Such a sentence is extremely willful in the eyes of other academicians.

You know, the National Research Institute is the dream of every scientific researcher.

As long as you enter the institute, it means you have the most advanced scientific research resources and a bright future.

From the perspective of outsiders, this temptation is difficult to refuse.

In fact, Liu Cong has no interest in these.

In terms of reputation, he has no shortage of it.

As for money, he has no shortage of it.

Even if he lays his body at home every day, he still has a lot of income in a year.

After everyone heard Liu Cong's words, their faces were full of doubts.

Although Huaqing University is the highest institution in the country, in terms of scientific research resources and conditions.

That is a big step ahead of Huaqing.

However, even so, Liu Cong was still not interested in these.

He knew that the Research Institute was a besieged city.

People outside want to come in, and people inside want to get out.

Unless you love this profession very much and dedicate yourself to it.

Otherwise, studying day after day can drive Liu Cong crazy.

Everyone was a little surprised by Liu Cong's answer.

But looking back, everyone can understand it.

After all, Liu Cong's scientific research level has surpassed everyone present.

Even if he doesn't go to institute.

After this incident is over, the principal will prepare the best experimental environment for him at any cost.

At this time, Academician Jia on the side spoke.

"Don't force him, I've already offered him an olive branch."

"If he is willing, can he still get your turn?"

"The most important thing for you now is to try to reach cooperation with Academician Liu."

"Anyway, the final result is the same. Everyone is doing it for scientific research."

Liu Cong himself strongly agrees with Academician Jia’s statement.

Anyway, the final result is to complete the research and development of controllable fusion, which is the same everywhere.

Instead of soliciting, it is better to reach an agreement with Huaqing.

This will not delay the progress of the experiment, and everyone will not have to fight over Liu Cong's whereabouts.

For a time, everyone accepted Academician Jia’s opinion.

"I think what Academician Jia said makes sense, since they don't want to come."

"We will provide him with the most convenient research environment right behind."

"Let me see, all the original experimental equipment, except this tokamak device, have been replaced by new ones."

"When the time comes, I will find two more academicians to personally serve as assistants to Academician Liu."

Shu Lao stared at everyone, and then said slowly.

Liu Cong on the side was really frightened by Shu Lao's idea.

"Academician Shu, this is impossible!!"

"How can I let an academician be my assistant?"

"I can do this experiment alone."

"You asked an academician to be my assistant, you are trying to discredit me!!"

At this time, Liu Cong looked at the principal beside him, hoping to get some help from the principal.

For this reason, the principal could only shake his head helplessly.

After all, in front of these industry leaders, he has no weight to speak.

"It's been decided for now, so don't refuse."

"I asked them to come here to learn from you."

Shu Lao's proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

Faced with this situation, Liu Cong had no choice but to nod in agreement.

After all, having an academician as an assistant will make it easier for you.

By the way, you can also contribute to the scientific research progress of your country, so why not do it.

Seeing that the experiment was completed, Liu Cong left the experimental building surrounded by a group of academicians.

Liu Cong was shocked when he saw such a scene outside.

The huge square was already filled with helicopters.

Warning signs have been put up around the area.

The scene this time was several times bigger than the last scene at Beijing Vocational College.

The scene is also very spectacular.

Seeing everyone coming out, a man wearing three gold stars on his shoulders and two people wearing a big gold star on their shoulders walked over.

When Liu Cong saw the symbols on the shoulders of the three people in front of him, he almost became weak in fear.

The three gold stars in front of me represent the supreme glory and power.

"Commander, why did you come to the scene in person?"

Shu Lao walked tremblingly in front of the chief on crutches.

After seeing Mr. Shu, the chief's originally serious face broke out into a smile.

"Lao Shu, I received the order immediately."

"Controllable nuclear fusion is not a small thing. Of course I have to come and take a look."

"I think this young man is me, right?"

The chief asked, pointing at Liu Cong.

Liu Cong looked at the man in his fifties or sixties and didn't know what to say for a moment.

This was the first time Liu Cong had such close contact with a person of this level. Of course he was nervous.

"Yes, that's the young man in front of you."

The commander-in-chief in front of him was also very surprised when he received Shu Lao's confirmation.

Controllable nuclear fusion has been a national development priority since the last century.

That is a research that scientists have been studying for decades, but without much breakthrough.

In just a few months, a young man made a breakthrough.

How could this not be taken seriously by superiors?

Controllable nuclear fusion is research that can change the destiny of mankind.

"did not expect!!"

"I didn't expect you to be so young!"

After speaking, the chief came to Liu Cong and held Liu Cong's hand tightly.

Liu Cong was frightened by the sudden enthusiasm.

"Hello, my name is Guan Changsheng."

The chief took the initiative to extend his friendly hands to Liu Cong.

Upon seeing this, Liu Cong did not dare to neglect at all, and stretched out his hands to shake hands with the chief.

"You are really amazing!!"

"This experiment of yours scared us to death!"

Hearing what the chief said, Liu Cong didn't react for a while.

Before Liu Cong could ask, the director directly told the reason of the matter.

"The experiment you did is a top secret experiment of the country!"

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if your experiment videos or your experiment-related materials were taken away by criminals?"

By the way, Liu Cong really didn't think of this when he was experimenting.

Of course, Liu Cong is lucky.

During the few months he was in the laboratory, almost no one knew what he was doing there.

I only know that there is someone doing experiments inside, but no one knows what experiments are being done.

"Chief, I really didn't consider this."

"I thought what I was doing was just an ordinary experiment."

"Aren't many research institutes and schools in China doing this?"

"I didn't think about it either!"

Liu Cong embarrassedly scratched his hair and pretended to be innocent.

"Then this won't work!"

"When you conduct experiments in the future, you must be strictly guarded by the army."

"In case some criminals take advantage of this loophole."


The chief shouted to an officer behind him.

"Chief, I'm here!!"

The young officer behind him responded to the commander's order immediately.

"Remember this, and you will be responsible for leading people to guard this area from now on."

"No one should be allowed in this area."

"Even if a fly flies in, I will still question you."

"Did you hear that?!"

The commander's roar immediately increased his momentum.

"heard it!"

"Promise to complete the tasks assigned to me by my superiors!"

The young officer behind him saluted the commander respectfully.

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