In the end, until the door of Wu Shaoying’s room was knocked, and then the doorknob was turned open, Tang Ziyue walked in with a cautious expression.
Once in the room, wait until you see Wu Shaoying lying in Tang Zhenli’s arms.
Tang Ziyue subconsciously uttered a scream, and immediately covered her face with her hands, as if she was afraid of seeing something she shouldn’t see.
However, it can be seen from the big black eyes protruding from between the fingers that covering his face is just a pretense.
And this kind of movement also woke up Wu Shaoying, who was sleeping soundly in Tang Zhenli’s arms. After seeing Tang Ziyue, thinking that she was still lying in Tang Zhenli’s arms, a red spot appeared on Wu Shaoying’s face. Freed from his arms.
Tang Ziyue here still covered his face, looked at the two of them through his fingers, and said in a strange tone.
“Brother, sister-in-law, it’s time to eat!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression was the same, but the shyness on Wu Shaoying’s face was even worse.
In the end, Tang Zhenli said calmly. 157
As he spoke, Tang Zhenli glanced at her, as if he wanted her to leave quickly.
Unexpectedly, Tang Ziyue didn’t seem to see the hint in Tang Zhenli’s eyes. Instead of leaving, she put her hands down from her face and walked towards the bed with a single step.
While walking, he looked at the bed for anything unusual.
When he came close, Tang Ziyue’s expression changed, and then he raised his head and asked Tang Zhenli, his tone full of doubts.
“Brother, sister-in-law, do you…”
“Oh, Ziyue!”
Unexpectedly, in the middle of speaking, he was interrupted by the embarrassed Wu Shaoying.
Tang Zhenli, who heard the words, was also taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes narrowed, and he also understood what Tang Ziyue was talking about…
This little girl…is becoming more and more mature!
Thinking about it, with quick eyes and quick hands, he stretched out his right hand and wrung Tang Ziyue’s face hard.
The next moment, Tang Ziyue let out a scream that was far better than that of just now.
“Ah~ Tang Zhenli! Let go! Let go!”
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli frowned when he heard the words, and added some strength to his hands.
The next second, Tang Ziyue screamed even louder, and then said in a hurry.
“Ah~ Brother! Brother….I was wrong…”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli glared at her indifferently, and then let go of his right hand.
Immediately, Tang Ziyue quickly took two steps back as if she had been pardoned, and then quickly rubbed her hands against the flushed part of her face. Tears filled her eyes, and she glanced at Tang Zhenli resentfully.
Isn’t it just a question of congratulations? As for such a big reaction?
Seeing Tang Ziyue’s unconvinced look, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but let out a cold snort from his nasal cavity.
Wu Shaoying, who had been watching the fight between the siblings, showed a slight smile on his face.
Obviously, I have learned from Chen Xinyao more than once before that the two brothers and sisters have been in love and killing each other since they were young…
So at this time, she is not surprised, on the contrary, she feels bursts of warmth.
Tang Zhenli’s attitude towards this younger sister is unique in the world!
At least she hadn’t seen this kind of attitude when Tang Zhenli was with others…
Because when I was with Tang Ziyue, maybe because I grew up together, Tang Zhenli rarely showed a childish side…
In layman’s terms, it’s okay if Tang Ziyue is honest, and Tang Zhenli can still maintain the image of a warm-hearted brother.
If it’s funny, don’t blame Tang Zhenli for being ‘ruthless’.
Although the means of sanctions seem naive, they are very effective against Tang Ziyue…
And such a heavy brother-sister relationship, I am afraid that only Tang Ziyue can “enjoy” it alone…
Just as the atmosphere was stalemate, the voices of both parents’ parents urging came from downstairs.
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying had no choice but to get up, looking at the pajamas she was wearing, her pretty face showed some distress, then she turned her head and said to Tang Zhenli who was still confronting Tang Ziyue.
“Tang Zhenli…can you… go out for a while, I want to change…”
Saying that, her pretty face couldn’t help but turn red.
Although the relationship between her and Tang Zhenli no longer has to be scruples, but now that she is at Wu Shaoying’s house, it is inevitable that Wu Shaoying will still feel embarrassed.
“Okay! Then I’ll wait for you outside!”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also turned his head, smiled at Wu Shaoying, squeezed her delicate and white palm lightly, and stood up as he spoke.Go outside.
Before leaving, she also took away Tang Ziyue, who wanted to stay.
At this point, the two brothers and sisters confronted Wu Shaoying at the door of Wu Shaoying’s room again.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that the door was opened, and Wu Shaoying, who had changed her clothes, reappeared in front of the two of them.
The eyes of the brothers and sisters were attracted.
Almost at the same time, a bit of surprise flashed in the eyes of the two brothers and sisters at the same time.
Although Wu Shaoying was only wearing ordinary home clothes at this time, the brothers and sisters felt astonished at first glance.
Moreover, due to the weak temperament emanating from her weak body, Wu Shaoying added a bit of glamour to the current Wu Shaoying.
Between every movement and stillness, there is a characteristic that radiates from her.
It’s like, when it is quiet, it is like a beautiful flower shining on the water, and when it is moving, it is like a weak willow supporting the wind.
The heart is more dry and one hole is more, and the disease is like Xizi winning by three points!
Seeing that the two brothers and sisters were staring at him for a moment, Wu Shaoying couldn’t help touching her pretty face, and asked the two of them with some doubts.
“What’s the matter? Is there something on my face?”
As he spoke, he wanted to turn around and go back to the mirror in the room.
Unexpectedly, she was directly stopped by Tang Zhenli, who saw Tang Zhenli staring at her in a daze, and said in a gentle tone.
“It’s okay, let’s go down first…”
As he said that, he took Wu Shaoying’s left hand and walked towards the stairs.
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue on the other side couldn’t help but pursed her lips out of grievance.
Damn Tang Zhenli! Heavy color light girl!
Thinking about it, he also moved his footsteps, and quickly followed.

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