: Tang Zhenli’s Choice!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
After learning about Wang Zhi’s news, a smile appeared on Ji Chengtian’s face.
After taking a sip of mellow tea, Ji Chengtian sent an email to Tang Zhenli, which probably meant that the preparation stage of the research and development project of the engineering fleet has basically come to an end.
After finishing all this, he began to think about the various projects that Dragon Kingdom is currently promoting.
The ‘Phoenix’ has been overhauled, and it is already scheduled to return to the battle order in three days.
After the ‘Phoenix’ returned to the battle sequence. The second phase of the “Tianting Project”, the “Tiangong Project”, will also be restarted.
In fact, although the practice stage of the “Tiangong Project” has stagnated, the theoretical improvement has been proceeding simultaneously.
That is to say, the “Tiangong Project” and the lunar base will be implemented on the ground if it is half a year or a year if it is long!
At the same time, Dragon Kingdom’s second space carrier is also being developed and manufactured in an orderly manner. According to estimates, it is estimated that the maiden flight can be carried out in the shortest ten months.
And I heard that the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force has already begun to install the first batch of space-oriented new equipment, and at this time, the initial stage of the engineering fleet has almost been dealt with.
Generally speaking, the Dragon Kingdom is making great strides towards a new stage in space exploration!
In terms of life, with the support of controllable nuclear fusion technology, various high and new technologies have emerged as the times require. As expected, the development of high and new technologies will greatly change the living standards of today’s human beings in the next few years.
Technology changes life and technology changes the world, which will be confirmed step by step in the future!
Under such circumstances, the Ministry of Science and Technology is undoubtedly the most important one among all the departments in Dragon Country. Although they are at the same level, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the future trend must be in favor of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
That is to say, the position of the Ministry of Science and Technology will become more and more important in the future, and it may even be directly promoted to a level to surpass other departments.
In addition, now the Dragon Kingdom officials really appreciate the sweetness brought by the development of science and technology from the bottom of their hearts.
Not to mention, just for the item of controllable nuclear fusion, the government’s expenditure on people’s livelihood in the past few years has been lower every year.It also played a huge role at the diplomatic level.
The current international landscape can be seen at a glance by anyone with a discerning eye.
Under these kinds of influences, according to Ji Chengtian’s understanding, there is already an idea to expand the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the way of expansion is very simple, and it can even be considered rude.
That is one word of money!
That’s right, it’s money, white money!
But Ji Chengtian really likes this simple and rude way.
He once had an idea. If the funding of the Ministry of Science and Technology is raised to the same level as the military funding, with the current strength of the Ministry of Science and Technology, let alone engineering ships, it is an air carrier. As long as the construction is released, he can Guarantee that the picture is definitely more spectacular than the dumplings!
From now on, this idea may be realized
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian took a sip of tea and leaned back on the chair with a very relaxed expression.
It is undoubtedly a great honor for him to witness all this when he is about to leave office!
Sisheng Research Institute, the third basement floor,
After finishing everything that day, Tang Zhenli fell into a deep sleep.
But what he didn’t expect was that he slept for three whole days!
So much so that he turned on the computer on his desk, and the news that the preparatory phase of the engineering fleet had ended had already been sent.
Looking at this email, Tang Zhenli felt relieved.
In this case, maybe the last thing I did on my trip to the universe was over.
With the current thriving scene of the scientific research community in Longguo, I must have left me, and contemporary young people can continue to maintain this progress!
As everyone knows, when Tang Zhenli was thinking about this, he completely forgot that he was just a young man to tell the truth.
During the three years of scientific research, he created miracles that others could not create for hundreds of years, but also made him grow a lot.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flickered slightly, he was obviously a young man, but his eyes were full of vicissitudes that did not belong to his age.
Now what he has to wait for is the news that the “Phoenix” will collect the debris of the “Death” asteroid after the go-around, and then he will be able to see the real universe!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s expression was a bit complicated, with longing, anticipation, excitement, and a hint of nervousness.
After all, it’s hard to say, but he set out with the fate of the future mankind on his shoulders!
What he has to do now is to calm down his mind before the real cosmic travel.
Although he doesn’t know if the enhanced cognition of the universe can help the human ascension sequence, or even if he can come back in the end, he still wants to try.
For the sake of mankind, for the homeland, and at the same time for myself!
To be honest, he has no responsibility or obligation to shoulder such a heavy burden at all. To be realistic, he is just a teenager in a weak age.
The boy’s shoulders shouldn’t be so heavy. At his age, everyone else is indulging in singing and singing without restraint. In short, he shoulders all the good things on his shoulders, and other things can be put aside.
But 5.3 Tang Zhenli is different.
For him, after all, some things, some things, some people are worth protecting!
These kinds of things are what Tang Zhenyu wants to protect and is eager to protect!
So in order to protect these things worth protecting, Tang Zhenli took the initiative to take this huge responsibility on his shoulders.
Even if what he is doing now may never be known, or even see the head at a glance
But in this world, there are always people who stand in the way for most people.
Realizing this, Tang Zhenli took a deep breath and strengthened his belief even more.
At this moment, at the fork of fate, he shoulders the fate of mankind and makes a choice

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