When Liu Cong's last chess piece fell, the word victory appeared on the screen.


Kurai-kun stared at the computer screen with some dissatisfaction, while Matsushita Kojiro next to him also looked incredulous.


"Chinese chess players do not follow martial ethics and engage in sneak attacks."

Kurai-kun was yelling at the computer screen, while Matsushita Kojiro next to him didn't dare to breathe when he saw Kurai-kun like this.

"Xinxi, I'm suddenly looking forward to the next game." Mr. Aoi calmed down and said calmly.

the other side,

Liu Cong clicked on the ranking list and saw that the shrimp soldier was ranked third. The big stone in Liu Cong's heart finally fell to the ground.

Just when Liu Cong was about to launch the Go APP, a small red dot appeared in the chat bar in the lower corner of the screen.

Liu Cong clicked on it and saw that it was a private message sent by the organizer. The private message asked Liu Cong to give them his contact information.

Therefore, Liu Cong provided his personal information in accordance with the organizer's requirements.

Because it was too late, the other party did not contact Liu Cong immediately after asking for his contact information.

The next morning,

Liu Cong got up very early, and Liu Cong was used to getting up so early.

After opening the door to the room, a wisp of aroma rushed towards me. This was Zhang Guimei making breakfast in the kitchen.

Three fried eggs, a few slices of bread, and fresh soy milk made with a soy milk machine, this is the family's breakfast.

"Guimei! Why don't you go to work? My current salary is enough to support you and your son." Liu Yang said to Zhang Guimei.

Zhang Guimei has been staying at home since her leg broke.

Today is Zhang Guimei's first day at work. Judging from Liu Yang's expression, it seems that she is reluctant to go to work.

Zhang Guimei put down the chopsticks in her hands, raised her head and looked at Liu Yang with a serious expression.

"You support me?"

"Although your salary is enough for the three of us, it means we can't save any money."

"My son will get married in the future, and he hasn't bought a house yet. I think you know how expensive houses in Peiping are."

Zhang Guimei's words silenced Liu Yang.

Liu Cong on the side didn't know what to say when he heard his mother talking about this topic.

Liu Yang thought for a moment and said, "I think it's better to leave the matter of buying a house to Liu Cong."

"As parents, we give him a down payment and he pays the rest by himself."

"He can't count on us for the rest of his life..."

Liu Yang said a lot, but she didn't listen to a word of it.

Zhang Guimei's attitude is still very determined, "I must go to this class!"

Liu Cong saw Zhang Guimei's past strength in her eyes.

Liu Cong knew that the woman was back again.

After breakfast, they all left the house. In order not to let his parents know that he had a car, Liu Cong waited until they left before picking up the car keys and opening the door.


Liu Cong and Chen Qiong had made an appointment in advance to attend a company networking event in their company, and many celebrities would be present.

However, what Chen Qiong said did not arouse Liu Cong's interest because he had no long-term development plans in the entertainment industry.

Originally, Liu Cong didn't want to join in the fun, but Chen Qiong insisted on letting Liu Cong go, saying that it was the company's rule and everyone had to participate. Liu Cong reluctantly agreed.

Chen Qiong also specifically asked Liu Cong to dress better on the phone.

For this reason, Liu Cong also deliberately took off the large cotton-padded jacket that he had been wearing for half a month and put on the windbreaker jacket that he bought at Bingxixi for 159 yuan a while ago. He also paired it with a woolen sweater. .

It's not that Liu Cong doesn't want to wear good clothes, it's that Liu Cong doesn't have good clothes at all.

Twenty minutes later, downstairs of the Huazhong Media Building.

Same place, different car.

This time, the security guard let Liu Cong in without even looking, which surprised Liu Cong.

Because the plot did not develop as Liu Cong thought, he thought the security guard would stop him.

After entering, Liu Cong found a parking space in the underground parking lot.

Since Liu Cong was still not very skilled in technology, it took him five minutes to reverse the truck into the warehouse.

According to the address provided on his mobile phone last night, Liu Cong took the elevator directly to the tenth floor.

When the elevator stopped at the tenth floor, Liu Cong discovered that there were two rooms on each side of this floor, namely 1001 and 1002.

When Liu Cong walked into room 1022, the door inside was obviously open, and there were scattered people standing outside the door, talking and laughing.

As far as Liu Cong observed, Liu Cong knew many people here.

Either a celebrity on the Internet, a star who has appeared in a TV series, or a somewhat famous singer.

Moreover, the clothes they were wearing today were all famous brands, either Burberry or Kutcher and other world-renowned brands.

But Liu Cong looked a little out of place in this outfit.

While Liu Cong looked at them, they also looked at Liu Cong curiously.

Based on Liu Cong's observation, none of them seemed to know Liu Cong, and they were also curious as to why Liu Cong came here.

Liu Cong also felt something strange. He originally thought that he was quite famous, but now it seems that it was just his wishful thinking.

Liu Cong didn't notice the strange looks from everyone and prepared to walk straight into room 1002.

Inside is a venue similar to a large theater, with a stage in the front and an audience seat in the back.

When Liu Cong entered, the originally noisy conference room instantly became quiet, with dozens of pairs of eyes looking at him at the same time.

Here, Liu Cong saw the recently popular artist Zhang Qianqian, the famous singer Wang Yu

Liu Cong looked around and found no trace of Chen Qiong.

After Liu Cong's observation, the event was divided into two rooms. Room 1001 should be full of Internet celebrities, while room 1002 should be mostly celebrities.

Is it the same as those people outside? No one here seems to know Liu Cong.

Of course, this is also to be expected. After all, I am now self-aware, and my current situation is that I am popular but not popular.

Except for people who have seen good songs who will know him, others have only heard of his songs on short video platforms.

Facing the strange looks from many people present, Liu Cong showed a very casual look and found a relatively quiet place to sit down.

An unknown female star next to her felt a little disgusted when she saw Liu Cong dressed like this.

Afterwards, the woman stood up and sat in front of a middle-aged man, talking and laughing with the man.

Liu Cong can understand from the conversation between the two that the middle-aged man is named Hou Cheng and he is a director.

Judging from the middle-aged man the woman was fawning over, Liu Cong guessed that he was somewhat famous in the entertainment industry.

In the following time, Liu Cong sat in the back and played with his mobile phone alone, without any communication with the people present.

"You are Liu Cong!"

A gentle voice sounded in Liu Cong's ears. Liu Cong raised his head curiously and saw that this person was Wang Yu.

He was wearing a black and very high-quality suit, and his three-quarter hair showed his handsomeness at a glance.

In Liu Cong's case, Wang Yu's appearance can be rated at least eight points.

Liu Cong was a little surprised that Wang Yu could call his name.

After all, Wang Yu is considered a famous singer who has appeared on many programs, and has even begun to enter the entertainment industry, while he is just a not-so-famous singer.

"Senior Wang Yu, do you know me?" Liu Cong said in surprise.

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