Subsequently, Liu Cong directly connected the positive and negative poles of the battery to both sides of the motor's positive and negative poles.

The reason why motors are used for experiments may be because they consume more power and are more convenient to obtain materials.

After the batteries were connected to both motors, Liu Cong immediately turned on the switch.

The next second, the two motors started rotating at the same speed.

I thought that the press conference could be ended directly after a while.

However, an hour later, the two motors were still running.

Finally, one of the motors could no longer hold on and stopped rotating.

At this time, the time has reached eleven o'clock at noon, the press conference has not been completed, and everyone cannot eat.

After watching the first motor fall, people thought that the second motor also fell.

Unexpectedly, after two hours, the other motor still had no intention of stopping.

The more this happens, the more serious everyone's expressions become.

In a sense, the battery life of graphene batteries has far exceeded that of ordinary batteries.

Once this battery is mass-produced, it will definitely have a huge impact on the world.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room was completely paralyzed.

The years are as old as ever: How long will this motor take to rotate? ! It's been two hours, why hasn't the battery been used up yet? ?

She really can't swim: "I'll go, this is going to go against my will!" Graphene batteries have really been invented, so wouldn’t Liu Cong be the winner of today’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry?

Bon voyage: The news of graphene batteries came out really suddenly. I had never seen relevant reports before. It’s really amazing!!


As time went by, the reporters on the scene became sleepy, and even the barrages in the live broadcast room became less frequent.

Everyone is either hanging on to the live broadcast, or waiting for the results in front of the screen.

Academician Sun is one of them, although he is not engaged in academic research in this area.

But in order to see the results, he didn't even eat lunch.

The students next to him kept urging Academician Sun to go to dinner, but Academician Sun was as if welded to his chair, refusing to go to dinner and insisting on waiting for Liu Cong's press conference to be completed.

At this time, the time has come to two and a half hours, but the motor still has no intention of stopping.

The reporters at the scene were already screaming with hunger, but they all endured it in order to wait for a result.

As time passed, the motor rotated slower and slower.

Finally, near one o'clock in the afternoon, the motor slowly stopped rotating.

There were no cheers at this time, only sighs of relief.

Because the publicity this time was not very good, there were not many viewers in the live broadcast room, just a few thousand people.

However, such popularity is enough for Liu Cong.

After all, he doesn't expect them to promote him. As long as those technology companies and senior executives see it, Liu Cong's effect will be achieved.

In fact, for any high-tech company, they will not fail to pay attention to this matter, especially the graphene leader Stick.

At this moment, when Academician Sun saw this scene, his inner excitement could not be expressed in words.

Because the shock of this conference to him was really great.

A battery with a mere few thousand mAh can actually drive the motor for nearly three hours.

Putting this aside, the fact that it has three times the battery life of ordinary batteries is enough for Liu Cong to successfully develop this battery.

Such a press conference was quickly sent to major platforms on the Internet in the form of video and text by the media.

This news quickly attracted the attention of all walks of life.

At first, everyone regarded this press conference as a joke, but as time went on, everyone's expressions of disdain turned into shock.

Especially some of China's top executives, when they saw Liu Cong standing on the stage of the press conference as the CEO of Stickick, they immediately exploded.

In China, an extremely hidden military base, a middle-aged man learned that Liu Cong went to the Queen Mother's warehouse, and he yelled at a middle-aged man below.

"Damn you, I think you don't want to do it anymore, you can't even look down on a person!!"

"Li Hu, let me tell you, if anything happens to Academician Liu in Cangtai, you and I will both bear the wrath of our superiors. Can you afford it?"

At this time, it was Commander-in-Chief Guan Changsheng who was training Lieutenant General Li Hu.

Faced with the commander's sharp tone, Lieutenant General Li Hu was so frightened that he did not dare to raise his head.

He wanted to refute, but couldn't.

"Commander, I'm going to Cangtai right away!!"

"I'll contact Academician Liu immediately and I'll go right away!!"

With that said, Lieutenant General Li Hu took out the mobile phone in his pocket and prepared to call Liu Cong.

As for Liu Cong, just after the press conference, when he was about to go out for dinner, Lieutenant General Li Hu called.

"Lieutenant General Li, why are you calling today!!"

"Ouch! My great-aunt, why didn't you tell me when you were traveling far away? I almost lost my hat today!"

"Lieutenant General Li, can you explain a little bit more about what's going on?"

Later, Lieutenant General Li Hu told Liu Cong the ins and outs of the matter one by one.

After hearing this, Liu Cong also apologized slightly to Lieutenant General Li Hu.

His current duty is to protect himself, but because of his negligence, he did not report to Lieutenant General Li Hu when he was traveling far away, and his superiors almost convicted him.

"Academician Liu, I will fly to the warehouse to find you right now!!"

"Lieutenant General Li, there's no need for this. I'll go back from here after dinner. If you really can't do it over there, I'll tell the commander in person that I'm really fine!!"

After Liu Cong finished speaking, Lieutenant General Li Hu fell silent.

He has a boss on one side and a person who needs to be protected on the other. He doesn't know how to choose.

"Academician Liu, why don't I come over, otherwise it will be really difficult to do business."

Seeing this, Liu Cong agreed to Lieutenant General Li Hu's request.

"Okay! I'll wait for you here for a few hours. I'll be busy in the company after dinner."

"Hey! Okay, I'll fly the helicopter over right now!!"

"Okay, remember to wear casual clothes and don't show your secrets."

"Don't worry Liu Yuan, I will do it as you want!!"


After the meal, Liu Cong came to Gu Xiong's office, ready to discuss some next plans.

"Mr. Gu, we will announce the pricing of this graphene raw material in the near future!"

"The reason why I didn't bring it to the table today is that I don't feel it's appropriate yet."

"Also, the company's equipment for producing graphene is far from enough. If necessary, we need to purchase more high-end equipment."

Liu Cong told Gu Xiong his plan word for word. After hearing this, Gu Xiong nodded repeatedly.

"Mr. Liu, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter."

"And the last time you talked about building a factory, some leaders called me just now. They were very supportive and said they would provide us with a big venue!!"

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