"came back!"

Liu Cong, who saw the family enjoying themselves together, also hurriedly stepped forward to help.

"That Xiaoqiong is going home for dinner tonight. Stop working and go clean up her room!" Zhang Guimei ordered.

Liu Cong looked at Zhang Guimei and nodded, "I know, Mom!"

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Chen Qiong came in carrying large and small bags of things.

"Grandpa and grandma, you are here. Xiaoqiong misses you so much since we haven't seen each other for a while."

When Chen Qiong saw that the two elders also put down what they were holding, she went up and gave Li Xiulan a big hug.

The two elders were extremely happy to see Chen Qiong. They looked at Chen Qiong just like their granddaughter. Even Liu Jianguo, who usually didn't like to talk or smile, showed a doting smile at this time.

Liu Cong was sitting on the sofa at this time, watching everyone surrounding Chen Qiong like this, but he felt no emotion in his heart.

"Liu Cong, what are you doing standing still! You haven't poured water for your girlfriend yet. You didn't see that she just carried so many things. She must be tired."

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong who had not seen him for a long time on the sofa, smiled, and then said to Zhang Guimei: "Auntie, no, I'm not thirsty."

In the evening, when the family sits at the table to eat together, they will inevitably ask about marriage.

This time, Liu Cong did not escape like before, but faced it calmly.

"Grandma, don't worry. It's only a matter of time before we get married. When I'm done with my busy schedule and have some time, I'll take Chen Qiong to take wedding photos. What do you think?"

Li Xiulan couldn't help but smile from ear to ear when she heard what Liu Cong said.


"When you are done with this period of time, you must take Xiaoqiong to take pictures! If there is a girl in the house, you can't let her take the initiative!"

Chen Qiong on the side heard the conversation between Liu Cong and his grandmother, and was too shy to speak.

To be honest, Chen Qiong is eager for this day to come more than anyone else. She is almost thirty years old and she doesn't have much time to waste.

Although she is very rich now, she also desperately longs for a family in her heart.

This was a thought that came from her heart, and she didn't show it.

The reason is that she grew up in a family that was extremely lacking in love when she was a child. Her parents were busy with business and had no time to take care of her.

"I know, when I finish this period of work, I really don't have time now because I am too busy."

"Busy, busy, busy! Are you busy with your marriage?"

"If you delay your contribution to the cause of the motherland, I won't say anything about you. If you stick to your business all day long, I don't think it's necessary. The time is squeezed out!"

What Liu Jianguo said to Liu Cong was clear and logical, and he insisted that Liu Cong and Chen Qiong would settle the matter in a while. He was also worried about Liu Cong's marriage. After all, he also wanted to have a happy marriage as soon as possible. On grandson.

"You'll know about this matter in a while. Anyway, it's a very important matter. It's confidential now and we really can't reveal it yet!"

After Liu Cong finished speaking, Liu Jianguo looked like he didn't believe it. He didn't believe what tricks Liu Cong could do. Although Liu Cong was already very powerful now, in Liu Jianguo's eyes, marriage was still the first priority.

"It's up to you. I'm old and can't care so much anymore. But since Xiaoqiong is willing to be with you, you have to be unconditionally good to her and don't let her down."

"Our old Liu family is all Miao Honggenzheng..."

I don’t know if Liu Jianguo drank a little wine, but Liu Cong began to lecture him endlessly. Even Chen Qiong on the side could only eat quietly when he saw this situation.

At this time, she didn't have the aura of a queen outside. She was completely in the state of a little milk cat and a good girl.

After the meal, Chen Qiong helped Zhang Guimei put away the bowls, while Liu Cong accompanied Liu Jianguo to play chess in the living room.

Because Liu Jianguo drank too much tonight, even the chess game smelled very strong. Looking at Liu Cong, he felt a little dissatisfied. Liu Cong did not dare to say anything when he saw this situation, and gave in if he could.

After his grandfather had finished playing, he went upstairs to wash up and get ready to start work in the evening.

Before Liu Cong could close the door, Chen Qiong came in openly and openly, holding the quilt.

Fortunately, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and no one in the family saw it, otherwise it would have been a bit embarrassing.

"Brother, it's very cold for me to sleep alone. Stop messing with your computer and come over and sleep with me."

At this time, Liu Cong was still in front of the computer, concentrating on the code in his hand. He also wanted to complete the Starlink system as soon as possible.

"Come on, come on, wait for me for half an hour."

When Chen Qiong heard that Liu Cong would be busy for half an hour, she stopped immediately, "Liu Cong, let me tell you, it is against the law to violate a woman's will."

"I advise you to put down your computer and surrender immediately, otherwise..."

Hearing Chen Qiong say these words in a somewhat aggrieved tone, Liu Cong really couldn't help laughing.

"What else? Can you still eat me?"

"Yes, I will eat you!"

Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong mumbling with arrogance on his face, and his inner passion was instantly aroused.

"Then I want to see how you eat me!!"

Liu Cong closed the computer, turned off the light and got into Chen Qiong's bed.

"Yeah! You hate it!"


The next day, when a ray of sunlight shone on Liu Cong's bedside, Liu Cong subconsciously touched the bedside, only to find that Chen Qiong had left.

Liu Cong opened his eyes, carefully thinking about what happened last night, and couldn't help but smile.

After getting up and washing up, Liu Cong went around Chen Qiong's room and found that he was not there, so Liu Cong ran downstairs and asked Zhang Guimei where Chen Qiong had gone.

"Xiao Qiong went to the company. It is said that her company has a meeting today. She left early in the morning."

"You should learn from Xiao Qiong and don't sleep in the sun until your butt is exposed. Young people should look like young people!"

Faced with Zhang Guimei's teachings, Liu Cong felt calluses in his ears.

"I know mom!"

Liu Cong didn't know what to do, so he decided to go out for some fresh air.

At this time, Liu Jianguo and Liu Yang were doing Tai Chi in the yard wearing large cotton-padded jackets.

Looking at his father's clumsy appearance, Liu Cong knew that his father must have been forced to do Tai Chi.

The grandma on the side sat and watched them playing Tai Chi, and from time to time she would play with the puppy next to her.

Seeing this scene, Liu Cong felt very bored, so he went back to the house, took the computer to the living room, and continued to complete the code that he had not finished last night.

Seeing that there were still three days left before the Chinese New Year, after Zhang Guimei's family was busy with all the big and small things, Liu Cong was left alone at home typing codes while everyone else went out to buy new year's goods.

At noon, no one would come to cook, so Liu Cong could only deal with it by himself.

Liu Cong had just finished his meal and was about to sit down and type code when he received a call from Jiang Wanying.

"Liu Cong, some of the projects you sent us cannot be completed by the people in our company. What should we do now? We are just at the last step!"

"So that's what you're doing, just leave it to me. Just let them go home for the New Year, and leave the rest to me."

"It's not too early. After you explain everything today, you can go back to your hometown to celebrate the New Year. By the way, take me to say hello to Mr. Jiang." Liu Cong said.

"Will do!"

"I feel relieved when you say that. Then I will leave this difficult project to you. I will immediately notify all employees of the company to take a holiday."

Afterwards, the two hung up the phone during their chat, and Liu Cong continued to be busy with what he was doing.

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