Liu Cong personally handed the USB flash drive in his hand to Jiang Wanying. Jiang Wanying found that the USB flash drive in her hand felt heavy.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect this information."

Jiang Wanying turned around and put the USB flash drive into her bag, then kept it carefully.

"Well, now we can gather all the company's employees to start developing this system."

"I have annotated many core things or more obscure knowledge points. They just need to write according to this framework. I think it is not a difficult thing for them."

After explaining this, Liu Cong walked around his office.

From the establishment of the company to now, I have never worked here for a day, so I have wasted this set of fine mahogany.

"Liu, I know. Next, I will lead all the employees of the company to develop a currency trading system."

"By the way, the foundation you asked me to set up last time has now helped more than 5,000 people in various sizes."

"So far, we have used this fund to build a dozen hope primary schools in the mountains, which are completely in accordance with your standards."

If Jiang Wanying hadn't reminded her, Liu Cong would have really forgotten about this matter.

"Well, just use it in practical applications. As entrepreneurs, we must use practical actions to serve the people."

Later, after Liu Cong explained some things to Jiang Wanying in the office, he drove back to school.

As soon as Liu Cong arrived at the apartment, Zhou Xiong called.

"Mr. Liu, I have already arranged the team you are looking for."

"As for the factory, the government has already approved it, and we are already preparing some equipment. It won't be long before graphene batteries can be officially mass-produced."

This news is undoubtedly good news for Liu Cong.

The situation in China is no longer optimistic, and oil has been directly choked by the United States.

The domestic oil reserves will not last long, and the emergence of graphene batteries can completely solve the energy problem.

It won't be long before China can realize its energy transformation.

The electricity used is generated by a controllable nuclear fusion power station, and the car directly uses graphene batteries, which have a long battery life and can be charged quickly.

Just adding oil can completely charge the graphene battery from zero to 100%.

"That's really great. Over there, please pay attention to me for the time being. I'm not free to come over during this time. If anything happens, you can just call."

After hanging up Zhou Xiong's call, Liu Cong put down his phone, turned on the computer on the table, and began to prepare follow-up questions about the Starlink project.

From the information, we can see that the materials used to make Starlink are also common materials.

Because there are many, costs must be controlled.

The information also introduces how to recycle rocket launch materials. Although this technology may sound simple, only one company in the United States can do it now.

That is the US space agency, LASAI, which is a company that specializes in Starlink.

Currently, their project is rumored to be 70% developed.

If China does not step up its research and development, once the United States' Starlink reaches the sky, the threat to China will not be as great as usual.

In this way, Liu Cong's determination to study Starlink was further confirmed.

With the existence of a team, Liu Cong is not fighting alone, so it will definitely be faster than researching by himself, not to mention that this kind of thing really can't be done by himself.

Now Liu Cong is not afraid that his identity will be exposed, so he can do it boldly.

Taking advantage of his leisure time these days, Liu Cong simply stayed in the dormitory and sorted out information for a few days.

A week later, Liu Cong had been staying in the apartment for a whole week.

During this period, Chen Qiong called Liu Cong out to eat several times, but Liu Cong refused because he was busy. In fact, Liu Cong was really busy.

After sorting out the information in the past few days, Liu Cong was completely prepared.

The day before, Liu Cong had already discussed with Academician Sun and planned to officially go to the space launch base this afternoon.

In order to ensure Liu Cong's safety, Lieutenant General Li Hu was specially sent to follow Liu Cong throughout the process, and a small armed force was assigned to Liu Cong.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu made an appointment and came to an open space not far from Huaqing.

At this time, Lieutenant General Li Hu had been waiting for Liu Cong for a long time.

"Lieutenant General Li, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"No, I have just arrived. Academician Liu, let's set off now."

Liu Cong looked at Lieutenant General Li Hu, smiled and said: "Okay!"

This time, Academician Sun did not come with him because he still had many things to be busy with.

Regarding the aviation launch base, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made all arrangements in the past few days.

In order not to affect the progress of Liu Cong's research and development, the Chinese Academy of Sciences worked day and night to repair the site for Liu Cong.

An hour later, Liu Cong came to this familiar yet strange place again.

The aviation launch base was originally guarded by only one person, but now people can be seen everywhere, and most of them are relatively young people. ,

After Liu Cong got off the helicopter, he turned around and looked at the brick house behind him, and found that the outside of the wall had been painted with white powder, giving it a completely new look.

There were a lot of clothes hanging on the hangers outside the house, which Liu Cong didn't expect.

"Academician Liu, they are moving very fast! In just a few days, this place has changed from deserted to bustling."

Lieutenant General Li Hu looked left and right and didn't expect it.

At this time, a young man wearing military green clothing came forward when he saw Liu Cong and others in an open space not far from the door.

"You must be Academician Liu and Lieutenant General Li, right?"

The young man asked very politely.

"Yes, we are." Liu Cong replied.

The young man looked at the military helicopter behind him, then at the two of them, his eyes full of respect.

"Then come in with me!"

In this way, the soldiers led Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu into the aviation launch base.

Compared to the past few days, the defense here is stricter, and soldiers can be seen everywhere.

Liu Cong and others walked across the square, and then came to the small courtyard with a sense of age.

At this time, the old man Wu Jianguo was sitting on the steps of the yard stroking his old black dog.

After seeing Liu Cong and others coming over, the old man slowly stood up from the steps and walked towards them.

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