Under the gaze of everyone, Liu Cong was led to the front of the conference room by Dean Gao.

"Student Liu Cong, please tell me how you researched such precious information." Principal Gao said to Liu Cong.

When Liu Cong originally sent the email, he only sent some theoretical things and did not have any physical objects to refer to, because the physical objects were too difficult to create.

But based on these theoretical results, once they are released, it will definitely cause a great sensation and may even bring a disaster to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong nodded politely to Dean Gao, and then prepared to insert the USB flash drive he brought into the computer. This was information compiled by Liu Cong himself, which was more intuitive than the original information.

"Bang~" The door was suddenly pushed open.

At this moment, a man with half red face broke in from outside the door. Even the security guards couldn't stop him. The person who came was none other than Li Jian.

Li Jian saw Liu Cong standing on the stage, pointed at him angrily and said, "He is just a junior college student. Don't be fooled by him."

At this time, Wang Huaide saw his students coming to make trouble, and immediately stood up from his seat, walked to Li Jian's side, and prepared to cooperate with the security to pull Li Jian outside.

"Wait!" Liu Cong shouted loudly.

"Teacher, let him watch from the side. I will make him convinced that he lost today."

Li Jian, who was about to be pushed out of the door by Wang Huaide and the security guard, was stopped by Liu Cong.

"Okay, if you are really good at it, I will drop out of Huaqing University immediately and keep my word."

Li Jian put his right index finger and middle finger together to make a gesture of swearing to God.

"But if you pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, then you kowtow to me in front of the school leaders and teachers."

Everyone at the scene frowned when they heard Li Jian say this.

In order not to cause chaos at the scene, Wang Huaide still planned to get his student out.

"Okay, I promise you, remember what you say now." Liu Cong pointed at Li Jian and said loudly.

"Teacher, just let him watch from the side."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Wang Huaide and the security guard let go of Li Jian.

"Why do I have a student like you? No matter what the outcome is, you can never stay under my command. You can go wherever you like." Wang Huaide gritted his teeth and said, hating the iron.

When he turned back, Wang Huaide didn't forget to give Li Jian a fierce look. Li Jian didn't care about his teacher's eyes on him, and then took the initiative to find a corner to lean against and prepare to listen to Liu Cong's lecture.

Liu Cong took the initiative to straighten his clothes and cleared his throat.

Liu Cong did not have a gorgeous introduction, but simply said one sentence.

"Hello everyone, my name is Liu Cong, and I am a sophomore student from Beiping Vocational and Technical College."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Liu Cong formally introduce himself as a junior college student in the conference room of Huaqing University. After all, it was the first time since the opening of Huaqing University that a junior college student stood up to a group of students. Lectures given by academicians and Ph.D.

This is the first and last time.

Even the photographer behind the camera was so surprised when he heard that Liu Cong was a junior college student that he almost lost his grip on the camera.

Liu Cong ignored everyone's looks and opened the PPT he made and started talking directly.

"Do you have a question? That's why I, a junior college student, wrote about the manufacturing process of photolithography machines and how to break through the technical blockade."

"You may still wonder whether I wrote this information and whether I really have this level of skills." Liu Cong stood by the computer and said to everyone without fear.

"Everyone, please look at this picture."

Liu Cong clicked on a picture, which showed a reflector.

"As everyone knows, the reason why EUV lithography machines are difficult to build by one country alone is due to technological blockade."

"The reflector on the EUV you see was drawn by me using a computer, not the actual picture."

"Everyone knows that the manufacturing level of this thing is extremely high. Currently, only Frank can produce it, and the process requirements are extremely strict."

With that said, Liu Cong clicked on the PPT on the next page, and then Liu Cong began to talk about how to break through the technological blockade to make reflectors, and even told him what machine to use and how to polish them.

After hearing Liu Cong's explanation, the entire audience was silent, and everyone had their mouths open.

Liu Cong ignored everyone's expressions, and then continued to use the mouse to carefully explain every process of manufacturing the photolithography machine.


When he was two hours old, Liu Cong turned to the last page of the PPT, which had the words "Thank you for watching" written on it.

After everyone listened to Liu Cong's speech, their eyes were not only shocked but shocked. They never thought that what a junior college student said was so profound and his knowledge was so broad.

Suddenly many people feel that they are not as good as a junior college student after being a teacher for so many years.

Li Jian, who was standing in the corner, didn't have the previous energy. After hearing what Liu Cong said, he instantly doubted his life. Compared with Liu Cong, he felt like a primary school student and a fool.

"Finally, what I want to say is that our country still has a long way to go in this regard. We are decades behind the West in many aspects of the semiconductor field, but I am willing to make my own contribution to the development of China's semiconductor field."

Liu Cong looked excited, and Qi Yu finished his last sentence grandly, and then bowed deeply to everyone.

After hearing Liu Cong's wonderful narration, everyone spontaneously stood up and applauded Liu Cong. The applause roared and lasted for more than ten seconds before stopping.

"well said."

Principal Zhu Zixiao stood up from his seat tremblingly. At this time, the principal's eyes were already red.

Then the principal slowly walked towards Liu Cong, then held Liu Cong's hand tightly and said, "You must come to our school. With talents like you, the semiconductor industry has a bright future."

Facing such an affectionate principal, Liu Cong could only nod his head desperately.

"Principal, I will."

At the end of the meeting, people left in shock. When everyone looked at Liu Cong, there was a hint of disbelief and respect in their eyes.

And Li Jian in the corner was completely stunned, standing there motionless.

"Wang Huaide."

"Principal, I'm here." Wang Huaide quickly ran to the principal from behind and said.

"That student over there, you know how to deal with it, right?" The principal looked at Li Jian in the corner and said slowly.

At this time, the principal's face was stern and there was no trace of expression on his face.

"I know what to do."

Then Wang Huaide went out and called some security guards to drag Li Jian away. When he left, Li Jian was dragged out on his knees.

Liu Cong didn't sympathize with him at all when he saw this situation. People who are arrogant have to pay the price. If Liu Cong was not the real deal today, then he would be the one kneeling on the ground now.

(My personal level is limited and I cannot write such profound things. Please forgive me, readers. To express my apology, I will add more updates, haha.)

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