Liu Cong was confused when he heard what the police said.

Before Liu Cong could react, the police directly held Liu Cong's hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Today I finally met the hero in person!"

Only then did Liu Cong realize that it was because he was rescuing people that night that the police came directly to his door.

Liu Cong scratched the back of his head and then smiled awkwardly.

"So that's why you came to me!"

"Actually, I didn't do anything but deliver positive energy!"

Seeing what Liu Cong said, the two policemen gave Liu Cong a thumbs up.

"Forgot to introduce myself."

"My name is Wang Bin, and the young man next to me is Li Chengshu."

Liu Cong smiled slightly.

"Police Officer Wang, Officer Li."

"Nice to meet you!"

At this time, when Chen Qiong came back from buying breakfast and saw this scene, she almost threw away the breakfast in her hand.

"Liu Cong!"

"Have you committed another crime?" Chen Qiong pointed at Liu Cong and said loudly.


The two policemen looked at Chen Qiong at the same time and said.

"He didn't commit any crime!"

"Why are you so excited?"

"This is your girlfriend!"

Officer Wang pointed at Chen Qiong and looked at Liu Cong.

Liu Cong nodded subconsciously.


Chen Qiong, who was still a little angry at first, was still very happy when she heard Liu Cong admit that she was his girlfriend.

"Uncle policeman, Liu Cong, did he make a mistake?"

"I'm so sorry!"

"He is still young and ignorant. I will teach him a lesson when I get back."

The two policemen were completely confused. They couldn't understand what Chen Qiong was talking about.

"Madam, you may have misunderstood us."

"Liu Cong acted bravely, so we came here to thank him."

After hearing what the police said, Liu Cong breathed a long sigh of relief.

"So this is ah!"

After hearing this reminder from the police, Chen Qiong remembered Liu Cong's courageous act of justice that night.


"Otherwise, can we still let him go in and use the sewing machine?" Officer Wang joked.

Chen Qiong smiled, "Uncle policeman, you really know how to joke."

Afterwards, the four of them stood at the door and laughed.

"So, today we are here specifically to thank you."

"Besides, that girl has been looking for her savior, and she wants to thank him in person."

"We are also preparing for Liu Cong to be interviewed."

When Chen Qiong heard the interview, her eyes instantly lit up.

"So this is ah!"

Chen Qiong originally wanted to quickly agree to the two police officers, but Liu Cong beat Chen Qiong to his surprise.

"Well, thank you for your kindness."

"I won't accept the interview, as long as the girl has nothing to do."

"The two of us have already booked our high-speed rail tickets for 10:30 this morning."

"So, I'm sorry this time!"

Liu Cong expressed his deep apology to the two police officers.

Chen Qiong just wanted to say something, but Liu Cong blocked his mouth.

"Well, two officers, it's getting late."

"We have to catch the high-speed train after breakfast, so I won't disturb your work."

Liu Cong said it very straightforwardly, and the two police officers also knew Liu Cong's intention.

Since they couldn't force themselves anymore, the two police officers said a few words to Liu Cong and then went out directly from the hotel.

After the two police officers left, Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with a reproachful look on his face.

"Why don't you give an interview."

"Do you know what a great PR opportunity this is?"

Liu Cong spread his hands indifferently.

"Many people know about this matter, so there is no problem if I don't accept an interview."

“Instead, maintaining a sense of mystery is the best option.”

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Chen Qiong felt that it made sense.

"that's true!"

"If you were interviewed, there would be no mystery."

"Okay, it's up to you."

"After breakfast, let's go back to Peking directly."

"My company still has a lot of things waiting for me to deal with."

Liu Cong touched his stomach and felt it was empty.

So, he quickly picked up the breakfast in Chen Qiong's hand and started cooking.

At early four o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Qiong and Liu Cong arrived at Peking Station.

After leaving the station, Liu Cong and Chen Qiong parted ways.

Liu Cong took a taxi to school, while Chen Qiong went directly to her media company.

After returning to school, Liu Cong was ready to go back to his apartment immediately.

Since they did not have the habit of wearing masks when going out, some Huaqing alumni immediately recognized Liu Cong.

"You are Liu Cong!"

"I really like the Chrysanthemum Stage you sang!"

At this time, a young girl wearing JK walked directly to Liu Cong's side.

"Can you sign your autograph for me? I didn't expect that my idol goes to the same school as me."

With that said, the girl excitedly picked up the notebook in her hand and wanted to ask Liu Cong for an autograph.

Liu Cong didn't put on any airs and signed the girl directly.

After signing, the girl looked at Liu Cong and trotted away excitedly.

With the lessons learned from the past, Liu Cong learned the lesson this time and directly covered his mouth, found a place with few people and returned to his apartment.

Huaqing University girls dormitory,

Lin Yichen sat blankly in front of the computer, watching Liu Cong's game last night.

Her eyes were empty and expressionless, and no one knew what she was thinking.

After the last incident, Ma Xiaoli's relationship with Ariel Lin was obviously very estranged.

What happened that day made her completely understand Ariel Ariel.

Moreover, Ma Xiaoli has already regarded Lin Yichen as her competitor.

Women's intuition is generally very sensitive.

"No, I want to get Liu Cong back again."

"This time I will be the licking dog."

"He loved me so much before, he will forgive me for the past, right?"

Ariel Ariel sat on a stool and talked to herself in front of the computer screen.

Ma Xiaoli and Rongrong just looked at Lin Yichen, no one knew what she planned to do next.

When Liu Cong returned to the apartment, he immediately opened the group that Jiang Wanying had invited him into.

When he saw that the group was full of 99+ messages, he was a little surprised.

Later, he saw these people discussing the use of Cangjie Editor every day.

Judging from their appearance, it seems that they have already mastered it.

And this small group, which originally had only fifty people, has now grown to more than one hundred and fifty people.

This was something Liu Cong didn't expect.

At the moment, Liu Cong wants to come up with the browser framework as quickly as possible.

Time waits for no one.

At that moment, Liu Cong turned on the computer.

Then I opened the Cangjie editor I created and started working in it.

It wasn't until late at night that Liu Cong slowly closed the computer screen.

Time has advanced another half month,

Liu Cong also participated in two episodes of I Am a Singer one after another, and won first place each time.

Both times, Liu Cong brought his own original songs.

It was Liu Cong's two singings that instantly promoted him from a third-tier singer to a second-tier singer.

Moreover, Liu Cong's good deeds have also attracted widespread attention from people in society.

In this entertainment industry that can collapse at any time, there are relatively few people like Liu Cong.

Therefore, it is possible to gain so many fans in a short period of time.

His system reputation value suddenly increased by several million, from the original more than two million to more than 6.53 million.

This is more than doubled!

Since today is the weekend, Liu Cong stayed in his apartment and continued to prepare his browser kernel framework.

Suddenly, the phone on Liu Cong's desk rang.

After taking a look, I saw it was a call from Mr. Jiang from Chery.

"Little friend Liu Cong, please come over now."

"We have made a major breakthrough in our engine."

Mr. Jiang's tone on the other end of the phone could no longer be described as excited.

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