After entering the company, Liu Cong was even more shocked.

The overall first impression given to Liu Cong here is that he is tall and tall.

There is an asphalt road in the middle of the road, and hydrangea trees with a diameter of ten centimeters facing upward are planted on both sides.

On both sides of the road are workshops that produce ultra-high-precision machine tools.

Moreover, generally speaking, the impression left on Liu Cong is two words: neat.

"Boss, our company has developed very rapidly during your absence."

"Our business has now expanded to bear country and some countries in the Mediterranean."

When Zhang Ji and Liu Cong introduced these issues, their faces lit up.

From the inside out, he exudes a sense of confidence.

Liu Cong was also expecting this information.

No matter which country, there will be a large demand for such high-tech products, unless you do not develop manufacturing and do not produce high-end industrial products.

Otherwise, we will definitely not be able to escape the hurdle of ultra-high-precision machine tools.

Faced with Zhang Ji's enthusiastic report, Liu Cong had no choice but to respond with a smile.

"It's been really hard on you during my absence!!"

When Zhang Ji heard Liu Cong's words, his heart instantly felt warm.

For him, this company is all the hard work of himself and those brothers, and there is no hard work.

"Boss, this is what I should do for the company."

The two of them walked on the asphalt road of the company, talking about things about the company.

At this moment, a dozen large trucks drove in from outside the company.

Zhang Ji saw that Liu Cong was a little confused and quickly explained: "That's right, this batch of goods is exported to the Middle East."

"Since our goods are much cheaper than some European countries, they have been importing goods from our company from June to now."

"I estimate that they will continue to purchase goods from us in the future."

Such news is undoubtedly good news for the company and everyone.

You know, such an ultra-high-precision machine tool is worth tens of millions just to sell it. If China used to import it from Japan and other countries, it would be one or two billion.

Moreover, at that time, if you wanted to buy someone, they wouldn't give you a good look. Even though you were a little dissatisfied, there was nothing you could do.

Now, in order to seize the international market, those countries have to start lowering the prices of their ultra-high-precision machine tools, just like China.

Despite this, China still took the lead. The markets in many countries are now directly monopolized by China.

"Boom boom boom~~"

"Boom boom boom~~"

One large truck after another passed by the two of them.

When the workshop saw the truck coming, they also hurriedly transported the equipment they had just produced outside.

"Brother Zhang, what is our company's monthly output now?" Liu Cong asked.

"It's like this. Under normal circumstances, our company's output of ultra-high-precision machine tools is about 70 units."

"Excluding the domestic demand for 30 or 40 units, our company can probably export 30 or 40 units every month."

"Moreover, over the past few months, supply has been in short supply."

What Zhang Ji said made Liu Cong realize something.

That is, every company under his current name seems to be developing extremely well.

However, this also gave Liu Cong a sense of crisis.

This feeling does not come from within the country, but from outside the country.

After all, if a big tree attracts wind, you will make a profit, but you will definitely ruin other people’s jobs.

However, now is not the time to think about this matter.

Liu Cong has his own patent. Unless someone comes to China specifically to mess with him, he is still very safe now.

Liu Cong nodded as he walked, "Brother Zhang, we still need your help here."

"As for all matters within the company, you still have the final say. Unless there are some major decisions, I probably won't come to the company often."

Zhang Ji understands Liu Cong very well. After all, he still knows some rumors on the Internet.

From beginning to end, he never looked down upon Liu Cong.

He also knew that Liu Cong was very busy, so he would not disturb Liu Cong often.

"Now that you know the boss, you can leave all the big and small matters in the company to me."

Later, Liu Cong followed Zhang Ji to visit various workshops one after another.

Liu Cong is also extremely satisfied with the workshop environment and equipment.

He also didn't expect that a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy with only a few people in it was now developing so well.

Everything inside is the most sophisticated and automated equipment.

Of course, this would not be possible without the efforts of Academician Yang Mingxia’s team.

After visiting the workshop, Liu Cong did not stay in the company because he had other companies to visit.

Later, he drove to Conor Bearing Co., Ltd. and Jingwei Software Technology Co., Ltd. respectively.

After some inspection, it was already noon.

So Liu Cong drove back home and had lunch with Liu Yang.

After dinner, Liu Cong planned to take a nap.

Not long after falling asleep, Liu Cong was woken up by a phone call.

After the call was connected, Jiang Wanying's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"The car you want has arrived in Peiping now. Where is your home? I'll have someone deliver it to you now!"

After listening to Jiang Wanying's words, Liu Cong got up from the bed.

"I just said it casually, and it was delivered!!"

"That's not it! If you don't want me, I'll leave it alone."

"You don't know how difficult it is to get this car now. I can't even get it." Jiang Wanying's tone was slightly complaining.

Seeing this, Liu Cong hurriedly said: "Who said I don't want it anymore? I will send you the address later. You can have someone deliver it to the door for me. I will sign for it myself."

Just like that, the two hung up the phone.

Liu Cong, who was awakened by the phone, could no longer sleep, so he climbed out of bed and carried his computer to the living room.

At this time, Liu Yang was still typing frantically in front of the computer.

After seeing Liu Cong coming over with a computer, Liu Yang looked at his son in surprise.

"Didn't you just say you were going to bed?"

"You woke up just a few minutes ago?"

Liu Cong held the computer, sat on the sofa not far from his father, and stretched lazily.

"There was a shipment coming to my door soon, so I woke up early."

Seeing this, Liu Yang didn't say anything more and continued to hold the computer and busy with the things at hand.

Liu Cong saw that his father was so busy and focused, so he turned on the computer and started to look at the information on hand.

Soon after, a local unknown phone call came to Liu Cong's mobile phone.

After the call was connected, the other party immediately told Liu Cong that the goods had arrived at the door, so Liu Cong put down his computer and hurried out.

(I have time today, so I will post these two chapters as soon as possible.)

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