There were bursts of cheers from the audience. After all, this was the first contestant to take the stage, and people were still very interested.

At this time, Liu Cong discovered that the person walking towards Taichung was Peng Wang who had just chatted with him, wasn't it?

"Four instructors, hello everyone, my name is Peng Wang, I am a decorator, and I have a high pitch that can kill everything in the world."

Hearing what Peng Wang said, the four instructors looked at him with interest.

"Okay, then you can sing a treble song for us." The instructor on the right said to Peng Wang in front of him.

After hearing Peng Wang's confident words, the contestants below and people who came to watch the audition cheered for the No. 1 contestant below.

Peng Wang stood on the stage and took a deep breath, then gradually picked up the microphone in his hand, showing an unfathomable look.

The four instructors on the field and the audience held their breath.


"Three days and three nights! At midnight, I want to dance non-stop... Three days and three nights, at midnight..."

Peng Wang picked up the microphone and sang wildly on the stage with his eyes closed. The sound could only be described as shocking, weeping ghosts and gods.

The four instructors couldn't stand it anymore, so they all raised red cards.

But Peng Wang, who had his eyes closed, was completely enjoying the world of his singing. In the end, the instructor personally interrupted and Peng Wang stopped singing.

The entire audience, including the four instructors, took a breath.

"Teacher, can you give me another chance? I'll sing a gentler one. I guarantee it will sound better than this one." He said quickly.

But the four instructors who had seen Peng Wang's singing ability could not bear to be so tortured by Peng Wang, so they quickly shook their heads and said no.

Peng Wang was a little disappointed, but he did not forget to recommend his Douyin when he came off the stage, which amused Liu Cong in the audience.

"Next, please invite No. 2 to come on."

At this time, a forty-year-old aunt came up. Time had not left any trace on his face, and he was as well-maintained as a woman in her early thirties.

The song she brought was a ballad, but it only received two votes, so she was unfortunately eliminated.

The next contestant who sang was either too ugly and was forcibly given a red card by the instructor, or his singing was mediocre and unappealing.

There were originally 10,000 to 20,000 people in the live broadcast room, but they were basically all gone after being sung like this. Now there are only 400 to 500 people left in the live broadcast room who are still watching.


"Contestant No. 55 is invited to perform on stage."

When the host lady read out the contestants' numbers, she no longer had the enthusiasm she had at the beginning.

The four instructors originally had smiles on their faces, but now they no longer have smiles on their faces.


Unknowingly, contestant No. 65 came on stage. Liu Cong picked up his phone and looked at the time. It was already half past five.

The competition lasted for more than three hours. The four instructors on the stage were already a little tired, and the audience was leaving one after another.

Because it's almost time to get off work, the number of people in the live broadcast room has picked up a bit. The live broadcast room that originally had only four to five hundred people now has one to two thousand people.

Soon contestant No. 65 finished singing. The four instructors thought that there was only one green card. It was obvious that they had not passed the competition. The contestant walked off the stage in frustration.

"Now, contestant No. 66 is invited to come on stage to participate in the competition."

I don’t know if it was the auspicious number 66 or the host lady who felt that she was about to be liberated, so her voice rose a bit at this time.

The four instructors on the field felt much better instantly when they saw such a young and handsome young man walking towards the stage.

"Hello, classmate, are you ready?"

Facing the instructor's question, Liu Cong smiled and nodded.

"Hello, instructor, I'm ready." Liu Cong said politely.

"Okay, then please start your next performance."

The instructor made a gesture of invitation.

Liu Cong took a deep breath and then said: "Dear instructors and audience friends, what I want to sing next is my original song, "Blooming Life"."

Liu Cong thought silently in his heart, Teacher Wang Feng, I'm sorry, I can lend you your work.

The four instructors on the stage were a little surprised when they heard that Liu Cong was going to sing his own original song.

The one or two thousand people in the live broadcast room started posting comments when they heard that Liu Cong was going to sing his own original song.

"This young man with thin skin and tender flesh wants to sing an original song. I don't think his hair has even grown."

"Go on, the quality of the auditions for "Chinese Good Songs" is getting worse every year. If this continues, we should stop broadcasting this kind of program."

"Don't waste time, why are you brewing? You haven't started singing yet."


The audience at the scene was also preparing to watch Liu Cong's next performance with the attitude of watching a show in the audience.

Liu Cong raised the microphone and remembered that on the day he was reborn, he encountered a car accident, and he, who was originally a talented Ph.D. student, also became a junior college student.

The incomprehension of his relatives and friends and the inconsideration of his parents caused him to suffer a lot of cold looks and contempt.

But he did not give up hope in life and continued to work hard. When his classmates were sleeping and playing games in the back row during class, he was in the first row to listen to the class.

While his roommates were playing games in the dormitory, he went to the lab to study.

Finally, the emperor paid off, and Liu Cong made himself better step by step through his own efforts. Even the president of Huaqing University personally met with him.

Liu Cong did it!

At this moment, he just wanted to shout out all his grievances through the microphone.

"How many times have I fallen on the road!"

"How many times have I broken my wings?"

"Now I no longer feel hesitant."

"I want to transcend this ordinary luxury."

Then Liu Cong put down the phone and paused. The originally calm Liu Cong's eyes were suddenly full of passion.

"I want a life in full bloom!"

"It's like flying into the vast sky."

"It's like walking through an endless wilderness."

"Have the power to break free from anything."


After singing, Liu Cong put down the microphone and bowed deeply to the four instructors and audience friends present.


At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was instantly ignited by Liu Cong, who spontaneously applauded Liu Cong with excitement.

Even the instructor on the stage stood up excitedly and took the initiative to show the green card, unanimously passing the vote.

They heard an attitude from Liu Cong's songs, that is, no matter how difficult life is and no matter how many misfortunes there are in life, I will not give in and will still face life with an upward attitude.

Netizens in the live broadcast room, although they were far away and couldn't see Liu Cong's real face, sent encouraging comments one after another.

"This is the most beautiful sound I have heard this year."

"He will definitely be the champion when he goes to the stage of "Chinese Good Songs"."


"This classmate, what is your name?" A tutor on the stage asked Liu Cong excitedly.

"Hello, tutor, my name is Liu Cong. I am 20 years old and still a student."

After listening to Liu Cong's introduction, the four instructors nodded one after another.

"What a young and promising person. You passed our audition this time. You don't need to participate in the next audition competition. You can go directly to the scene of "Chinese Good Songs"."

Liu Cong was a little surprised when he heard his instructor's words, but he still thanked his instructor and then stepped down.

"Wow! Little brother, you are really great. Can I add your contact information?"

The young lady who had been talking to Liu Cong in the afternoon ran over excitedly and asked Liu Cong for her contact information.

Liu Cong couldn't refuse, so he gave it to her, and the young lady ran away excitedly.


[Ding~ Since the host won first place in the audition at this time, the host will be rewarded with piano proficiency skills]

[The host only needs to win the overall championship of "Chinese Good Songs" next, and the host will be rewarded with a new random item. 】

[Reward items are now confidential]

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