In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 347: Shock: The controllable nuclear fusion power station is officially put into use

After some exercise, Liu Cong went to the cafeteria and had a hearty breakfast.

The weather was still quite cold in early November. After breakfast, Liu Cong hurried back and took a shower.

Just after Liu Cong came out of the shower, the cell phone on the table started ringing.

Picking up the phone, the screen showed a call from Academician Gao.

Liu Cong didn't hesitate and quickly picked up the phone.

"Academician Gao, you haven't called me for a long time."

"What? Is there any breakthrough in the controllable nuclear fusion power station?" Liu Cong asked with great concern.

"It's not a breakthrough, but the controllable nuclear fusion power station has been built! And it can be put into use immediately within two days!"

"It's useless to talk more. You'd better come over and take a look!"

Obviously, Academician Gao's words surprised Liu Cong. It had only been two or three months, and Liu Cong never imagined that their progress would be so fast.

"Academician Gao, I'm coming over now!"

After the two exchanged words, Liu Cong hung up the phone and went downstairs.

On the way, Liu Cong was also in a very excited mood.

Controlled nuclear fusion was developed by himself. He didn't know how much energy he spent and how many days and nights Liu Cong spent sleepless nights worrying about the progress of controllable nuclear fusion.

But, it's all worth it.

Along the way, Liu Cong rushed to the controllable nuclear fusion power station as quickly as possible. He also wanted to see what a real controllable nuclear fusion power station looked like as soon as possible.

In this way, Liu Cong drove dozens of kilometers and came to this suburb that he had been to several times before.

There are still heavy troops guarding the area within a radius of five kilometers from the controllable nuclear fusion power station.

This time, the soldiers outside seemed to have known that Liu Cong would come. After seeing Liu Cong's license plate number, they drove away in armed vehicles and took Liu Cong in.

You can see the armed forces everywhere on the road. Even if Liu Cong is escorted by the armed forces, he still has to undergo various inspections. These people will not let you in until their identity is confirmed.

On the way, Liu Cong also saw helicopters flying towards the power station. They must have come to watch the controllable nuclear fusion power station.

Liu Cong could clearly feel how much the higher-ups attached importance to this time.

On the way, Liu Cong could see many weapons that he usually couldn't see on TV. The deeper he went inside, the more types of weapons he saw.

In this way, Liu Cong followed the armed forces to the door of the controllable nuclear fusion power station.

Two months ago, when Liu Cong came here to take a look, the foundation was being laid here.

But two months later, a majestic power station appeared directly in front of Liu Cong.

This power station is different from other power stations. It is many times larger than ordinary power stations.

Moreover, the walls of this controllable nuclear fusion power station are extremely high, and some places are even directly sealed.

"Who are you? Please show me your ID!"

At this time, a soldier came to Liu Cong and began to investigate his identity.

Even though there were armed forces standing behind him, they could not escape this detection. This was an order from their superiors and they had to follow it.

After some inspection, the expression of the soldier who originally looked serious about Liu Cong changed.

"It turns out to be Academician Liu!! Please forgive me for offending you just now. I will take you in to see someone right now."

At this time, Liu Cong's car didn't even need to be stopped by himself, it was directly led to a stop by the soldiers on the side.

Ever since, Liu Cong entered the controllable nuclear fusion power station under the armed protection of the soldiers.

After entering, Liu Cong was immediately attracted by the scene inside.

Liu Cong didn't think much of it from the outside, but when he entered, it turned out to be surprisingly big inside.

The power station is surrounded by high walls, and two huge cement pillars are tightly sealed. Liu Cong knows that this is the core of the entire controllable nuclear fusion power station, the controllable power generation device.

And east of the controllable nuclear fusion, there is a huge substation.

This substation is twice the size of a football field, and the lines are densely connected to two huge cement pillars.

This scene was countless times more stunning than any power station Liu Cong had ever seen.

While Liu Cong was still sighing at how big the power station was, several people who came down from a helicopter caught Liu Cong's attention.

Because he was a little far away from Liu Cong, he couldn't see clearly who were the people coming off the helicopter. Judging from the clothes of these people, he knew that they must be extraordinary.

"Academician Liu, we are here!"

Academician Gao's words instantly attracted Liu Cong's attention.

The next second, Liu Cong followed the direction of the sound and found Academician Gao.

Seeing this, Liu Cong hurriedly walked up.

"Academician Gao, you have gone through a lot this month!!"

When Liu Cong came to Academician Gao, he began to care about his physical condition.

"Hey! None of us in scientific research are so good. I'm willing to die even if we do this."

Academician Gao excitedly pointed at the two behemoths behind him.

"Don't underestimate these two things behind you. Once they start up, the whole of Beiping will only need this one power station."

"Moreover, we can also transport the unused electricity to neighboring provinces. This is a killing two birds with one stone."

"In the near future, our country will be directly transformed into an energy source because of controllable nuclear fusion."

"We can do away with all the coal and some discoveries that were suspected of causing pollution in the past!"

Academician Gao waved his hand, his eyes full of expectations for the future.

Of course, this is also what Liu Cong hopes to see. He originally developed controllable nuclear fusion in order to one day completely get rid of the country's energy problems. He has now achieved it.

Maybe in Liu Cong's eyes, he just made some contributions that he should have.

But at the national level, Liu Cong is completely a national treasure.

That's why the superiors sent troops to protect Liu Cong secretly.

Maybe Liu Cong himself doesn't know that his safety is actually under the control of the state every time he goes out.

Of course, the state will not interfere in any of Liu Cong's private life. Their purpose is to protect Liu Cong's personal safety outside.

"Academician Gao, you have really worked hard these past few months. I'm sorry, I haven't been able to help you much!"

Liu Cong felt a little guilty looking at Academician Gao who had gone through such vicissitudes of life.

"Academician Liu, you are here!"

Just when Academician Gao was about to speak, Academician Li also walked out from behind.

Liu Cong burst into tears when he saw Academician Li like this.

At this time, Academician Li was so thin that only skin and bones remained, as if he would collapse if the wind blew.

"Academician Li, what's wrong with you? Are you sick? Why did you lose so much weight all of a sudden!?"

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