Misunderstanding resolved? ? ?
The Chinese New Year is the most leisure time for all the citizens of Long Kingdom.
After the New Year’s Eve dinner, everyone stayed at home.
There are only those kinds of pastimes, either watching the annual party with relatives, or swiping the phone
So after Wu Shaoying posted the family photo, there was a lot of people surfing the Internet, and it immediately caused a wave of heated discussions on the Internet.
After all, the matter of Wu Shaoying’s divorce before was a big uproar.
However, after seeing this family photo, more than 80% of netizens fell silent.
Seeing Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying embracing each other with a sweet smile on their faces
It doesn’t look like the result of a divorce, does it?
For a time, most netizens expressed that they could not accept it.
“Impossible, absolutely impossible! Isn’t Green Witch Shaoying aborted???!!!”
“Is this situation reconciled?”
“Upstairs, you’re drinking too much! Even if Academician Xiao Tang and Wu Shaoying are yellow, it won’t be your turn to line up.”
“Why does Academician Xiao Tang want to go back!!!! My sister can’t stand it!!!”
“Haven’t you thought about a question? What if sister Tianxian’s divorce from the beginning to the end is just a rumor? And in the photo, sister Tianxian and Academician Xiao Tang are not wearing rings?”
With the fall of this post, many netizens could not help but fall into silence
At this time, they were also thinking, if the divorce was just a rumor
Doesn’t it mean that they have been misunderstanding Sister Tianxian all this time.
For a time, all netizens seemed to realize it.
“It seems reasonable to say that.”
“Did we really misunderstand?”
“The official said it was a rumor at the time, and you still have conspiracy theories there?as smart as yourself”
“Don’t say it, I’ve already begun to feel guilty.”
“If you say that, why didn’t Wu Shaoying come out to refute the rumor during that time?”
“Dispel the rumors? Use your brains! At that time, you only wished to convict people. Would you believe them when you came out to refute the rumors? I’m afraid you would scold them more fiercely!”
“Didn’t it say that she had been suffering from unintelligible disasters some time ago?”
“Think about how hard you were scolding during that time! Tsk tsk”
“If you think about it, you will feel wronged for others”
As more and more previous speculations were overturned, Wu Shaoying’s reputation was instantly one-sided on the Internet, but it was only on the positive side.
At the same time, the family portrait posted by Wu Shaoying also became a hot search in an instant.
Yandu, in an apartment,
After the New Year’s Eve dinner, Liu Ling and Su Ran were sitting on the sofa reading news.
Looking at the expressions of the two at this time, it was obvious that they had already read Wu Shaoying’s family photo post.
After a long while, Liu Ling looked at the fishing reels on the Internet, her eyes were shimmering, and the corners of her eyes were slightly wet and she looked at her boyfriend.
“I knew my sister must not be that kind of person!”
As the head of Wu Shaoying’s national fan club, his feelings for Wu Shaoying are naturally deeper than others.
During the time when Wu Shaoying was slandered, she was still arguing with people tirelessly on the Internet, and now she sees Wu Shaoying regaining her innocence. Naturally, I am happy from the bottom of my heart. And her boyfriend Su Ran was also slightly touched by the news,
His confidence in Wu Shaoying was not as firm as Liu Linglai’s, and he automatically put himself in Tang Zhenli’s camp during the fishing reels in the previous period.
Naturally, she was deeply disgusted by such a chaotic woman.
But now it was proven to be a misunderstanding, and Su Ran couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for the misunderstanding.
Thinking about it, he looked at his girlfriend with a complicated look and said, with a touch of emotion.
“I was wrong. I can’t imagine the pressure she was under during that time. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been unbearable.”
After speaking, Liu Ling, who heard the words, also lowered her head slightly, showing some inexplicable sadness.
“My sister’s love for Academician Xiao Tang is really too deep, or else she would not fail to respond.”
Said, Liu Ling’s head gently leaned against her boyfriend’s arms, and her eyes flashed with admiration.
It is rare in the world to be so affectionate
And here Su Ran felt his girlfriend’s heartbeat, and there was a sense of stability in his heart.
“Yes, I hope the affection in the world will not be let down. After all, my sister is really a very good person! I’m afraid no man can do it”
The first half of these remarks made Liu Ling very satisfied, but the second half made Liu Ling’s eyes narrow, then she raised her head slightly and looked at her boyfriend leisurely.
“Very good is very good”
At this moment, Su Ran also felt a strange feeling from Liu Ling’s words, and then an inexplicable chill came to her heart, and she shuddered.
After quickly adjusting his thoughts, he lowered his head with a smile on his face, and said to his girlfriend with a smile, with a hint of coax in his tone.
“Of course it’s a little worse than you.”
Unexpectedly, Liu Ling did not let him go, but continued to ask, her tone a bit stiff.
“Then, as a man, can you block your sister’s charm?”
Hearing the words, Su Ran’s heart suddenly burst. With his mind active, the love words blurted out.
“It was unstoppable until I met you!”
“You know, you don’t have to sleep outside the room tonight!”
After she finished speaking, the chill on Liu Ling’s face melted after hearing the words. She seemed very satisfied with Su Ran’s answer, and gave him a charming glance.
When Su Ran saw this, her expression was also relaxed, and then she looked at her girlfriend’s sweet and lovely appearance.
With a burning heart, he hugged her and walked towards the room

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