People looked at Liu Cong in disbelief, and a voice of doubt came from the conference room.

"Hello, junior brother, I would like to ask, is there anything special about your chip design?" said a man in his forties with a Mediterranean on his head.

Everyone is also very curious about how the chip designed by Liu Cong is different from other chips.

Liu Cong was very calm after hearing the doubt. He found a 5nm chip picture information from the Internet, and then compared the chip he developed with the chip on the Internet.

"Everyone, please take a look."

Liu Cong pointed to the two pictures. Since the pictures were a little blurry after being enlarged, they couldn't see them clearly. However, everyone still found that the chip architecture was completely different.

"As you can see, the chip drawing on the right is the Xiaolong chip currently used by mobile phone manufacturers. It uses the cortex-A79 architecture."

"And my chip is a completely independently developed architecture. I call it the China 6 architecture."

This name, which had never been heard before, confused all the elites present.

"Why is it called the Huaxia 6 Architecture?" the Mediterranean man asked again.

Liu Cong's eyes lit up.

"Good question!"

"Everyone knows that China is our country."

"And the number 6 represents hope and good luck."

"What I want to express is that no matter what kind of adversity we are in, we must be as hopeful as the number 6."

Liu Cong's sudden injection of chicken blood made everyone feel at a loss.

After hearing what Liu Cong said, everyone who was doing it didn't know why, but they were all a little excited.

"Principal, I won't say much else. If possible, let them take a look in private." Liu Cong said to the principal.

"Also, I hope everyone will keep my identity a secret."

Liu Cong said this, and everyone can understand it. After all, there is a rule in the scientific community that important national scientific researchers must be kept confidential.

In fact, the principal already had a countermeasure to Liu Cong's suggestion, so he took out a pile of paper from the cabinet behind him.

Then distribute them one by one to everyone present.

"What you have before you is a confidentiality agreement, and I want everyone to sign it."

"After all, this matter is not a small matter, but is related to Liu Cong's personal privacy and personal safety."

Liu Cong saw the agreements on the table and cast a grateful look at the principal.

Then everyone wrote their names on the confidentiality agreement in turn according to the principal's order.


When he went back in the evening, Liu Cong unknowingly had an extra 20 million yuan in his bank account out of thin air.

Liu Cong knew that it was the principal who was calling again. When he saw the 40 million in his bank card, a helpless smile escaped Liu Cong's lips.

In my previous life, I worked hard to earn more than 100,000 yuan a month at most. After I came to this world, because of a system, I earned money in a short period of time that I could not earn in my previous life.

Back at school, Liu Cong saw a dozen people standing in a row downstairs of his dormitory not far away.

There was a red motorcycle parked in front of the person, seemingly waiting for someone.

When Liu Cong approached, he saw a familiar face. Isn't the person standing next to the motorcycle Li Rui?

Out of curiosity, Liu Cong stepped forward and asked.

"Li Rui, what are you doing downstairs in my dormitory so late? Are you going to beat someone up again?"

After seeing Liu Cong, Li Rui immediately made a gesture, and everyone bowed in Liu Cong's direction after seeing it.

"Hello, Mr. Liu!"

More than a dozen people shouted out in unison, which startled Liu Cong.

"Li Rui, what are you doing?" Liu Cong asked confused.

"Boss, these people used to be my little brothers, and they are all your little brothers from now on."

"We have decided that from now on we will hang out with you, the boss."

Liu Cong was stunned by Li Rui's manipulations.

"What's wrong with being the boss? We are classmates. Didn't I not let you call me that?"

After Liu Cong finished speaking, Li Rui made an expression that said, "I understand."

"Boss, I know you usually like to keep a low profile. I just told my brothers."

"From now on, if there are people around you, I will ask them to call you by your name. If no one is around, I will ask them to call you Mr. Liu."

Liu Cong was also very helpless when he saw Li Rui looking at death.

"It's up to you. Anyway, don't call me that in school. I'm not your boss." Liu Cong pointed at everyone and said.

"Boss, I see that you usually don't have a car when you go out, so this car will be given to you for transportation in the future." Li Rui pointed to the motorcycle next to him and said.

Liu Cong took a look at the motorcycle. He who knew a little about cars could tell at a glance that the red motorcycle in front of him was a Ducati.

According to the market situation, this car now costs at least more than 200,000 yuan.

"No, no, no, I can't have this. It's too expensive. You should keep it and drive it yourself."

Liu Cong quickly refused.

"Boss, just keep it. I have several motorcycles, and this is the cheapest one."

It was incredible to hear Li Rui say this to Liu Cong. Sure enough, he didn't understand the world of rich people.

Liu Cong was not polite to Li Rui. After all, he needed a transportation vehicle now.

Anyway, the days ahead are still long, just find an opportunity to compensate Li Rui.

"Okay, you're welcome then. I happen to be short of a means of transportation."


"You all go back. I'll call you if something happens." Li Rui said to the group of boys in front of him.

Then the younger brothers also went back one after another.

Liu Cong looked at this group of people and admired Li Rui in his heart. After all, it is really rare for someone to have a younger brother in college.

Because everyone is mature and doesn’t like to form groups.

"Boss, have you signed up to participate in "Chinese Good Songs"?"

Liu Cong was a little surprised to hear Li Rui say this.

"How did you know about this?"

After seeing Liu Cong's surprised expression, Li Rui opened Duanyou APP.

"Boss, look, your videos have hundreds of thousands of likes on Duanyou."

"When I checked him out in the afternoon, I always felt that he looked like you, but I didn't expect that it was really you."

After receiving Liu Cong's recognition, Li Rui looked at Liu Cong with even more admiration.


Soon, the day of the competition came. Li Rui learned that Liu Cong was competing today and came to the dormitory to find Liu Cong.

"Boss, how are you preparing for the competition?"

Hearing what Li Rui said, Liu Cong immediately took him out.

"Boss, what's wrong? Can't we talk about this?"

Liu Cong made a shushing gesture.

“My roommate didn’t know I was going to be in this competition.”

Li Rui was a little surprised to hear Liu Cong say this.

"Boss, you are a bit too low-key. I suspect you must have many things that you haven't told me."

Li Rui pretended to be mean.

"Go, go, I don't have that ability."

"Tell me, why are you here today?" Liu Cong asked.

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