Another way to join the higher ranks!
Given that there are no problems with the general direction of new space weapons, Tang Zhenli’s research and development project for new weapons has come to an end.
Now that Tang Zhenli has opened a direction for them, they have to walk the next road by themselves.
After all, he can’t stick to a single research and development forever.
But before he left, he seemed to have thought of something and called Chu Wenqian.
The two chatted while walking along the corridor of the original ‘Zhuangba’ project building.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli paused, leaned over to hold the railing, and looked at the entire Northwest Aerospace Base from this angle.
Seeing this, Chu Wenqian followed suit, leaning over the railing and looking down.
Then Tang Zhenli subconsciously looked at Chu Wenqian, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and he spoke after a while.
“How is it? How does it feel to be engaged in a field that you have never touched before?”
Hearing this, Chu Wenqian turned her head and glanced at Tang Zhenli with a calm expression, then returned to her original state, staring blankly into the distance, and said while looking.
“It’s okay. After all, new weapons are inseparable from energy, so I’m not a complete noob.”
Listening to Chu Wenqian’s words, Tang Zhenli blinked, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, and then nodded.
Tang Zhenli vaguely remembered that Chu Wenqian’s previous field was about energy, and the power supply of new space weapons was considered the top priority. No wonder she was able to take the position of project leader.
After that, Tang Zhenli glanced at Chu Wenqian from the corner of his eye, and then said again.
“I don’t know if you are interested in the Four Saints Research Institute? If you are interested and want to come, the Four Saints Research Institute welcomes you at any time!”
To be honest, Chu Wenqian also took care of him for a long time on the “Phoenix”, and Tang Zhenli shouldn’t forget it out of emotion and reason.
So inviting Chu Wenqian to the Four Sages Research Institute was also something that was planned on the ‘Phoenix’.
In fact, with Chu Wenqian’s ability, she is also fully qualified to work in the Four Saints Research Institute.
It’s just that he was too hasty when he came back from the “Phoenix” last time. He didn’t take this matter into consideration for a while, and then the Miluo incident happened again, which caused this matter to be delayed until now.
Here, Chu Wenqian who heard the words was also taken aback for a moment, a wave of fluctuation flashed in her originally calm expression, and then she turned her head and glanced at Tang Zhenli.
After a long while, Chu Wenqian lowered her head slightly, as if she was consideringConsider general.
To be fair, all the scientific research scholars in the Dragon Kingdom now, even if they can’t be linked to the research field of the Four Saints Research Institute, all want to step into this supreme research hall.
Not to mention a researcher like Chu Wenqian whose research field is completely in line with the Four Saints Research Institute.
Just like Chu Wenqian at this time, if you say that you are not interested, it must be false.
Tang Zhenli, who was beside him, saw that Chu Wenqian was thinking, and did not disturb her, quietly waiting for her to think clearly.
Finally, after a while, Chu Wenqian made a decision.
“Tang Gong, if you say I don’t want to go, it’s definitely not true, but some things at the Armament Research Institute have not been settled yet.”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also understood what Chu Wenqian meant, and immediately said with a smile.
“It’s all right. I said it before, if you want, you can come anytime!”
Seeing this, Chu Wenqian also nodded, and then gave Tang Zhenli a complicated look.
In the end, after receiving the answer, Tang Zhenli said goodbye to everyone in the Space Strategic Force, and then embarked on the journey back to the Four Saints Research Institute.
Originally, this trip was just to control the direction deviation of the new space weapons. Under the circumstance that the results were not bad, Tang Zhenli was naturally relieved.
Judging from the current situation, the ‘Tiangong Project’ should be carried out simultaneously with the construction of the planetary defense system, and he will have a lot of work to do in the future.
So naturally we can’t continue to delay
Here, as soon as he boarded the return flight, Miluo, who had been quiet for a day in Tang Zhenli’s body, spoke up.
“Boy, you said that human civilization is less than a hundred years old at most. Why are you busy working?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and then he subconsciously looked at the Northwest Aerospace Base, which had gradually turned into a small spot. His eyes flickered, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.
In fact, even he himself didn’t know what he was thinking
But what he can make clear is that he is really a little confused in the face of the order-level cosmic sequence.
Just like discussing the carrier of consciousness with Miluo before, he faintly realized that the sequence of human soaring is likely to be related to this aspect.
But Tang Zhenli only had some clues. As for how to study in depth, he still didn’t have the slightest idea in his mind.
No matter what achievements or titles he had before, he was just a human being, just an ordinary human whose consciousness was limited by his own brain!
Therefore, in Tang Zhenli’s subconscious, he has a subconscious escape and resistance to this aspect.
For a while, he couldn’t figure out whether it was his consciousness that restricted himself from focusing on this aspect, or whether it was his own reasons.
It seems that I have to pay attention to this point from time to time.
Just as Tang Zhenli was thinking about it, Miluo’s voice continued to come.
“I also saw the situation just now. Just those weapons, you humans are still fighting against high-level sequences. You know, the weapons at the cutting edge of the universe.”
Speaking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn’t take care of himself for a while, because he suddenly thought of another idea, so he immediately perked up his ears and listened to Miluo continue.
Maybe human beings don’t need to fly high-level sequences to survive? As long as they can find a way to deal with high-level sequence civilizations, they can roar.
Unexpectedly, Miluo seemed to have come to his senses, but he didn’t talk about it here.

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