His thoughts were brought back to reality, and Liu Cong felt a sense of elation when facing the incredible faces on the field.

For two years, Liu Cong has been waiting for this moment for too long.

Huaqing University, a place I once dreamed of coming to, has gone from being impossible to becoming a reality.

Now, with just a word from Liu Cong, he could come to the school he had dreamed of in an instant, but Liu Cong now felt that everything was not so important.

Liu Cong fantasized more than once about being on the campus of Huaqing University, by the Weiming Lake, on a dusk afternoon, holding hands with his girlfriend who had promised eachother to him and walking romantically on the campus, breathing in the fresh air together. The air is blowing with the evening breeze.

However, just now, Liu Cong's dream was completely shattered, and he was completely relieved. No matter how beautiful it was, it was time to let it go.


"It seems that Liu Cong's level is genuine." In a corner of the viewing area, the principal looked at Liu Cong below and sighed.

"Yes, Principal, Liu Cong is indeed very capable. It seems that our students have been hit harder."

Ma Bokun pointed at Li Xiangyang who was sitting on the ground. There were several teachers beside him who were constantly comforting him, but Li Xiangyang was indifferent to this.

At this time, Ariel Ariel walked down from the auditorium and walked directly to Li Xiangyang. Faced with Li Xiangyang's embarrassment, Ariel Ariel's face looked a little stern.

"Yichen, he must have cheated, otherwise I wouldn't lose to him."

When Li Xiangyang saw Lin Yichen coming to his side, he immediately got up from the ground and pointed his finger at Liu Cong in the middle of the field.

Facing Li Xiangyang's embarrassed look at this time, Lin Yichen couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"Xiang Yang, do you know what kind of man I hate the most?" Lin Yichen asked the man next to her.

Li Xiangyang's head shook like a rattle.

"That's what you look like now."

Lin Yichen looked at the man in front of her calmly, with no trace of color in his expression.

When the teacher next to him saw that something was wrong, he immediately stopped what Ariel Ariel said next, but it seemed a little too late.

"Let's break up, I don't love you anymore."

After saying this, Lin Yichen turned around and left without looking back. When Liu Cong saw this scene, he could already imagine what would happen next.

"We are both fallen people from the end of the world." Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh.

The results of the game have come out, and the spectators present are leaving one after another.

"Why is this junior college student so good? Compared with that junior college student, I feel like he is a junior college student."

"Yes, sister, he is not only powerful, but also good-looking."

Two girls passed by Li Xiangyang and pointed at Li Xiangyang and said.

These two sentences undoubtedly gave Li Xiangyang another critical blow.

"Liu Cong, I will not let you go. I will return all the grievances I suffered today to you one by one in the future."

From childhood to adulthood, Li Xiangyang has always been a proud man, whether in studies or in other aspects. He has never been hit as hard as he is today.

The winner was decided, and Liu Cong felt that there was no need to stay here any longer. After all, it was already noon, and Liu Cong was already hungry, so it was time to find a place to have lunch.

Liu Cong picked up his computer bag and prepared to leave the gym.

"Classmate Liu Cong, wait."

Just as Liu Cong was about to leave, Teacher Li stopped him.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Liu Cong asked.

"It's like this. According to the previous agreement of the competition, if you win, you will get 100,000 yuan as a reward for this competition."

After Teacher Li reminded Liu Cong, he finally reacted. After all, Liu Cong is now considered a person worth over 100 million yuan. One hundred thousand yuan is just small money in his opinion.

"Teacher, do you mean to ask me for my bank card number?"

Teacher Li nodded.

Later, Liu Cong told Teacher Li his bank card number and name.


After leaving the gym, Liu Cong met two familiar faces.

After seeing Liu Cong coming out, the two of them smiled and greeted him.

"Classmate Liu Cong, your performance just now was really wonderful."

The principal looked at Liu Cong in front of him with a smile.

Liu Cong was also very surprised to see the two of them.

"Principal, Teacher Ma, how did you know that I came here to compete today?" Liu Cong asked in surprise.

"I didn't know it originally, but he accidentally saw your live broadcast, so we came." The principal pointed to Ma Bokun next to him.

"Classmate Liu Cong, you have brought great shame to our school this time. News may break out on the Internet soon." Ma Bokun smiled and pointed at Liu Cong in front of him and joked.

Liu Cong scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I didn't think too much about it during the game. If you had told me earlier, Teacher Ma, I would have put some pressure on him, and I wouldn't have let him lose so ugly."

Liu Cong's words made the two of them look at each other and smile.

"Hey, as I said, this is called internal competition. If that student loses, it's because he has no ability. Our Huaqing University won't be called Huaqing University just because we lost in one game."


Because the principal and Ma Bokun were too enthusiastic, Liu Cong was forced to have lunch in the cafeteria of Huaqing University.

"Classmate Liu Cong, do you need Ma Bokun to see you off?" the principal said to Liu Cong in front of him.

After hearing this, Liu Cong waved his hands quickly.

"No need, principal. You and Teacher Ma will go and do your work first." Liu Cong said to the principal and Ma Bokun.

"Okay, be careful on your way back alone." The principal told Liu Cong in front of him.

"Oh, by the way, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. Our lithography machine laboratory will be completed in the next two days. By then, many industry elites will participate in research and development. I will invite you to the group. inside."

As the principal said this, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and pulled Liu Cong into the lithography machine research and development group.


Liu Cong took the bus back. After getting on the bus, Liu Cong found a seat by the window.

"Hey, did you watch the game this morning?" A student with yellow hair and a slightly unconventional atmosphere said to the two classmates next to him.

"Are you from the match between junior college students and Huaqing University this morning?" A student with dyed green hair said to the one with dyed yellow hair.

"Yes, yes, yes."

The young man with yellow hair was a little excited when he said this.

"It really gives our junior college students some face. I have never seen a junior college student be so awesome in my whole life."

"Yes, this is the first time I have seen that the opponent of a key player is actually a top student from Huaqing University."


The three people were chatting on the bus, but they didn't know that the real boss was next to them.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to the dormitory. When my roommate saw Liu Cong, he simply greeted him. Everyone in the dormitory knew that Liu Cong was usually busy.

"Dachun, look at how pretty this young lady is. She must have a good figure and good looks."

As soon as he heard about the beauty, Dachun immediately became interested. He leaned next to Shen Teng and started to take a look.

"My dear, this is good. The bear is so big and its butt is very upright. I like it." Dachun looked at it and his tears were about to flow.

Liu Cong was relieved when he saw the reactions of his roommates. Fortunately, they didn't find anything today.

I was tired from the competition today, and Liu Cong didn't go to the laboratory in the afternoon. When Liu Cong turned on his mobile phone to browse the web, he saw an advertisement, which instantly caught Liu Cong's attention.

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