Seeing such a corrupt scene, Liu Cong and Coach Zhao couldn't help but frown.

And they felt very complacent, after all, other national football teams could not eat these sea cucumbers transported by air.

Soon after, everyone began to pay attention to Liu Cong.

Seeing Liu Cong, who was eight meters tall and a handsome young man, everyone looked at him with envy.

At this time, someone on the team seemed to recognize Liu Cong.

He came up and pointed at Liu Cong and said, "Hey!"

"I know you, you are the one participating in the singing competition!"

"Let me think about your name."

As he said this, the man took out his mobile phone and started searching on the Internet.

Then, the man slapped his forehead.

"Yes! Liu Cong, your name is Liu Cong."

Here, Liu Cong never expected to be recognized by other players.

This is enough to prove that Liu Cong is now somewhat famous in the entertainment industry.

Coach Zhao on the side was very puzzled when he saw someone on the team reacting like this.

After some understanding, Coach Zhao was also very surprised.

Before this, he had no idea that Liu Cong had such an identity.

At this time, everyone looked at the young man in front of them and collectively agreed in their hearts.

Liu Cong came to participate in this football match, and he must have wanted to take this opportunity to create hype.

Let's raise our reputation in the country to a higher level.

"Little brother, don't worry, you will definitely have a chance to play this time."

"When the time comes, if we cooperate again, we will definitely make you famous in the industry. We will not steal your limelight."

At this time, after knowing Liu Cong's identity, another member of the football team also ran over and patted Liu Cong on the shoulder to reassure him.

For a time, everyone thought Liu Cong was just a player who was inferior to them.

I don’t even know if I can play football, I’m just a backdoor star.

Of course, Liu Cong was not angry when faced with this situation, but was very disappointed.

When new players join the team, the first thing they think about is not the player's strength, but the identity and background behind the player.

Isn't this the tragedy of the national football team?

When will the national football team be able to shine on the field like other countries, enter the World Cup in one fell swoop, and win glory for China!

China is a vast country with a population of more than one billion.

There are not even 11 outstanding players.

In Liu Cong's eyes, this is a kind of sadness.

Coach Zhao on the side frowned even deeper when he saw their reaction.

Perhaps, in his heart, he also hopes that the national football team can become better and stronger, but he cannot change the current situation.

If it weren't for Liu Cong this time, he might never have been able to watch a World Cup live.

If you want to go, you probably have to spend money to see it.

At this time, China was thousands of kilometers away.

Football fans got off the plane one by one.

They chartered a plane specifically a week ago to watch the football match and cheer for China.

However, the performance of the Chinese players completely chilled them and completely gave them no hope.

So, they simply spent a week in Qatar and returned home directly.

When the fans boarded the plane, reporters had already received the news.

So, I waited at the exit of the airport early.

When reporters saw a large group of people wearing red coats, they rushed up to conduct interviews.

The entire interview was broadcast live.

"This fan, are you satisfied with the performance of the Chinese football team last time?"

The reporter interviewed a middle-aged man.

Hearing the reporter's question, he could no longer hide his anger.

"Satisfied! I'm satisfied with the hammer!"

"Have you ever seen a player who can knock himself down by swinging the ball?"

When the reporter heard the middle-aged man ask this question, he shook his head.

The middle-aged man laughed at himself, pointed at the camera and said angrily: "I've fucking seen it before!"

"This is the player of our country!"

The middle-aged man gave a thumbs up to the camera and then left laughing.

The reporter didn't give up, so he interviewed another person.

Unexpectedly, all the contestants being interviewed this time knew how to answer quickly, and they directly picked up the microphone and pointed it at the camera.

"Chinese Football Team, are you worthy of us!?"

"We came all the way here and you just get this for me?"

"Geneva!! Money back!!"

At this time, people's emotions seemed to be aroused by this big brother.

"Geneva!! Money back!!"

“Money back!!”

The scene was extremely chaotic.

If there were any national football players here, they would go up and give him a beating.

With their current mood, it is really possible.

In the live broadcast room, there were about seven to eight million people watching the live broadcast at the same time.

After everyone saw such a scene, they all expressed their opinions in the live broadcast room.

Chongzi: If I were there, I would be as excited as them. The national football team really has no hope.

Touch my woman and die! : Forget it, the national football team should be disbanded as soon as possible, we are still playing here.


For a time, not only was the scene chaotic, but the barrage in the live broadcast room was also extremely unbearable.

Some people at the scene just put on their shoes while talking.

When the host saw this situation, he directly arranged for the person next to him to carry the camera and run away.

People at the airport were stunned when they saw such a scene. They had seen such a scene before, so they took videos with their mobile phones and posted them online.

It didn’t take long for the news to become a hot search topic.

The eldest brother who said he would refund the money was directly called the refund brother by netizens.

Someone even searched for his Douyin account, and he gained one million followers in just two hours.

Liu Cong and the others, who were far away in Qatar, had just finished lunch.

Sure enough, we had sea cucumber for lunch, as well as abalone and lobster.

Liu Cong and Coach Zhao ate absentmindedly, feeling even more guilty.

But the team members don't care about this, one or two of them have shiny faces.

After eating, everyone had a cup of afternoon tea.

Liu Cong couldn't stand it anymore, so he found an excuse and left.

After seeing Liu Cong go out, Coach Zhao followed him out.

"Where are you going?" Coach Zhao asked as he followed Liu Cong.

Liu Cong pointed to the stadium not far from the hotel.

"I want to go see the stadium."

About five minutes later, the two walked to the stadium.

As soon as he entered the stadium, Liu Cong saw the Japanese team sweating on the court.

Looking at the Japanese players wearing white team uniforms, with their expressions full of fighting spirit, Liu Cong felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Coach Zhao on the side looked a little worried when he saw this situation.

"Are you here for the World Cup?"

I don't know when, a person appeared out of thin air next to Liu Cong. He spoke fluent Japanese.

Judging from his age, he should be the team's coach.

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, but looked confused, the coach understood instantly.

Liu Cong took out his mobile phone and quickly opened the translation.

Fortunately, Liu Cong translated what the coach on the other side said.

The original intention is probably that the national football team has not been seen practicing here for a week or so.

Have they given up on the game?

When Liu Cong heard this, he silently put down his phone and gave the Japanese coach a polite smile.

Then, Liu Cong dragged Coach Zhao directly away from the training ground where the Japanese team was located.

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