Systematic Cosmic Sequence?
On the third basement floor of the Four Saints Research Institute, in the dark and quiet laboratory,
Tang Zhenli sat quietly in the corner with a slightly relaxed expression.
It seems that when he was in the main control room of the “Phoenix”, Miluo should also have temporarily lost consciousness.
After experiencing the invisible threat from Miluo, Tang Zhenli was obviously wary of Miluo.To put it bluntly, even if the two are ‘friends’, they still can’t get rid of the clear gap in sequence.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli turned his eyes and suddenly thought of the key point in his mind.
Then he said in a tentative tone.
“Miluo, which part of my body are you parasitic on now? Is it the brain?”
After the words fell, Miluo seemed to be silent for a moment, and then spoke calmly.
‘Of course not, if I live in your brain, I’m afraid you have no self-awareness’
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and then he said like a curious baby.
“If it’s not the brain, where is it?”
“This, this, in short, you don’t need to know!”
Obviously, Miluo didn’t want to answer his question.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli was a little helpless, but he continued.
“Miluo, if I let go of my consciousness guard, can you help me see where my consciousness carrier is?”
For Tang Zhenli, it is obviously very important to figure this out.
Hearing this, Miluo was stunned for a while, and then said with a bit of joy in her tone.
“You’re talking ahem. If that’s the case, let go of your consciousness and guard, and Lord Miluo will reluctantly help you take a look.”
As Miluo’s voice fell, Tang Zhenli didn’t hesitate. He just closed his eyes, and then his consciousness went blank.
And Miluo in Tang Zhenli’s body seemed to be aware of it, and then Tang Zhenli only felt a strange feeling coming from his feet, which went up his thighs, and finally stopped on Tang Zhenli’s head.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression showed a bit of weirdness, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart.
“No way, could it be said that Master Miluo, who is so high above, is parasitic at his feet???!!!”
Here, Miluo’s voice sounded again.
“Boy, let go of your consciousness and be prepared, Lord Miluo is coming in!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also immediately restrained the weirdness in his heart, and quickly relaxed his consciousness.
After Tang Zhenli relaxed his consciousness, Miluo in his mind seemed to come to his senses.
In the next moment, Tang Zhenli felt an unspeakable flow of information pouring into his mind, followed by Miluo’s laughter.
“Boy, I admit that you are excellent, but after all, you can’t escape Master Miluo’s calculations. Master Miluo will accept half of your brain first!”
As he spoke, a huge amount of spiritual power poured directly into Tang Zhenli’s mind, accompanied by Miluo’s slightly arrogant laughter.
But at the next moment, Tang Zhenli’s mind emanated another supreme power, which directly stopped Miluo’s laughter.
Tang Zhenli knew that this was the power of the system in his mind
Then Tang Zhenli felt that Miluo seemed to come here, how did he go back, and was trampled under his feet. It seemed like the system was declaring its sovereignty.
The next moment, Miluo’s voice of embarrassment turned into anger came.
“Human boy, you plot against me! Didn’t you let go of your conscious vigilance?”
It can be heard that Miluo’s mood should not be very good at this time.
But after he finished speaking, Miluo fell silent again, obviously realizing something unusual in Tang Zhenli’s mind.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli has now confirmed his inner guess. It seems that Miluo wanted to occupy his consciousness before, but was stopped by the system.
This is why Tang Zhenli dared to let go of his consciousness and let Miluo explore his own mind.
Moreover, Tang Zhenli is certain that if the system has a cosmic sequence, then its sequence must be higher than that of Miluo
Otherwise, you wouldn’t be aware of the existence of the system.
Before I asked where Miluo parasitized, it was just a test. Now it seems that it was completely forced to parasitize under my feet.
After all, with the arrogance of Master Miluo, he would definitely not accept being trampled under by a low-order life form.
No wonder, I feel that my legs and feet have become more agile recently
Thinking about what Miluo said just now, it only occupied half of his brain
Tang Zhenli didn’t know whether to laugh or cry for a while. It seems that the “friendship” between himself and Miluo still has a little weight.
But looking at the current situation, Miluo is obviously aware of the abnormality.
In fact, Miluo had always thought that Tang Zhenli’s will was too firm, which was why it couldn’t parasitize into Tang Zhenli’s brain.
This is also the reason why Miluo and Tang Zhenli’s first words were that Tang Zhenli was very good.
But now it seems that Miluo has also reacted.
The reason why it couldn’t parasitize before was not because of Tang Zhenli, but because there seemed to be something else in Tang Zhenli’s mind
After realizing this, Miluo couldn’t help saying 3.3 to Tang Zhenli.
“Boy, you are not a human being. Who are you? Don’t you know that the universe does not allow contact between higher sequences and lower sequences?”
During the speech, Miluo’s tone was a bit dignified.
Apparently, Tang Zhenli also believed that Tang Zhenli was also a high-level civilization.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was also a little confused. It seemed that Miluo had misunderstood again, and the misunderstanding seemed to be quite deep.
However, from this, Tang Zhenli became more and more convinced that the system in his mind might also be a product of a higher order civilization in the universe, or even the individual itself.
And judging by Miluo’s reaction, this cosmic sequence is only higher than it, not lower.

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