Zhuyu is in front, tile stone dare not go beyond it!
Although Yandu, which is approaching April, can’t be considered warm and warm, it is no longer so bitterly cold.
Just as the winter that plagued the entire human race is about to dissipate, what will be greeted immediately is a thriving scene.
In Longke University, some green plants planted on both sides of the road and on the flower beds have been blooming. For a time, the entire campus of Longke University was filled with a faint fragrance.
Many students of Longke University strolled in the streets of the campus, enjoying this different kind of atmosphere.
Since Dragon University of Science and Technology decided to establish an undergraduate college last year and recruited undergraduates, the number of students enrolled in Dragon University of Science and Technology has increased in a visible way this year.
Although only a few undergraduate majors have been opened temporarily, Dragon University still admitted a lot of undergraduate students last year.
There is no other reason. There are too many people who signed up, and it has even exceeded Fu Zhiyuan’s expectations.
It even made him think that last year’s score line was set too low.
10 You must know that last year’s college entrance examination scores of Longke were comparable to those of Huaqing and Yanda.
But even so, there are still countless students who have reached the score line. In desperation, they have to accept them all.
This has also led to the fact that the originally “sparsely populated” Longke University now looks very lively.
whenHowever, the most discussed topic among the students walking on the campus streets is the latest explanation issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo.
Qingquan Road, as a main road in the campus of Longke University, naturally has a lot of traffic.
At this moment, it coincides with the time after school, so the students are naturally walking in groups.
Suddenly, Yingyingyanyan’s laughter came, which immediately attracted the attention of a large group of students. After all, Longke University is an engineering school.
What do engineering colleges lack the most? Needless to say, of course it’s a girl!
What’s more, there are still girls in a group. This is placed on the campus of Longke University, and the rate of return is 100%!
So in an instant, there was a sound of boys whispering nearby.
“Look, look at Tang Ziyue!!!???”
“Tang Ziyue? The cold goddess? Where is it?”
During a small discussion, several girls walked to the middle of the street, wandered among the boys, and walked towards the cafeteria. Tang Ziyue, who was being discussed by everyone, was naturally among them.
There’s no way. In engineering colleges, this scene is already commonplace.
?Tang Ziyue, who had just finished class, was holding a book among her roommates, with a troubled expression on her face. At this moment, she was wondering if Tang Zhenli had forgotten about her sister. There was no news for two days.
Did you agree to give yourself tutoring? I don’t reply to my own message
Back then, Tang Ziyue had dropped a lot of lessons because of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid. In desperation, she had no choice but to drag Tang Zhenli to make up lessons for her.
Although it seems a bit overkill, Tang Zhenli gave Tang Ziyue a small tutoring for undergraduates. I am afraid that word got out that many students around the world would fight for the land with their heads.
But who told Tang Ziyue to be Tang Zhenli’s biological sister? Back then, Tang Zhenli remembered Chen Xinyao’s entrustment to take good care of his younger sister.
So under Tang Ziyue’s begging, he reluctantly agreed.
But now it has been agreed that there will be one class every two days, but now there is no news!
Thinking of this, Tang Ziyue couldn’t help feeling a little anxious.
Damn, did this guy forget it?
No, I must go to him later!
As everyone knows, Tang Ziyue, who was thinking while walking, didn’t notice that the focus of attention of many boys was on her.
There is no doubt that Tang Ziyue is the most eye-catching one among this group of girls!
After enrolling for so long, Tang Ziyue has become quite well-known in Long Ke University, not because of Tang Zhenli’s fame. Now the students of Long Ke University still don’t know that Tang Ziyue is Tang Zhenli’s younger sister.
She got everyone’s attention entirely by virtue of her looks.
In the cognition of many students of Longke University, although Tang Ziyue has a pure and lovely bun face, he has a cold temper and an appearance that strangers should not enter.
This sense of harmony and contrast makes every boy fall for him when he sees it. The reason is very simple. Who wouldn’t want a cold but cute girlfriend?
So Tang Ziyue’s suitors in Longke University have always been quite a few, although she has never paid attention to them.
Of course, Tang Ziyue’s own personality was also to blame for this external perception.
Don’t look at her as a lively, lovely, eccentric girl in front of Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying, but she still appears very introverted when there are strangers around.
Only in front of acquaintances can she liberate her nature, which has led to people who don’t know her think that her personality is just like this.
So at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, her distressed expression was naturally replaced by aloofness.
At this time, Tang Ziyue’s closest roommate quietly listened to her, interrupting her thinking. Then he said softly.
“Ziyue, look, so many outstanding male students are quietly watching you? Why don’t you choose one of them?”
At the end, that roommate’s tone was also inexplicably narrow.
Here, after hearing roommate 413’s teasing, Tang Ziyue was slightly taken aback. As his thoughts turned, he subconsciously glanced at that roommate out of the corner of his eyes, then shook his head and didn’t speak.
Seeing this, the roommate was also taken aback.
It stands to reason that the students who can enter the Dragon University of Science and Technology are already considered top students in Longguo. As Tang Ziyue’s roommate, she couldn’t figure out why Tang Ziyue was so honest with the male students who admired her.
But what she didn’t know was that as Tang Zhenli’s own sister, no matter how excellent a student of Longke University was, under the influence of Tang Zhenli’s halo, in Tang Ziyue’s eyes, she became so mediocre.
Although Tang Ziyue’s rant about not marrying for life was just a joke in the eyes of the Tang family, under the indirect influence of Tang Zhenli, Tang Ziyue’s standard of judging people has also become surprisingly high.
Which girl is not pregnant, but in front of such a radiant brother, Tang Ziyue can’t tolerate other boys in his eyes.
To put it bluntly, these people are really ‘weak’ compared to their own brothers.
?May I ask, with pearls and jade in front, how dare tile and stone surpass it?
At least that’s how she is now, she has no idea of ​​contacting other boys at all.

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