In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 134: Liu Cong is going to Huaqing University, Zhang Guimei is shocked

After hearing what Liu Yang said, Liu Cong put down what he was holding and ran to the TV.

"Good afternoon, dear viewers."

"The position I am in now is outside the lithography machine research laboratory of Huaqing University."

"As you can see, there are huge crowds of people here now..."

The passionate voice of the female host continued to echo outside the lithography research room of Huaqing University.

Liu Yang, who was in front of the TV, was staring at the big screen and clenched his hands involuntarily.

"Dad, that's not the case. Isn't it just a photolithography machine?"

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Liu Yang turned around and looked at Liu Cong with resentful eyes.

"You know nothing! Your generation is not patriotic at all!"


The square outside the Huaqing University Lithography Laboratory was already crowded with people.

"Principal Zhu, can we go in and interview the real face of the lithography machine?"

At this time, a reporter from an unknown radio station held a microphone and interviewed the principal.

"Principal Zhu, who is the inventor behind the lithography machine?"


The reporter kept asking the principal a lot of questions, which made the principal too busy to take care of himself.

"Everyone, please calm down. I know that everyone is very concerned about the problem of lithography machines."

"I will answer your questions one by one in the future. Please wait patiently."

Principal Zhu himself did not expect that so many people would come in such a short period of time.

Although there are already many teachers outside the venue who are protecting it, they still can't resist everyone's enthusiasm.

After seeing the news about the development of a photolithography machine on the Internet, the situation exploded instantly.

Stinky Flower: I’m going! when did it happen! Why was there no news at all before?

Lonely Dog: Is this real news? Why do I feel like it's impossible? How long has it been since the sanctions were imposed before the lithography machine came out?

Kayaking: Huaqing University? I don’t think this is fake news. Is the lithography machine really coming out?


It was not until the Huaxia Daily reported that the authenticity of this news was confirmed.

That night, China Channel specifically cut off other programs and specifically reported on lithography machines.

This was explosive news for China, no less shocking than the successful explosion of the country's nuclear weapons at that time.

Liu Cong, on the other hand, calmly watched the various reports from the radio and the Internet, without any disturbance in his heart.

Only one night later, the news that China had a self-developed lithography machine spread all over the world.

When the United States heard this news, it was initially skeptical.

After all, they doubt whether China is exaggerating. On the surface, it claims to the outside world that it has developed a photolithography machine.

In fact, secretly I want to seek peace with them.

In fact, they were overthinking it, and China had no such plan at all.

The United States was shocked when they received the exact news.

Unexpectedly, his own sanctions not only failed to make the Chinese people relent, but actually led them to develop a photolithography machine.

At Holo ASNR, executives were sitting in the conference room, discussing the next countermeasures.

"Mike, what do you think about the 5nm lithography machine developed by China?"

At this time, a middle-aged bald man looked at the young man next to him seriously.

"Back to the manager, I think it's a done deal that China has developed a photolithography machine."

"Furthermore, judging from reports, their lithography machine bypasses all patents."

"The United States cannot impose sanctions even if they want to."

Facing Mike's statement, the manager was extremely anxious.

"Fuck! If this is true, our company's global semiconductor dominance will be greatly reduced."

"The United States has done us terrible harm this time!"

At this point, the manager felt extremely regretful, but there was nothing he could do.

Time has moved forward a few days,

That night, Liu Cong's family of three was having dinner together as usual.

Suddenly, Liu Cong raised his head and looked at Zhang Guimei and Liu Yang.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going to school soon."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, they both put down their chopsticks at the same time and looked at Liu Cong with puzzled faces.

"Go to school, where do you go to school? Have you signed up for a training class?" Zhang Guimei asked.

Liu Yang next to him also nodded, "Whether you sign up for a training class, we all support you. If you don't have money, I'll give it to you!"

"No, I'm going to college."

"Going to school?" Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei said in unison.

When Liu Cong saw the two of them being so confused, he slowly put down the chopsticks in his hands.

"Yeah, go to school."

"Where are you going to go to school? Isn't it September this year when you graduate from junior college to bachelor's degree?"

Zhang Guimei looked at Liu Cong with a puzzled face. She definitely didn't believe Liu Cong's statement that he wanted to go to school.

"I'm going to Huaqing University for my undergraduate degree."

As soon as Liu Cong said this, Zhang Guimei next to him laughed instantly.

"Son, I know you are very motivated now, but let's stop daydreaming like this."

: "I know you can sing and compose music, and you can also play Go."

"But it's a bit outrageous for you to say you want to go to Huaqing University."

Liu Yang also echoed, "Did he hit you again when you went to your grandpa's place this time?"

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't respond, Liu Yang said again: "It doesn't matter, we won't put pressure on you, I will go to your grandfather to help you."

Liu Cong smiled brightly.

"It seems that you really don't believe that I can go to Huaqing University, right?"

Liu Cong kept stroking the bowl with his chopsticks, looking at the two of them calmly.

At this time, the two showed an unparalleled tacit understanding and both shook their heads at the same time.

Liu Cong smiled, then stood up and walked towards the room.

When the two saw this, they panicked instantly.

"Liu Yang, let's go quickly and see if he has been hit in any way in the past two days."

When Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei arrived at Liu Cong's room, Liu Cong just took out an admission notice and a student ID card from the cabinet.

"Now! One for each of you."

After the two of them saw what was in Six O'clock's hand, they took it with confusion.

As they got to know each other better, their pupils gradually became larger.

"Liu Yang, you are a professor at Yenching University. Huaqing University is very close to you."

"Tell me, is the notice in my hand true?"

Zhang Guimei looked at Liu Yang with some excitement at this time, and Liu Yang took the admission notice from Zhang Guimei's hand and studied it.

After a while, Liu Yang nodded gently, his face full of disbelief.

"At present, these two things are genuine."

Zhang Guimei was shocked and grabbed Liu Cong's sleeve.

"Son! Don't lie to mother!"

"Tell me, is this true!?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Guimei's whole body was trembling slightly.

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