After Hou Cheng heard Chen Qiong personally admit that Liu Cong was from their company, the corners of his mouth raised in an arc.

"Mr. Chen, I believe you won't hurt the harmony between us because of an employee."

This sentence made Chen Qiong, who was originally smiling, suddenly become expressionless.

"Director Hou, what do you mean?"

Hou Cheng pointed at Liu Cong and said, "I want you to fire him!"

Hearing what Hou Cheng said, Ma Rong smiled, while Wang Yu felt sorry for Liu Cong.

In his opinion, if you don't have any power, you should be honest and not ruin your future like Liu Cong, because he himself climbed up from below and knows that it is not easy.

However, Chen Qiong’s next words surprised everyone present.

"Director Hou, I'm afraid I can't agree to your request."

"He is quite important to our company."

Hou Cheng, who was still destined to win, was a little surprised to hear Chen Qiong say this.

When everyone heard what Chen Qiong said, they looked at Liu Cong in disbelief.

You know, businessmen are generally profit-seeking, and they will not offend someone they cannot offend just because they have a good relationship with an employee.

Hou Cheng's expression was a little ugly, and he looked at Chen Qiong with an ugly expression.

He did not expect that Chen Qiong would not give him face for the sake of a young man. He had rarely experienced this kind of situation.

"Mr. Chen, you invited me to participate in today's social event. You must give me an explanation now."

"If you don't give me an explanation today, I don't think we will cooperate together in the future." Hou Cheng said firmly.

It must be a bit unpleasant to see a well-known director and a company general manager quarrel with each other in public.

The reason why Hou Cheng has such courage is that there must be someone behind him to support him.

"Director Hou, I will apologize to you in person for his rudeness."

Seeing Chen Qiong gradually bending down, Liu Cong felt a little uncomfortable.

The reason for this is nothing more than a small thing. If Liu Cong could have returned to Ma Rong, the situation would not be as embarrassing as it is now.

However, Liu Cong's character is destined to not compromise in certain aspects.

Chen Qiong also seemed to understand Liu Cong's character and took the initiative to apologize to Hou Cheng.

At this time, Hou Cheng seemed a little ungrateful.

Looking at Chen Qiong, he said calmly: "I think we are still not suitable for cooperation."

Then, he left in public in front of everyone.

At this time, Ma Rong also knew that she was in trouble.

So, he followed Hou Cheng and left the activity room.

Liu Cong knew that Hou Cheng would never give up on him.

After Hou Cheng left, the activities at the scene continued as usual. After what happened just now, everyone's interest seemed not to be too high.

Therefore, this social event came to nothing after just a few hours.

After it was over, Liu Cong took the initiative to come to the office with Chen Qiong.

Looking at Liu Cong, Chen Qiong sighed slightly.

"What's going on between you and Director Hou today?"

Later, Liu Cong told Chen Qiong what happened at the scene today.

After hearing this, Chen Qiong also pondered.

"Just for a woman?" Chen Qiong asked.

Liu Cong nodded.

"Oh, that's how it is in the entertainment industry."

"The reason why Director Hou did this today is because he has taken a liking to that Ma Rong."

"It's right to think about it. If she can get a job as a candidate, she probably won't have to worry about it for the rest of her life."

Hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong was a little surprised. Could it be that Hou Cheng really had this ability?

After getting to know Liu Cong, I learned that Hou Cheng is a fairly well-known director in the academy, and some outstanding works were produced by him.

For example: "Let the Bombs Fly", "Warm Spring" and other excellent works.

Moreover, he has huge business strength behind him.

"No matter what, now that everything has happened."

"When soldiers come, they will be blocked, and when water comes, the soil will cover them up." Liu Cong said indifferently while sitting on the sofa.

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong's nonchalant attitude, but actually she wasn't very panicked.

After all, he knew that Liu Cong had his own company.

Moreover, Chen Qiong didn't know what kind of strength Liu Cong had behind him.

She just knew that every time there was a problem, Liu Cong could easily resolve it.

"You'd better be careful. Director Hou is still quite powerful in Beiping."

Speaking of this, Chen Qiong's face didn't look very good.

Liu Cong knew that he had messed up the matter today, causing the director to leave the meeting angrily.

Now that everything has happened, let's make it up to Chen Qiong if we have the chance in the future.

Afterwards, the two changed the topic, and no one mentioned the matter again.

"Sister, I'm going to Shanghai tomorrow." Liu Cong took a sip of tea from his tea cup and said to Chen Qiong.

"Why are you going to Shanghai tomorrow? Are there any meetings to be held?"

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with some doubts. Liu Cong put down his tea cup and smiled at Chen Qiong.

"No, I will go to Shanglu City to participate in a Go competition tomorrow. It may be broadcast live nationwide."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong in surprise.

"Are you talking about the National Go Competition?"

"This is not a small-scale competition. How did you pass the Go selection?"

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong in disbelief.

"How did you find out about this competition?"

Chen Qiong chuckled, and then said: "If you don't even know about such a national competition in our industry, then we don't want to do this anymore."

"Then Go competitions are not a matter of the entertainment industry!" Liu Cong said.

Seeing that Liu Cong looked like he had never seen the world, Chen Qiong rolled his eyes at Liu Cong.

Then he took a tablet from the desk, opened a folder and handed it to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong was dumbfounded when he saw it. It contained detailed records of various matches in China that followed.

It can be as small as a performance, as large as variety shows, important national events, etc.


"You see, this is what we do every day."

"We are a media company and this is how we make a living. Do you think it is easy to make an artist or Internet celebrity famous?"

Seeing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong felt a little sorry. After all, he had offended Hou Cheng in the afternoon.

This means that Chen Qiong is likely to lose an important partner in the future.

"I'm sorry, I messed up what happened today for you."

"I didn't know the other person was a director at first. If I had known, I would have been convinced."

Speaking of this, Liu Cong thought of what the principal said when he bailed him out of the police station that night.

Too much steel is easily broken.

Chen Qiong smiled at Liu Cong, and then put her right arm on Liu Cong's shoulder naturally.

"Work is just a pastime for me. Do you think my sister is really short of money?"

Hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong felt that it made sense. After all, his father was one of the four major businessmen in East China.

There are countless properties under his name, not to mention assets, which have already exceeded tens of billions.

After hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong felt a little better. After all, as Chen Qiong, he didn't need to please these people.

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