In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 219: The release of the browser kernel caused a sensation in China

Jiang Wanying saw that everyone was so excited, but what she wanted to show had not yet been shown.

So, she spoke again.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

"I know everyone came here today just to verify the truth."

Jiang Wanying waved to the people behind her, and then made way for them.

Later, several staff members wearing the same red clothes brought in a projector, holding laptops in their hands.

When staff members hold computers in their hands, everyone can predict what will happen next.

Everyone just watched the laptop start up on the small makeshift table.

Next to the table is a projector, and opposite is a projection cloth.

Everyone held their breath the moment they saw the computer turned on.

All filming equipment was pointed at the scene.

Because, next they will witness a historic moment.

At this time, the United States is 10,000 kilometers across the ocean.

There are many people sitting in a conference room with a large projector in the middle.

What is shown above is the press conference site on China's side.

"Edward, what credibility do you think this Chinese side has this time?"

At this time, the man in his thirties sitting next to Edward asked.

Edward sat on the chair, thinking carefully, and then pointed at the screen.

"It won't be long before we know the answer."

"Unless they can avoid our patent this time, we will still sanction them."

"And the efforts they are making now are just a flash in the pan."

"It can't cause any trouble."

Hearing what Edward said, everyone here showed their white teeth.


Here in China,

Everyone here was staring nervously at the big screen.

Jiang Wanying calmly opened the Cangjie APP.

Then what is presented to everyone is an interface that is all Chinese fonts.

Everyone looked at it in confusion at first, and they didn't know how it was different from the compiler that everyone usually compiles.

But when Jiang Wanying entered the Chinese code into the software, everyone was shocked.

The live broadcast room was even more chaotic.

Many of the people watching the live broadcast here are students.

And many of them are majoring in science.

In colleges and universities, nearly half of the students have to take the course of compiled languages.

When they see the Chinese code, they know what it means.

This is simply bypassing all patents and developing a new compiled language.

In the beginning, it wasn’t like no one had done it before.

But the heat was too low and no one used it.

Therefore, it gradually disappeared from the public view.

And today, when the compiled language in the form of Chinese characters appears in front of everyone, this is simply another precedent.

Facing the confusion on everyone's faces, Jiang Wanying explained: "The name of this software is Cangjie."

"Our boss spent a lot of time writing it."

"Currently, this software has been released as open source and free on our official website."

"You can download it anytime."

"There are also tutorials on how to use the software."

With that said, Jiang Wanying projected the QR code of the website onto the projection cloth for everyone to scan.

After about thirty seconds of rest, Jiang Wanying clicked on a red circular icon on her computer.

That's right, this is the browser kernel that more than a thousand teams spent two or three months working on.

Now, as long as the state allows approval, it can be put into use immediately.

Although this browser kernel is not connected to the Internet.

But the framework and everything are there.

When everyone saw a brand new webpage appear in front of the public, everyone was shocked.

Unlike regular web pages, this web page is extremely simple.

Maybe it's because of lack of development.

There is a search box in the middle and nothing next to it.

In order to make it more intuitive for everyone to see.

Jiang Wanying directly released part of the code to the public.

In a conference room in the United States,

When everyone saw lines of Chinese compiled language appearing on the projector, everyone was stunned.

"Jane, you know Chinese, can you translate these codes?"

Edward said to a young man in his twenties next to him.

After receiving the instruction, the young man stared at the big screen.

At first, he was still staring at the big screen expressionlessly. The further he looked down, the more distorted his expression became.

"No! This is absolutely impossible!"

"How can this be compiled into the browser's kernel? This is absolutely impossible!"

"With tens of thousands of lines of code, how is this possible!"

When everyone heard Jane, a young man, say 10 million lines of code, there was a sensation in the conference room.



"Ten million is enough, how is this possible?"

You know, their browser kernel uses more than 70 million lines of code.

Moreover, this is all based on simplified optimization.

"I bet this won't work!"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

For a moment, the hall was filled with doubts.

They don't want to believe this fact.

At present, it is absolutely impossible for the United States to obtain a patent in this area.

"High-precision bearings, engines, ultra-high-precision machine tools, kernel browsers, and photolithography machines!"

"How many trump cards does China still have that haven't been revealed yet?"

"It seems that our plan will be delayed!"


In China, the vast majority of young netizens are glued to the screen at this time.

Seeing this scene, I was extremely excited and couldn't describe it in words.

This is a pride engraved in the bones.

"Soldier, come and take a look!"

"The core of our domestic browser is out."

In a university dormitory in China,

A young man about twenty years old was shaking the bed vigorously.

The young man named Da Bing rubbed his eyes and then slowly propped up his body with his arms.

"Wang Yue, what's making such a fuss about?"

"Am I still sleeping?"

"You don't know that I stayed up all night writing code!"

"I haven't slept enough yet!"

The soldier looked at Wang Yue with a somewhat unhappy expression.

"Soldier, the domestic browser kernel is out."

"He was taken out!"

After hearing these words, the soldiers immediately became 100% energetic.


"Can you say that again?"

Wang Yue was out of breath because she was so excited.

"Get it out!"

"It's really done!"

"Come down and take a look!"

Seeing that Wang Yue was so excited, Da Bing got out of bed wearing big pants.

Ten minutes later, the soldier's pupils became larger.

"This this!"

"This is real!"

"It's really done!"

"Haha, God bless me, China!"

The soldier immediately started dancing in the dormitory.

Words cannot express his excitement.

As a programmer, everyone also hopes to see Huaxia getting better and better in this regard.

(Two updates today. There are too many things going on in the past two days, so I posted it so late. Sorry!)

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