Space to individual combat mechs!
In the original ‘Zhuangba’ project building,
It was Tang Zhenli who came back after a few months. Even Tang Zhenli couldn’t recognize the ‘Zhuangba’ project building at this time.
Except for the largest assembly workshop, most of the other laboratories and experimental equipment have been replaced with some sophisticated machine tools, and the few remaining laboratories have also been remodeled.
Rather than saying it is a project building, it is better to say that the ‘Zhuangba’ project building has become half an arsenal at this time.
Looking at the project building that was quite different from the previous ones, Tang Zhenli was slightly moved.
Fortunately, the personnel are still familiar personnel.
At this time, in the corridor of the project building, all the staff members looked at Tang Zhenli eagerly.
Obviously, they were notified in advance and made preparations early.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli smiled and nodded one by one.
Suddenly, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if when he was a child, he watched leaders inspecting on TV like this
Just at this moment, Miluo from 417 in Tang Zhenli’s body spoke again,
“Boy, didn’t you say that you are just a small researcher? Why do you seem to be respected by others? This seems to be a weapons processing factory, no, you can’t be the one who hit me with the high-energy light particle cannon back then, right?”
Between the words, Miluo’s tone revealed a bit of distrust.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression froze, and he couldn’t care about anything else immediately. Although Miluo might be concerned about the system in his mind, who knows if it would have a twitch and do something out of the ordinary, and then he hurriedly replied.
“How is it possible? I’m just new here. This is their special welcome ceremony for newcomers.”
Now, it can only be covered up with interpersonal relationships that are not in the books and that Miluo cannot understand.
Unexpectedly, Wen Yan’s Miluo tone still revealed a bit of distrust, but he couldn’t think of anything wrong for a while.
After counting breaths, he also said.
“Boy, work hard. When you get in touch with the high-level human beings in the future, you must tell me who that person was! I will make him suffer the most cruel punishment in the universe!”
It could be heard that Miluo’s tone at this time was a little cold, which made Tang Zhenli feel goosebumps on his back.
Immediately, he replied swearingly.
“That’s natural. As a ‘friend’, I have an obligation! When I find that person in the future, if I find that person, I will definitely tell you!”
After hearing the words, Mi Luo responded with satisfaction, and then stopped talking.
At the same time, during the conversation, Meng Siyuan and Tang Zhenli followed the staff to the finished product exhibition room.
Apparently, this finished product exhibition room was transformed from a small laboratory, where some weapons from Tang Zhenli’s previous plans were concretized here.
At this moment, several types of weapons used in space combat included in the plan that Tang Zhenli delivered to the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force were clearly displayed in front of him at this moment.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli was also a little curious. To be honest, he also wanted to see how the actual measurement data of the weapons in his plan was. After all, he had no experience in designing weapons before.
Because this is called a cross-domain challenge for him, and he sometimes has vague control over some attributes and concepts of weapons.
So, on the whole, he is still looking forward to the effectiveness of these space weapons, but judging from the reaction of a group of staff at this time, the performance of these new space weapons
The previous plans tended to two general directions, laser weapons and space-oriented individual combat armor.
Among them, individual combat armor must be installed generally, at least for space combat personnel.
There are only laser weapons, and the types are even more complex. They are as large as space-based laser guns, and as small as small laser guns equipped with human hands. There are about a dozen styles.
So what Tang Zhenli sees now are two completely different sets of individual combat mechas.
Looking at the style, it should be different in terms of functionality.
But as far as the main body is concerned, from Tang Zhenli’s perspective, they all look the same.
The two sets of unpainted combat mechs exude a faint metallic luster, and exude a sci-fi atmosphere from top to bottom. The overall height is about 1.8 meters. Of course, this is a static state. Generally speaking, the height can vary from person to person. ,adjustable.
Since it is an individual combat mech, Tang Zhenli borrowed a lot of professional knowledge in ergonomics when designing it.
As I said before, the functionality of the two sets of mechas should have their own emphasis.
One of the sets is obviously focused on rescue-type combat mechs, because there are many supporting tools and parts on it, presumably it should be a suit specially equipped for technicians, after all, technicians are in the strategic space force, is also a crucial part.
As for the other set, the focus is much more obvious. Just a small light energy pulse cannon in the center of the two palms can clearly see its main purpose, as well as some weapon racks on the shoulders and back, and On the whole, compared with the previous one’s thicker structure, it can be concluded that this combat mecha must be mainly used for combat.
Tang Zhenli looked at the two sets of individual combat mechs. He was quite satisfied with the appearance alone, but he didn’t know the specific data parameters and actual measurement conditions.
At this time, when everyone saw Tang Zhenli’s satisfied expression, their hearts were relieved.
At least from a preliminary level, Tang Gong should be quite satisfied
Even Meng Siyuan, who was by Tang Zhenli’s side, was a little happy when he saw this.
As the chief officer of the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force, being able to install new weapons earlier means that the space strategic force is on the right track, on the right track to formalize the new force!
Seeing Tang Zhenli’s satisfied expression at this time, how could he not be excited.
Obviously, in his heart, Tang Zhenli has become a standard-setting existence!

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