Liu Cong was a little embarrassed when instructor Harlin asked this, but he still answered him.

"Hello, instructor, I was wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle, but when I was about to take it off, my head got stuck because it was too big."

Everyone at the scene laughed after hearing Liu Cong's explanation, and the scene was chaotic.

The four instructors on the stage also laughed when they heard Liu Cong say this, because they are usually very serious unless they can't help it.

At this time, 1.5 million people in the live broadcast room also started commenting on the barrage of haha.

"Student Liu Cong, can you lift the cover in front and show it to our four instructors?" Teacher Liu Huan said to Liu Cong.

"Teacher, can you not lift it? I'm afraid of being ugly. Maybe next time."

This was the first time that Teacher Liu Huan made a request on stage and was rejected.

But also for the sake of the students' image, Teacher Liu Huan did not put forward excessive demands and stopped at the point.

Next, it’s time to grab people again.

The four instructors fought for each other on the stage and even got into a fight over Liu Cong.

Liu Cong's performance today shocked all the instructors.

Not only can he talk and sing, but he can also write lyrics and music.

And they are all top-notch, no matter how irritating they are.

Beiping Vocational and Technical College.

At this time, Wang Dachun was sitting at the computer, surrounded by his two roommates.

"Do you think this person could be Liu Cong?" Shen Teng said, staring at the computer screen.

"No way, you don't know that Liu Cong is tone-deaf."

"We went to a KTV once at the beginning of my freshman year, and he ordered the song "Two Tigers" and it was out of tune." Wang Dachun said, staring at the computer.

"However, this person seems to be somewhat similar to him in terms of height and voice."

Wang Dachun looked at the screen with some doubts.

"Hey, just ask him directly when he comes back."

"How could Liu Cong be so stupid as to stick the helmet on his head? He has such a high IQ." Shen Teng said from the side.

"Yes, this kid may still be doing experiments in the laboratory. At this point, he will probably be back soon."


"Excuse me, classmate Liu Cong, have you decided which tutor to choose?" Teacher Harin asked on the stage.

"Then you must choose me."

"Classmate Liu Cong, you will definitely not suffer a loss if you come to my team. Our team is full of beautiful girls."

Since ancient times, heroes have always had a hard time with beauties, so Na Yin didn't believe that a young man with a strong temperament didn't like beauties.

Liu Cong really doesn't like beautiful women now, because Liu Cong still hasn't gotten over that relationship.

Otherwise, it is said that infatuated people are the ones who suffer the most. If Liu Cong hadn't refused many offers, he would have been a lover by now.

"Na Yin, you are bad. Don't listen to him, classmate Liu Cong. All the people in his team are thirty-four years old. If you come to my team, I will make sure you are satisfied."

Yi Xun, who had been silent all this time, spoke.


Liu Cong suddenly saw so many tutors trying every means to compete for him.

In the end, Liu Cong chose the oldest instructor Liu Huan.

For Liu Cong, it doesn't matter who he chooses as a mentor. What matters is that he can win the championship.

After the game, Liu Cong took the initiative to shake hands with the four instructors. After the game, Liu Cong left the scene alone.

Liu Cong found a hidden place to take off his helmet, but found that he couldn't take it off.

"Boss, I haven't taken it off yet."

The voice speaking on the side suddenly startled Liu Cong.

Liu Cong raised his head and saw a familiar face.

It turned out to be Li Rui.

"Let me take a look for you."

Then Li Rui took the initiative to help Liu Cong take off his helmet, but halfway through, Li Rui discovered a problem.


The buckles were separated in Li Rui's hands.

At this time, the two of them looked at me and I looked at you, dumbfounded in place.

"Boss, it seems that your buckle has not been taken off."

"Well, it seems so. I said that I feel a little strangled."

Liu Cong was a little confused at this time. He didn't expect that he would make such a mistake.


On the way back, the two of them were riding motorcycles, and no one mentioned what happened tonight.

Afterwards, the two rode motorcycles to the downstairs of the dormitory.

"Hey, Li Rui, let's find a place to change our clothes." Liu Cong said to Li Rui.

"Why, boss." Li Rui had some questions about Liu Cong's request.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up."

Then Li Rui didn't ask, so the two of them found a toilet to change their clothes.

After coming out, Liu Cong looked at the helmet on the motorcycle that made him look stupid.

He threw it into the trash can without hesitation, but what Liu Cong didn't know was that Li Rui came back and picked up the helmet from the trash can.

"This is the future singer's personal helmet."

"What a shame to throw it away."

After saying that, Li Rui didn't forget to rub his helmet.

Seeing Liu Cong return to the dormitory, several roommates swarmed over.

But when he saw the clothes Liu Cong was wearing, the questions he wanted to ask stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Liu Cong looked at everyone strangely.

After looking at his roommate's expression, Liu Cong knew that his roommate must know something.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and changed clothes with Li Rui, otherwise the secret would have been exposed tonight.

"It's nothing. I saw someone who looked like you tonight, but now I don't feel like it anymore." Wang Dachun said to Liu Cong in front of him.

Liu Cong deliberately pretended not to know anything and asked with a confused expression: "Where did you see it? I have been in the laboratory today."

Wang Dachun then showed the video to Liu Cong, who deliberately pretended to be surprised.

"I wonder how this person can sing so well and also play the piano."

"It's just that my brain is a little abnormal, and there's a pink helmet stuck on it."

Liu Cong didn't even think that he would scold him for being cruel.

Afterwards, everyone went about their own business.


Afterwards, after Liu Cong finished washing, he lay down on the bed, played with his mobile phone for a while and got ready to go to sleep.

When Liu Cong opened Douyin, he found that he was on the hot search, and two or three of the ten videos were his.

[Ding~ In view of the fact that the host has excellent results in this competition, but because he has not shown his face and is very popular, I specially reward the host with a copy of high-precision bearing technical information. 】

[The data has been sent to the host’s USB flash drive]

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