In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 143: Liu Cong contacted Academician Yang Mingxia to seek cooperation

Huaqing University, Zijing Apartment.

Liu Cong lay on the bed and read the script that Director Guan gave him today.

The name of the movie is, "Taxi."

The main story of the plot is that the protagonist was originally a retired special forces soldier, and later became a killer for some reason.

Because this industry cannot be known, the protagonist often appears as a taxi driver.

The heroine is also a killer, but they are not the same person.

Finally, due to some chance, the two came together...

The abandoned factory area that Liu Cong went to today was the place where Liu Cong started fighting.

As he watched, Liu Cong became more and more obsessed.

At this time, Liu Cong's cell phone suddenly rang.

Liu Cong took the charging cell phone from the bedside and took a closer look. It turned out to be his grandfather calling.

"Hey! Grandpa, what's going on!"

"Boy! You really went to Huaqing!"

Liu Jianguo's somewhat surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, didn't my dad tell you?" Liu Cong said.

"Dasun, your grandfather doesn't believe it."

"He didn't believe it until he called his classmates at Huaqing University to confirm."

Li Xiulan's delighted voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You boy, you are so good!"

"Just wait, I will come to Huaqing University in two days."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jianguo's phone suddenly hung up.

"Hey, I always like to hang up the phone suddenly. I still have something to say!"

"My grandfather came to Huaqing University just to see me, right?" Liu Cong said to himself.

"Hey! Forget it, no matter who you love."

With that said, Liu Congyong picked up his script and started reading it.

In the next few days, Liu Cong was either in school or filming on the set.

However, Liu Cong's main focus is on filming.

After all, time is tight and it needs to be released within two months.

As for Huaqing University, whether Liu Cong wants to go to class or not is completely up to Liu Cong's mood.

After all, Liu Cong has a special status, and the school will not impose any restrictions on Liu Cong. Who calls Liu Cong awesome?

On an ordinary morning, Liu was still the same as usual.

After class, I plan to go to the cafeteria for lunch, and then go to the crew to shoot in the afternoon.

But today, the crew suddenly sent a message saying they would take a break, so Liu Cong will have a day of classes at school today.

When Liu Cong finished his meal, he was ready to walk out of the restaurant.

Zhang Ji's phone call came, and Liu Cong answered Zhang Ji's call without thinking about anything.

"What's wrong?" Liu Cong asked.

"Boss! The difficulty of developing this high-precision machine tool has exceeded our imagination."

"We alone cannot accomplish such an arduous task now."

After Liu Cong heard this, his brows furrowed.

Yes, the development difficulty of ultra-high-precision machine tools is definitely not much lower than that of photolithography machines.

The research and development of photolithography machines has gathered all the talents in this field. It took nearly half a year to fully come out, let alone the current ultra-high-precision machine tools.

If you want to develop it, you must find someone to cooperate with it.

But which person to look for? Liu Cong also has no suitable candidate.

After all, Liu Cong no longer wants to transfer this technology, and he still counts on this technology to make himself profitable.

After all, Chen Qiong still had a bet with his father.

Liu Cong personally agreed to Chen Qiong, so he had to fulfill his promise.

"Okay, I understand, I will think of a solution on this matter."

"What you have to do now is to calm down and do research and development. This is how we can turn around."

Zhang Ji understood what Liu Cong said better than anyone else. He gave up a great future in order to develop ultra-high-precision machine tools.

He devoted himself solely to scientific research and spent all his wealth on it.

So much so that he is now in his thirties and still not married.

"I'll leave this matter to you, boss. We will do our job well."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Cong let out a long sigh.

"System! You are so deceptive."

"Can't you just give me an ultra-high-precision machine tool? As for asking me to go to such a big trouble?"

However, Liu Cong thought back and realized that his idea was not a good one.

Even if the system gives you a physical object that you can use as you like, the quantity is limited after all, and it's still conspicuous.

After all, it is better to teach people how to fish than to teach them how to fish. Liu Cong understands this very well.

"Hey, where can I find people who have research in this field?"

"There are not many people studying machine tools in China. Do you really want me to go to Aurora University?" Liu Cong said to himself while walking on the road.

When he mentioned Aurora University, Liu Cong immediately recalled the old man who was over seventy years old that he met some time ago.

"Yes! How could I forget her!"

"If I recruit her to our company, wouldn't that greatly improve the success rate of ultra-high-precision machine tool development?"

"Besides, I added her phone number last time, isn't it just a phone call?"

Although Liu Cong thought so, when he thought of the last time Academician Yang Mingxia went to Aurora University to find funds, Liu Cong instantly felt that there was no hope.

However, Liu Cong did not give up.

So I picked up the phone and dialed Academician Yang Mingxia's number.

No one answered the first call, so Liu Cong refused to give up and called again.

Just when the phone was about to hang up automatically, an old man's tired voice came from inside.

"Hello, who are you?"

Liu Cong was overjoyed when he heard the sound.

Immediately, he announced his home.

When Yang Mingxia heard that the other end of the phone was the young man who was on the high-speed rail that day, she was surprised at first, and then happy.

"Young man, it's you! It seems you still remember me, an old woman."

Liu Cong knew that time was precious for people of this level, so Liu Cong got straight to the point.

He was very surprised when he heard that Academician Yang Mingxia went to Aurora University to look for investment and was unsuccessful.

"Why?" Liu Cong asked.

A sighing voice came from the other end of the phone.

"The answer given by the school is that there is no hope for the development of ultra-high-precision machine tools."

"It's said to be a bottomless pit, and no one is willing to invest."

From Yang Mingxia's tone, Liu Cong heard disappointment and unwillingness.

"Grandma, why don't you come to my company and I will provide you with the best research environment."

When Liu Cong finished saying this, the other end of the phone was silent for ten seconds.

"Young man, I appreciate your kindness."

"But I am an old woman and I will not be reduced to this point where others give me charity."

Hearing what Yang Mingxia said, Liu Cong quickly explained: "Grandma, I didn't mean that."

"You are a dignified academician. How dare I let you hang around under me?"

"I mean, we can cooperate." Liu Cong explained.


(There have been updates every day these days. It’s almost one o’clock. It’s time for me to go to bed. Good night, fellow book friends!)

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