In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 108: Chen Qiong’s surprise, Liu Cong likes to mention new car

Liu Cong was a little surprised by this sudden change of painting style. Chen Qiong's character is always so unpredictable, just like the weather.

Sometimes it’s windy, sometimes it’s thundering, but sometimes it’s like a spring breeze.

"Oh, it's coming, it's coming, don't scream."

Liu Cong himself didn't know what was wrong, why he listened to Chen Qiong so much. She seemed to have irresistible magic.

Afterwards, Liu Cong changed direction and drove towards Chen Qiong's villa.

Due to traffic jams during peak hours after get off work, Liu Cong walked for nearly half an hour for the short ten kilometers.

When they arrived downstairs at Chen Qiong's house, Liu Cong's cell phone rang again. This time it was Zhang Guimei, asking when Liu Cong would be back for dinner.

Liu Cong found a random reason and told Zhang Guimei that he would come back later and asked her not to wait for him to eat.

After Liu Cong hung up the phone, he rode his motorcycle towards Chen Qiong's yard.

The door was not locked, so Liu Cong drove the motorcycle in directly.

At this time, Chen Qiong was already waiting for Liu Cong outside. After watching Liu Cong come over, Chen Qiong said somewhat reproachfully: "Why didn't you come until now? I've been waiting for you outside for half an hour."

Looking at Chen Qiong's slightly red face, Liu Cong was a little distracted. He actually thought that Chen Qiong was quite beautiful without makeup.

Liu Cong has seen Chen Qiong's heavy makeup and Chen Qiong's light makeup, but still thinks Chen Qiong looks the best without makeup.

"Why did you call me here? Do you want to eat the food cooked by me?" Liu Cong said with some pride.

"Yes, you are going to make something delicious for me to eat."

Chen Qiong leaned on Liu Cong's shoulder coquettishly, but Liu Cong didn't resist, maybe he was used to it.

"I'll cook whatever food you have at home now. I'm all-powerful."

In this way, the two of them walked into the house singing in harmony.

Shortly after,

The smell of vegetables and rice came from the villa.

"This scrambled egg with green pepper is delicious, and the fish is also delicious..."

Chen Qiong praised Liu Cong's cooking skills while eating heavily.

Seeing Chen Qiong eating with such relish, Liu Cong's vanity was satisfied. After all, men like women to praise themselves for their awesomeness.

After finishing the meal this time, Liu Cong took the initiative to wash the dishes, while Chen Qiong lay on the sofa and watched Liu Cong wash the dishes.

At this moment, the two really looked like a young couple or a newly married couple.

"Liu Cong, go get me a bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator." Chen Qiong lay lazily on the sofa and shouted to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong, who had just finished washing the dishes, was about to put the dishes in the cupboard. When he heard what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong rolled his eyes at Chen Qiong in the direction of the sofa. He didn't know if Chen Qiong had seen it.

Liu Cong reluctantly brought Chen Qiong yogurt. Chen Qiong glanced at Liu Cong and pointed to the lid of the yogurt.

"How can I drink if you don't unscrew it for me!" Chen Qiong said in a coquettish tone.

"I'm going to fuck you!" Liu Cong said angrily.

"Fuck you, fuck you."

Chen Qiong pretended to be at your mercy. Seeing Chen Qiong acting like a rogue, Liu Cong didn't know how she managed to maintain her usual image of a cold lady.

Liu Cong had nothing to do with Chen Qiong, so he opened the lid of the yogurt and handed it to Chen Qiong.

"Aren't you going to fuck me anymore?" Chen Qiong took the yogurt handed to her by Liu Cong and said in a weird voice.

Liu Cong was a little angry, "Can you stop using these words of tiger and wolf? Do you still look like the goddess you usually are?"

"Didn't you say it first? I'm just repeating this topic."

Liu Cong was speechless. Thinking back, it seemed that Chen Qiong was right, but why did he twist Chen Qiong's yogurt lid? He doesn't know it himself.

"I walked back. My mother is still waiting for me at home. If I go back late, I will be scolded."

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong and slowly stood up and put down the yogurt.

"Can you wait a moment?"

Liu Cong was a little confused, so he asked: "Why?"

Chen Qiong replied, "No reason."

Just when Liu Cong was about to continue speaking, the phone rang.

After Chen Qiong answered the phone, she hurried downstairs. When leaving, Chen Qiong asked Liu Cong to wait upstairs.

Liu Cong didn't listen to Chen Qiong and went downstairs.

However, the next scene made Liu Cong a little distracted.

I saw an elegant black car parked directly at the door of Chen Qiong's villa.

After the transport truck left, Chen Qiong walked in from the outside with the key.

"Now, I fulfilled my promise, and it can be regarded as a surprise for you."

Regardless of Liu Cong's feelings at this time, Chen Qiong directly opened Liu Cong's right hand, and then put the car key into Liu Cong's hand.

Liu Cong was a little surprised. He thought Chen Qiong was just talking about it that day, but he didn't expect that she would actually give him a car.

Liu Cong looked at the four rings on the car key and knew that this was no ordinary car.

"Why did you buy me such an expensive car? You don't feel bad about spending money."

Liu Cong said this on the surface, but his legs had already stepped out of the villa door.

Liu Cong looked at this shiny black Audi A6, not to mention how much he liked it.

"Like it, I know you are different from other young people. For your usual work, I still considered buying this car for you."

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with a smile, with his hands behind his back and his toes slightly raised. Under the illumination of the street lamp, Liu Cong seemed to see a fairy.

Liu Cong came back to his senses and was a little moved when he saw Chen Qiong in front of him. He knew that maybe hundreds of thousands was nothing to her.

But this was the first time Liu Cong received such an expensive gift. When she was in love with Lin Yichen, she didn't even buy herself a cup of milk tea.

Thinking about it now, Liu Cong really regretted falling in love with her.

"What are you thinking about?"

Chen Qiong shook Liu Cong's eyes and looked at Liu Cong strangely.

When Liu Cong saw Chen Qiong forcing himself to pretend to be cute, he didn't feel any disobedience at all.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little touched because you are the first woman to give me something, and it's so valuable."

When Liu Cong said this, Chen Qiong was a little confused.

"Didn't your ex-girlfriend give you something?" Chen Qiong asked curiously.

Liu Cong shook his head, saying no, and then nodded.

"You gave me a small rubber band." Liu Cong said seriously, which made Chen Qiong laugh.

"Little rubber band, poof, haha."

Chen Qiong smiled and held her stomach. Liu Cong was a little embarrassed at this time. It seemed that there was nothing more than memories when he recalled that past.

"Thank you. I really didn't expect you to give me a car. If you want to eat my cooking in the future, just come to me directly." Liu Cong said seriously.

"Okay! The car I gave you as a gift is worth it. It will be a real honor for me to have meals cooked by big stars in the future."

Liu Cong smiled. At this moment, he smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at Chen Qiong in front of him, he found that he had a strange feeling about the woman in front of him.

Liu Cong didn't know what it felt like.

However, this feeling was getting stronger and stronger, so strong that he couldn't resist it.

"I'll drive the car away without ceremony. Just leave the motorcycle in your yard. I'll pick it up when I have time."

Having the experience of Chen Qiong’s step-by-step instruction that day, Liu Cong quickly drove the new car on the road.

Looking at Liu Cong's car going further and further away, Chen Qiong also showed a satisfied smile.

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