She has never seen a person who can be so omnipotent.

It can be said that those who are proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting can learn everything at once.

When Jiang Wanying asked this, of course Liu Cong had to give Jiang Wanying a reasonable answer.

"That's right. I've really been busy with this matter in the past few months, and I don't want to hide anything. Otherwise, I wouldn't have held this press conference in public!"

Jiang Wanying on the side did not speak when she heard what Liu Cong said. Instead, she lowered her head and played with her fingers.

"We are all young people. Why can you be so perverted? I thought I was perverted enough. No wonder the people in the class can't play with you."

Speaking of this, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"I didn't expect that you would discover this!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's talk about why you developed graphene!"

Jiang Wanying asked, and Liu Cong didn't know where to start from.

"I developed it just after I thought of it, but I didn't have any ideas."

"I don't believe it, you say that every time."

The whispers between the two seemed to be heard by the teacher on the stage.

"Hey, those two classmates at the back, what are you talking about? Stand up."

Knowing that the teacher on the stage was talking about themselves, the two stood up from their seats at the same time.

When the teacher saw their faces, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Okay, you two sit down. Don't disturb other students in class by talking."

Seeing this, the two of them stopped talking and were each busy with their own affairs.

After class at noon, the two went to the cafeteria to eat together, and then went to the place where they often went to discuss the specific planning of the digital currency system.

At noon, after Liu Cong returned, he received a call from Academician Sun of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After the call was connected, Academician Sun's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Academician Liu, do you have time today? I want to talk to you about graphene batteries!"

"Academician Sun, I have time in the afternoon."

"It seems you also know about this!"

At this time, Academician Sun's somewhat excited voice came from the other end of the phone: "Your deeds are now spread throughout the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and some people even praise you as a god."

Regarding Academician Sun's praise, Liu Cong could only smile and remain silent.

Seeing that Liu Cong didn't have time, Academician Sun said again: "How about I go to the principal's office to wait for you in the afternoon?"

"No need, Academician Sun, I'll come to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to find you. It just so happens that I also want to come to your Chinese Academy of Sciences to have a look."

"Really? That would be great!"

"I will send you the specific address later. When you arrive at the door, I will pick you up in person."

Just like that, the two of them hung up the phone after some pleasantries.

At noon, after Liu Cong and his teammates studied the next play style, they drove to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Dozens of minutes later, Liu Cong arrived at the door of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

This place is located outside a suburb of Peiping, with no tall buildings around.

When Liu Cong was only three hundred meters away from the entrance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, soldiers stopped Liu Cong on the spot.

"What are you doing here? Do you have a letter of introduction or relevant documents?"

"Soldier, please wait a moment, I'll make a call."

In this way, Liu Cong dialed Academician Sun's phone number. Not long after he finished the call, he received a notice to let Liu Cong in.

After entering, Academician Sun and about ten people came to the gate to wait for Liu Cong. When he saw Liu Cong's car driving in, he immediately pointed the direction of the parking space to Liu Cong.

After getting off the bus, Liu Cong was shocked by the enthusiastic reaction from everyone.

“Welcome Academician Liu to the Chinese Academy of Sciences!!”

Seeing that Liu Cong was a little surprised, Academician Sun smiled and said: "Academician Liu, on behalf of all the scientific researchers at Hua Scientific Research, I welcome you!"

"Thank you, thank you everyone!"

Liu Cong bowed slightly to everyone, and everyone quickly returned the bow.

"Academician Liu, let's go in and talk. Mr. Shu is on the way now and should be there soon."

With that said, Academician Sun took Liu Cong to a conference room of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Seeing that Liu Cong was uncomfortable seeing so many people watching him, Academician Sun directly asked these young researchers to go out.

Before leaving, a young female researcher ran up to Liu Cong excitedly.

"Academician Liu, can I take a photo with you? I'm your fan and I've seen all the songs you sing and the movies you make!"

The thirty-year-old scientific researcher in front of him turned into a little fangirl when he saw Liu Cong.

Faced with such requests from fans, Liu Cong must of course satisfy them.

After getting Liu Cong's consent, the female fan started snapping pictures at Liu Cong, which made Academician Sun next to him a little unhappy. After all, Liu Cong is an academician, and it was not good for the researchers in his research team to do this.

After taking some photos, the female fan ran out happily.

"Academician Liu, I watched your press conference from beginning to end. It was really exciting!"

Academician Sun was full of praise for this.

"Academician Sun, you have given me the award!"

While the two were chatting, the door was pushed open by Shu Lao from the outside.

After seeing Shu Lao coming, Liu Cong also stood up immediately. After all, Shu Lao is a top-notch existence in the physics world.

"Sit! Sit down! Don't stand!"


After Liu Cong and Academician Sun sat down, Mr. Shu naturally found a seat near Liu Cong and sat down.

"Academician Liu, I watched your press conference. Is your graphene battery really like this?" Mr. Shu confirmed.

"Yes, Academician Shu, it's true!"

"Oh my God! What have you done!"

Shu Lao looked at Liu Cong very excitedly, and the crutch in his hand fell naturally from his hand.

Upon seeing this, Liu Cong hurriedly lifted Shu Lao's crutches.

"Academician Shu, don't get excited!"

He tried to use a very calm tone to calm Lao Shu's mood a little, but the effect was not that obvious.

"It's a photolithography machine again, it's controllable nuclear fusion, it's an anti-cancer drug, and this time it's a graphene battery!"

"You are going against the grain! Even the donkeys in the production team are not as productive as you!"

"When did these high-end technologies become so easy to put into your hands!"

Mr. Shu couldn't understand, and Academician Sun on the side couldn't understand even more.

If Liu Cong hadn't gradually gained a foothold now, he would have been really afraid of being taken over for dissection.

"Lao Shu, actually I think these are what I should do."

"As the future pillars of the motherland, our purpose is to serve the people!"

However, when these four words came out of Liu Cong's mouth, they seemed so Versailles.

"You call this serving the people, but you are benefiting all mankind!"

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