In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 158: The ultra-high-precision machine tool model was successfully developed

As soon as the piano sounded, everyone present was shocked.

The music theory teacher looked at Liu Cong with admiration.

This time, the song Liu Cong sang was "Blue and White Porcelain".

Although Liu Cong is not famous, most everyone has heard this song.

When Liu Cong's ethereal voice sounded in the classroom, everyone was shocked.

Liu Cong's voice and piano playing rhythm were exactly the same as what they heard on Douyin.

Soon, in addition to Ma Xiaoli, someone in the classroom quickly recognized Liu Cong.

"Sisters, do you think this handsome boy looks like the one who was trending on Douyin some time ago?"

A beautiful girl with big waves pointed at Liu Cong and said to the sister next to her.

"Hey! It seems really similar!"

"The sky is blue waiting for misty rain, and I am waiting for you."


The climax of this song was perfectly performed by Liu Cong.

The teacher on the side looked at Liu Cong with wide eyes, as if he were looking at a monster.

The students below also couldn't help but dance to the sound of Liu Cong's music.

Soon, Liu Cong finished playing the entire song, and then slowly stood up from the piano seat.

He bowed slightly to the teacher on the stage and the classmates below.

"This classmate, have you ever studied music theory?"

Before Liu Cong could answer, Ma Xiaoli was one step ahead of Liu Cong.

"Teacher, his name is Liu Cong, and he is the original singer."

After hearing the name Liu Cong, the teacher frowned slightly, as if he was remembering something.

"I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

"So you are the gangster from some time ago!"

As soon as this was said, the crowd burst into laughter.

The teacher seemed to know that he had said the wrong thing, so he immediately changed his words.

"I'm sorry, this classmate."

"I know it was a misunderstanding."

The teacher nodded slightly and apologized to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong also smiled and waved his hand, saying it didn't matter.

Afterwards, the class ended in the teacher's passionate voice.

After class, Ma Xiaoli still shamelessly asked Liu Cong for his contact information.

Liu Cong really couldn't resist, so he gave him his contact information.

Ma Xiaoli skipped away after asking for the contact information.

It was already noon after class, so Liu Cong was going to the cafeteria to eat.

In the afternoon, Liu Cong was just about to take a nap.

Zhang Ji called.

"Hey, what's going on!" Liu Cong asked.

"Boss, please come over and take a look."

Zhang Ji on the other end of the phone seemed very excited.

Liu Cong could tell from the sounds in the laboratory at the other end that everyone seemed very excited.

"What happened? It seems like you are all very excited."

"Boss, you'd better come over and take a look. I can't explain it on the phone."

After the two hung up the phone, Liu Cong put on the clothes he had just taken off and walked out of the apartment.

Forty minutes later, Liu Cong arrived at the company's laboratory.

When Liu Cong walked in, Academician Yang Mingxia was leading the laboratory's scientific research team around a machine.

This machine is about two meters long and one and a half meters wide.

At this time, a round mold is being polished, and everyone is watching the machine attentively while it is constantly running.

As the mold gradually took shape, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

"It's done!"

As Academician Yang Mingxia shouted, the machine slowly stopped.

In its place is a smooth mold.

Yang Minxia excitedly took the mold off the machine tool and looked at it carefully.

Then the mold was broken into two semicircles, and then they fit together quickly.

After everyone saw it, they couldn't help but applaud.

At this time, Liu Cong quietly walked to Zhang Ji's side.

After Zhang Ji discovered that Liu Cong had arrived, he excitedly explained to Liu Cong.

"Boss, this is the model machine we developed."

"The grinding accuracy can reach 10um."

"If a real machine tool is developed, the grinding accuracy can reach 0.1um."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ji's face turned red.

At this time, Academician Yang Mingxia also walked to Liu Cong's side.

He handed the newly sharpened mold to Liu Cong.

"Young man, let's take a look."

Liu Cong looked at the smooth, mirror-like ball and slowly took it from Academician Yang Mingxia's hand.

Then, like Academician Yang Mingxia, she separated the balls and then put them together perfectly.

There was no gap in the middle, which surprised Liu Cong.

Although this information was sent by Liu Cong, he had never seen the real mold that was actually developed.


Liu Cong gave a thumbs up to Academician Yang Mingxia.

Academician Yang Mingxia smiled slightly.

"This is the most basic thing. Our country's machine tools can make it."

"If machine tools are really developed, precision parts such as aircraft, aircraft carriers and industries can be manufactured."

"At that time, our country will be able to completely get rid of foreign technological blockades."

"By then, it will be completely possible to achieve fully independent localization."

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

As she spoke, Academician Yang Mingxia's hands couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Yes, ultra-high-precision machine tools may not be too important in Liu Cong's eyes, but in the eyes of Academician Yang Mingxia, they can be regarded as life.

"Grandma, what does this model mean?" Liu Cong asked.

Since Liu Cong has been filming during this period, he has no time to come to the laboratory at all.

So naturally he doesn't know much about these things, including the fact that we are developing model machines, and Liu Cong has no idea at all.

"Is such that."

"This model machine is copied one-to-one based on the information you provided."

"Although the accuracy is not as good as that in your information."

"However, as long as we follow this mold, it is only a matter of time before we can create ultra-high-precision machine tools."

After hearing Academician Yang Mingxia's explanation, everyone nodded unanimously.

"Yes, boss."

"As long as we have this model machine, it is only a matter of time before we develop ultra-high-precision machine tools."


Zhang Ji didn't say anything else, and it could be seen that he was very embarrassed.

"but what?"

When Liu Cong asked this, everyone was silent.

"Are you running out of funds?"

Speaking of this, everyone who was originally silent nodded unanimously.

Liu Cong smiled slightly after knowing the reason.

"I thought it was something!"

"You don't have to worry about funding, just focus on research and development."

"Leave it to me to handle the funding. I will ensure that you have sufficient funds for research and development."

After hearing Liu Cong's words, everyone felt relieved.

After Liu Cong came out of the laboratory, the principal's phone call came in.

"Liu Cong, where have you been?"

"Why aren't you in the apartment?"

After hearing what the principal said, Liu Cong hurriedly said: "Principal, I am here in my laboratory."

"What's wrong? Principal?"

"Classmate Liu Cong, come back quickly!"

"There is something very important that we need to discuss when you come back."

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