"Okay, you made it easy for me to find."

"Tell me! Who is this vixen?"

As she spoke, the woman slapped Liu Cong, which stunned Liu Cong.

Isn't it Chen Qiong who is in front of me?

When the woman next to her saw what was happening, she was so frightened that she immediately got up and ran away without looking back.

Liu Cong covered half of his burning face and looked at Chen Qiong angrily.

"You are such a cruel woman!" Liu Cong stared at Chen Qiong fiercely and said.

"Hey, I'll help you out, it's better for you."

"Not only did he not thank me, he also looked at me like this." Chen Qiong stood in front of Liu Cong as if he had been greatly wronged.

"Have you ever been able to rescue me like this?"

"How could you be so harsh?" Liu Cong said, covering half of his burning face.

In Liu Cong's memory, no one had hit him in the face since he was a child, and the woman standing next to him was the first one.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I apologize."

"Didn't I see that woman was about to stick to your body? I saw you were so nervous, so I didn't think much about it."

Chen Qiong looked like a wronged little girl in front of Liu Cong.

"By the way, why are you in a place like a bar?"

"I didn't expect it. Seeing that you are usually a very well-behaved person, it turns out that you also like this kind of place." Chen Qiong covered her mouth and smiled.

"Aren't you here too?"

"You're still talking about me, let's not talk about each other." Liu Cong looked at Chen Qiong and said.

"No, no, no, we are different. You are still a student, and I am both a veteran."

Chen Qiong naturally walked to Liu Cong and sat down, looking at Liu Cong with charming eyes.


"Do you want to fucking die? How dare you touch my young master Wang's woman?"

Suddenly there was a roar in the bar. Chen Qiong, who was still teasing Liu Cong, heard the sound and looked towards the stage of the bar.

I saw this man with dyed green hair, wearing a brand name, and holding a woman in his arms.

Before the person on the other side could react, this person stepped up and slapped him.

This slap was harder than Chen Qiong's slap to Liu Cong just now.

Liu Cong calmed down and took a look, wasn't it his roommate Wang Dachun who was beaten?

At this time, Wang Dachun covered half of his face, feeling very painful.

Seeing that he had suffered a loss, Wang Dachun couldn't bear it anymore and gave the opponent a slap in the face. This slap was not inferior to the opponent in the slightest.

When Liu Cong saw this scene, he ran over immediately without thinking.

"Dachun, what's going on?" Liu Cong asked with concern.


Dachun pushed Liu Cong away, and Liu Cong was saved from the murderous hands of the people behind him.

I don't know when, this man named Mr. Wang had three or five younger brothers around him. How could he bear to see his boss being bullied?

"Damn it, if you dare to hit me, I won't let you out of this bar!"

"You don't want to ask around. I, Mr. Wang, only have a role to play against others, and no one has a role to play against me."

"Brothers, come on, I won't stop until you take off one of your arms tonight."

This group of young guys came up one after another, and the scene was chaotic for a while. Even the people who were dancing in the bar started eating in silence.

Liu Cong was also involved in this war. Although Liu Cong had no fighting experience, fortunately Liu Cong was in better health and did not suffer any losses during the scuffle.

The two parties struggled like this for ten seconds, and the bar's security personnel quickly came out to mediate.

Seeing this, both parties also stopped.

"Hello, I am the bar manager here, and my name is Wu Dalang." Wu Dalang said to the two parties with a smile.

"Wu Dalang, can you see clearly who I am?" The man named Wang Shao said angrily to Wu Dalang, and the girl in his arms was holding her very tightly at this time.

"It turns out to be Mr. Wang. Please give Wu some face for tonight's matter."

"Wu Mou will give you free drinks tonight. Our temple is small and we can't afford such trouble." Wu Dalang said with an apologetic smile.

"Dachun, what's going on?" Liu Cong asked Dachun in a low voice.

"Liu Cong, I didn't provoke him on purpose, he came to me on purpose."

"Obviously it was his girlfriend in his arms who seduced me. I didn't do anything. He didn't ask anything and just slapped me." Wang Dachun said a little aggrievedly at this time.

Hearing what Wang Dachun said, Liu Cong probably figured out the ins and outs of this matter. It turned out that the cause was caused by the woman who claimed to be Wang Shao's arms.

"Manager Wu, I don't want to cause trouble, but I can't bear the bastard opposite me teasing my girlfriend."

Mr. Wang looked at his girlfriend in his arms. At this time, the woman in his arms also knew that he seemed to be in trouble, and buried her head tighter.

"You fucking fart, it's obviously her who seduced me." Wang Dachun pointed at the woman in Wang Shao's arms and said loudly.

Seeing that Wang Dachun's attitude was so bad at this time, Mr. Wang was about to give Wang Dachun a little more power, but was stopped by Wu Dalang on the side.

"Manager Wu, what do you mean?" Mr. Wang looked at Wu Dalang unfriendlyly.

Wu Dalang also lied a little at this time and immediately apologized with a smile: "Young Master Wang, tonight may be a misunderstanding."

"On the other side, if you don't apologize to Mr. Wang quickly, maybe Mr. Wang can be accommodating."

Wu Dalang winked at Wang Dachun, but Wang Dachun in front of him was unmoved.

Chen Ping'an and Shen Teng, who were standing next to them, saw that their brother was being bullied for no apparent reason, and they all stood in front of Wang Dachun.

"Manager Wu, if this kid kneels down to kowtow to me in front of everyone tonight and calls me grandpa three times, I will forgive him." Young Master Wang looked down at Wang Dachun in front of him with disdain in his eyes.

At this time, Chen Qiong walked up to Liu Cong and said to Liu Cong: "Your roommate caused trouble tonight. This is the son of Wang Fugui, a famous electrical company in Peiping."

Liu Cong was a little surprised when he heard this.

"How did you know?" Liu Cong asked curiously.

"Because I often come to this bar, and he also comes here often. There is no one here who doesn't know Mr. Wang Lin." Chen Qiong said with some seriousness, her eyes no longer charming at all.

Hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong smiled. He originally thought that he would have to fight to the death with this group of people tonight, but Chen Qiong sent such important information.

"Hey, boy across the way, do you believe that I will call your father right away?" Liu Cong looked at Mr. Wang in front of him with a smile, his thighs were still shaking rhythmically.

In the eyes of everyone, Liu Cong's appearance is just that of a slightly handsome diaosi.

"Hey! I want to see what you call me today."

"If you can't call my father here today, I'll beat you up and make you recognize me as your father." Wang Shao pointed at Liu Cong and said.

The boys next to him couldn't help laughing when they saw Liu Cong's appearance.

"Boss, you can believe this kid's bragging, just look at his dick-like appearance."

"If he can call your father here tonight, I can call the President of the United States." The boy next to him smiled and said to Mr. Wang next to him.

"Hey, what you said, I still expect him to slap me in the face."

"Boy, my dad lives near here, and it's only about twenty minutes away from this bar."

"I'll give you half an hour. If you lie to me, hum! You and your roommate can stay tonight." Mr. Wang sneered.

"Liu Cong! Are you crazy?" Wang Dachun said anxiously.

The two roommates next to him were a little surprised when they heard Liu Cong say this, because in their eyes Liu Cong has always been a relatively pragmatic person.

"Liu Cong, I didn't expect you to be such a show-off person." Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with some disappointment.

"Dachun, don't worry, nothing will happen." Liu Cong patted Wang Dachun on the shoulder and comforted him.

"I'm going out to make a phone call." Liu Cong said and walked out of the bar without looking back.

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