The carrier of human consciousness!
On the other hand, Tang Zhenli quickly returned to the Four Saints Research Institute.
Because just now when he was dealing with Tang Ziyue’s affairs, he suddenly thought of an opportunity.
And this opportunity may even be related to the way humans fly to the higher order!
So after returning to the Four Saints Research Institute for the first time, Tang Zhenli immediately returned to the core laboratory on the third underground floor.
Upon entering the laboratory, Tang Zhenli first turned off all the lights.
Then he walked quietly to the main control platform. At this time, Tang Zhenli’s eyes seemed a little erratic, but in fact, his consciousness was immersed in his mind early.
“Miluo, is Miluo here?”
But even though he called for a long time, there was still no sound coming from Tang Zhenli’s mind, as if the Miluo in his mind had never come.
Just when he was a little disappointed, Miluo’s lazy voice came from Tang Zhenli’s consciousness slowly and slowly.
“What’s the matter, human boy?”
Hearing Miluo’s tone, Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.
“You justIs it sleeping at 210? Does the intelligent life of higher sequence also need to sleep? ”
“Sleep, do you mean your consciousness is in a standby state? Oh, yes, you do call this sleep! That’s right, I’m sleeping there! This trick is learned from you humans. To be honest, let your consciousness I don’t know how to put it on standby for a while, but it’s pretty good anyway, and I’m still a little addicted! This is the first time in my billions of years of life that my consciousness has fallen into a wrong state, and it’s the first time I’ve fallen asleep!”
Listening to Miluo’s almost broken words, Tang Zhenli was speechless.
Of course he knows what Miluo feels like. In human terms, this feeling is called being full of energy.
At this moment, Miluo’s voice came again.
“I didn’t expect that you humans are not worthless! You can even evolve the function of sleeping. If you don’t sleep, I’m afraid your brain can’t stand such consumption.”
In the laboratory, a few black lines faintly appeared on Tang Zhenli’s forehead.
In its eyes, daring to sleep is one of the few advantages of human beings?
But Miluo is right. Although the brain only occupies 2% of the body’s weight, it consumes 20% of the energy of the human body. live
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment. Why did he feel that his thoughts were a little off?
“By the way, human boy, what are you looking for from me? If there’s nothing wrong, I’ll go to sleep again!”
At this moment, Miluo spoke again.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s face flashed a bit of anxiety, and then quickly returned to his original state.
I saw him say word by word in his tone.
“Miluo, I want to know, what exactly is the carrier of higher sequence consciousness?”
After speaking, he held his breath for a while, waiting for Tang Zhenli’s answer.
“Hey, boy, haven’t you given up your dream of flying to a higher order?”
Unexpectedly, Miluo saw through his thoughts at a glance, and said in a teasing tone, but he did not hide it, but said slowly.
“I don’t know about other advanced sequence civilizations, but I can tell you what my consciousness carrier is”
Saying that, Miluo paused for a while, as if he was trying to cheat.
“Yes, your guess is good, human boy, the carrier of consciousness is one of the secrets related to Sequence Ascension. Thinking about what it took for the iron-based civilization to realize after nearly 100 million years, I didn’t expect you to realize it, you have to Say, you are surprising me more and more.”
Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by the anxious Tang Zhenli.
“Do not talk nonsense”
“cough cough cough”
Hearing this, Miluo could only cover up his embarrassment with some common phonograms.
“Okay, for your sake, Lord Miluo will personally guide you on the maze!”
“If you want to understand the carrier of consciousness, you must break through the concept of consciousness. Usually, it is your own consciousness that restricts the thinking of lower-order beings, just like a word you humans often say, sit back and watch the sky!”
Having said that, Tang Zhenli lowered his head slightly with a thoughtful expression on his face.
As expected of an intelligent individual with a higher sequence, he got the point right in one sentence.
In fact, what troubles human thinking is precisely oneself.
As is generally accepted by the current academic community, human beings cannot imagine things they have never seen before!
So whether it is ancient legends or academic discussions, all the existing achievements of mankind are based on existing materials.
Just as the gods in myths and legends must be in human form, matter determines consciousness, and consciousness is the reflection of matter.
So it is not foreign objects that trouble humans, but themselves!
Just like the previous academic circles, without new discoveries, human civilization will definitely stagnate in the near future.
The human mind itself is a wall, you can only be active and thinking inside the wall!
As Miluo said, sit in the well and watch the sky!
Human thinking is a ‘deep well’. Before breaking this ‘well’, human beings will never be able to get rid of the limitation of thinking and see the real universe!
So after realizing this, Tang Zhenli’s mood became heavier.
In a sense, the ascending sequence is actually quite simple.
As long as the change of the carrier of consciousness is achieved, that is, the form of life completes the leap and breaks the barrier that restricts itself, then the road to ascension will naturally open for you.
But from another point of view, this looks very simple, but the difficulty of doing this step is naturally indisputable.
The transfer of consciousness carrier, the jump of life form
These are the impossible things that cannot exist!
Otherwise, since the birth of the universe, the entire universe has only had a special case of the Ascension Sequence!

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