Later, in order to understand what netizens thought of this graphene battery, Liu Cong went to the social platform to take a look.

It was found that more than 95% of them were questioning voices.

Some people think that graphene batteries are a scam, while some netizens think that this is false marketing, and the company wants to cut off a wave of leeks and then run away.

There are still very few people who believe in this graphene battery.

However, under the debate of most netizens, the views of these few people have also been subtly changed.

Faced with these questioning voices, Liu Cong could only smile helplessly at his mobile phone.

Of course, these netizens are indeed not to blame.

Before this, there were too many Huaxia Wuliang companies using the guise of high technology to defraud people of their money.

Take the Huaxin incident in the 21st century, which made the Chinese people crazy for a time.

In the end, it's just an OEM chip.

There were also various high-tech press conferences later, saying that China had surpassed other countries in a certain field, allowing ordinary people to buy these products.

In the end, everyone discovered that this was the IQ tax and they were deceived.

In the final analysis, the source is that no one is willing to spend a lot of money to engage in scientific research.

Develop a takeout system when the time comes and make money by buying food in groups.

If a lot of money is invested in these high-tech things, maybe there won't be any big disturbances in three to five years.

To put it bluntly, people nowadays are too egoistic, otherwise China would not have more than one high-tech company like Warwick.

What Liu Cong can do now is to break the Chinese people's previous understanding of scientific research.

Let everyone have more confidence in the products developed in their own country.

Instead of letting everyone blindly doubt and guess the authenticity of the incident.

Seeing that it was time to play the game, Liu Cong opened the laptop in his handbag within the specified time as usual, took out his own dedicated gaming keyboard, and started a new day of training with his teammates. race.

It lasted until three or four in the morning before Liu Cong fell asleep on the hotel bed.

Early the next morning, Liu Cong brought his equipment to Sticky's company.

After entering, Gu Hui immediately brought Liu Cong to the press conference.

This is a factory building, and all the equipment next to it has been removed because of the press conference.

"Brother Liu Cong, look, is this press conference okay?"

Gu Hui looked expectantly at Liu Cong who was looking around the factory.

"It's really good. Thank you for your hard work these days!!"

"Hehe, it's not hard work, everything you do for Brother Liu Cong is worth it!"

At this time, there were already about ten people on site, all of whom were from within the company. They were here to be responsible for the logistics of this press conference.

After a while, Gu Xiong walked in from the door.

Today, he is wearing a black suit and looks very energetic.

Looking at Liu Cong, he was wearing casual clothes and seemed out of place with Gu Xiong.

Gu Xiong seemed to understand something when he saw Liu Cong like this.

"Mr. Liu, I'm going to change my clothes now!"

"No, you look good in what you are wearing. I'm used to wearing casual clothes."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Gu Xiong also gave up his plan to change clothes.

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and the press conference was arranged in an orderly manner.

At this time, one after another media came to the factory, each setting up their own camera equipment.

To put it bluntly, most of these media were hired by Gu Xiong, and only a handful of media came here on their own after hearing the news.

However, judging from their expressions, they were watching this press conference with the mentality of watching the excitement.

However, in the near future, their mentality will be overthrown by Liu Cong.

Seeing that there are more and more people at the scene, the live broadcast equipment below is all ready, ready to hold a press conference at any time.

The time came to half past nine, and it was also time for the press conference. ,

At this moment, Gu Xiong came to the stage of the press conference with a smile on his face.

Like other press conferences, Gu Xiong said a lot of kind words before gradually getting down to business.

"As the vice president of the company, what I want to say to everyone is that the following press conference will definitely subvert your usual understanding of graphene batteries!!"

As soon as these words came out, various voices came from below.

"Mr. Gu, when did you become the vice president? I remember you have always been the CEO of this company!!"

"Is it possible..."

A young journalist girl suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

"It's like this. I was originally the general manager of this company, but recently the company's shares have changed..."

Gu Xiong took the microphone and answered the reporters' questions patiently.

At this time, all kinds of doubts swarmed in below the live broadcast room.

Lonely Lang: Judging from my experience as a company boss for so many years, this company is definitely going to run away. I advise everyone who holds shares in this company to run away now, otherwise they won’t be able to run away!

Persimmons are poisonous: This is definitely here to cause trouble. Don’t be fooled. Buying their company’s graphene batteries is just cutting leeks! !


The press conference has not officially started yet, and there are constant voices of doubt in the live broadcast room.

The main reason is that everyone's trust has been exhausted.

Graphene batteries have been out for a long time, but most of them on the market are fake.

After ordinary people bought the batteries, they found that the battery life of graphene batteries was no different from ordinary batteries, and the price was even more expensive. Can they not be angry?

"Okay, that's all I have to say. Next, let's let the CEO of our company personally hold this press conference for everyone. I believe you won't be disappointed."

After Gu Xiong said these words, he walked from the front to the backstage with the microphone in his hand.

At this time, these people below began to wonder who the new chairman of this company was.

After Gu Xiong went down, the staff below immediately moved a small experimental table onto the stage of the press conference.

And Liu Cong, at this time, also brought his own equipment and was ready to go up at any time.

It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous. After all, I am a public figure now, and it is not good to be exposed to the public eye so frequently.

However, he had no choice but to face these things sooner or later.

Moreover, he is now protected secretly by the country, and he is not afraid of others harming him.

Liu Cong took the microphone from Gu Xiong and was ready to go on stage.

(It has been more than three months since I wrote this book. It has more than 700,000 words in more than three months. It is purely for love. But when I think of you still reading it, I feel that it is all worth it. I know a lot. Readers have been reading a lot of books, but they stop reading for no apparent reason. I used to be a novel reader, and I can deeply relate to everyone’s feelings when they see that the novel they have been following for many days suddenly becomes unavailable.

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is also a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. I hope everyone can have a happy day and spend more time with their families. Finally, I want to recite a poem:

The festival of youth is more affectionate, but who knows how emotional it will be when we grow old;

Don't follow the custom of moxa talisman, but pray for pu wine and peace.

The hair on the temples grows white every day, and the pomegranate brocade illuminates the eyes every year;

Thousands of years of wisdom and foolishness are in the blink of an eye, and a few people are forgotten and a few are famous. )

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