This move must have a deep meaning!
In the meeting room,
Wang Zhi looked at Meng Siyuan with a troubled expression on his face, and his mind became more determined.
Then he let out a long sigh, and then sat down slowly, with an unspeakable hesitation on his expression.
On the other hand, Meng Siyuan was stunned when he saw this, and when he was about to speak, Wang Zhi’s voice sounded.
“Commander Meng, is there really no other way?”
As his words fell, Meng Siyuan shook his head first, and then continued.
“Director Wang, I hope you can understand that the funds given to me by the superiors are also limited. To be honest, it is now a critical moment for the army to install new weapons. I hope that the comrades in the Ministry of Science and Technology can also understand that our funds are also very limited now. tension”
Speaking of this, Meng Siyuan said again, as if he was afraid that Wang Zhi would not believe him.
“I know that Director Wang may not believe it, but the facts are true. If the military is responsible for all the research and development project funds of the engineering fleet, to put it bluntly, our officers and soldiers will not be able to eat.”
Here, I watched Meng Siyuan emphasize it again and again.
Wang Zhi also had some 927 doubts in his heart. If what Meng Siyuan said was true, could it be that the Ministry of Science and Technology really took over the other half of the funds?
no no no
Thinking of this, Wang Zhi didn’t care whether what Meng Siyuan said was true or not. He saw his face change for a while, then he let out a long sigh of relief and looked up at Meng Siyuan, as if he had some unspeakable secrets.
In the end, he still spoke.
“Commander Meng, since that’s the case, I’ll just say it straight. I don’t know if you know that the engineering fleet project was proposed by Academician Tang, and it was not long after Academician Tang returned from your base some time ago.”
Having said that, Wang Zhi paused slightly, and then glanced at Meng Siyuan inadvertently.
After hearing the words, Meng Siyuan’s expression froze obviously, and then he spoke.
“Oh? And this matter? Jibu didn’t mention it back then.”
Seeing Meng Siyuan’s appearance, Wang Zhi’s heart twitched, and a seemingly imperceptible joy flashed in his eyes. It seems that Jibu hasn’t done everything right yet.
Thinking about it, Wang Zhi’s mind was active, but his expression was still the same as before, and then he followed Meng Siyuan’s words.
“That’s true. Now that I’ve said it, I won’t hide it from Commander Meng. In fact, Academician Tang not only designed a plan, but also a plan for the follow-up of the engineering fleet. To be honest, those few The ten-page manuscript, even if I think about it, it is a bit shocking.”
Hearing this, the expressions of most officers of the Dragon Kingdom’s Space Strategic Force changed slightly.
In fact, Meng Siyuan brought some staff officers and technical officers to discuss today, and some of the technical officers had followed Tang Zhenli back then.
So after hearing Wang Zhi’s words, they couldn’t help being stunned, because they thought of a past event.
When they followed Tang Zhenli back then, there were indeed such rumors on the project, and even thisOne of the rumors came from one of the five assistants.
It’s just that it didn’t get verified in the end. As time goes by, this rumor will die.
But basically the people on the original project agreed with this rumor.
They don’t know whether others can do it or not, but it is entirely possible for Tang Gong to do it.
When designing a project, the first draft was written as a manuscript, and finally entered into the computer
This sounds like Tang Gong’s habit.
Meng Siyuan, who was on the side, saw their expressions and realized that what Wang Zhi said next might be the focus.
Thinking about it, I just heard Wang Zhi’s voice continue to come.
“Commander Meng, of course, I didn’t bring this plan with me today, but I can tell you responsibly that in fact, the engineering fleet plan was originally intended to be delivered directly to the military from the beginning of the research and development project, but Academician Tang considered the military Fang may be inexperienced in this area, so he entrusted this matter to the Ministry of Science and Technology.”
Having said that, Wang Zhi also nodded towards Meng Siyuan.
He believed that Meng Siyuan should understand what he meant.
Although what he said was half-truth, there was nothing he could do now.
Rather than spending money, it would be better to slightly change the planning of the engineering fleet. I believe that even if Tang Zhenli knew about it, he would understand him.
After all, Tang Zhenli is one of the heads of the Ministry of Science and Technology, no matter what, so he is more close than the military.
Here, Meng Siyuan’s expression moved when he heard the words, and his eyes showed a bit of contemplation.
In fact, when Wang Zhi was in the middle of what he said, he already vaguely understood.
Wang Zhi means that the Ministry of Science and Technology is only participating in the project of the engineering fleet as technical assistance this time. The implication is that it is impossible for the Ministry of Science and Technology to pay.
If the military wants an engineering fleet, then do it yourself
Thinking of this, Meng Siyuan’s brows furrowed even tighter. If this were the case
The problem is that since the plan was proposed by Academician Tang, he didn’t know how to refute it for a while.
Even if it was proposed by Ji Chengtian, he was confident in rejecting it. Even if he couldn’t reject it, there was still a military commander-in-chief above him!
But the current situation is that this plan was proposed by Academician Tang.
Meng Siyuan is certain that even Zhou Jianguo, in the face of Tang Zhenli, would not dare to say that he can refute him on this kind of project planning.
The reason is very simple, and that is three words——professionalism!
After all, no one can understand the project itself better than the project designer.
Although Meng Siyuan did not understand the process of project planning, he also knew more or less that every step in this kind of plan might be related to the research and development process.
In this project, if Academician Tang specifically explained to do this, then there should be his deep meaning in this.
Thinking of this, the young and calm face reappeared in Meng Siyuan’s mind, and he became more convinced.
This move must be meaningful.

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