Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon it was Liu Cong's turn to take the stage.

Before going on stage, Liu Cong also tidied up the suit he was wearing.

"Next, let us invite Liu Cong, winner of the Benol Prize in Chemistry and Physics, to come on stage to receive the award!!"

As soon as the host on stage said this, there was warm applause from the audience.

Amid the applause of the crowd, Liu Cong came to the podium calmly.

Facing an audience of several hundred people below, and tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of global viewers in the live broadcast room.

Liu Cong first introduced himself in fluent Chinese.

"Hello everyone, my name is Liu Cong, and I am a student by profession."

A few short sentences revealed his confidence.

The translator on the side was dumbfounded when he translated what Liu Cong said.

There was no continuation of these few sentences, which made him feel insulted.

He probably didn't expect that he would make so much money today.

The host waited for half a minute, but still didn't wait for Liu Cong to speak.

So, he reminded Liu Cong with gestures and asked him to speak more.

Because other people talked a lot when they came on stage, Liu Cong simply introduced himself, which was a bit unreasonable.

"I don't know what to say either."

"If I were to give you some acceptance speeches."

"I can only say that I am grateful for the cultivation of the motherland. Without the cultivation of the motherland, I would not be where I am now!"

When the translator spoke these words in fluent English, everyone in the audience could not help but open their mouths.

So far, no scientist has said such a thing on this award podium.

What's more, he introduced how hard he worked in scientific research and how much effort he put in to get to this podium.

After finishing speaking, Liu Cong took out a badge from his pocket.

Then he kissed the badge gently.

Liu Cong brought this specially before departure.

In the audience, when people stationed at the embassy saw Liu Cong holding this red badge, they couldn't help crying.

Maybe the foreigners present didn't understand the meaning of this badge, but as Chinese people, they did.

This is a romance unique to the Chinese people.

China went from being poor and having nothing to having everything now.

When we stand on the stage of this world, we know the hardships best.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Li Hu was playing Landlords inside.

Seeing the badge Liu Cong took out, he stood up involuntarily.

At over forty years old, he never expected that one day he would burst into tears.

Although no one around him knew what was happening at this time.

However, it can be seen from his tears that the people on the stage must have done something that moved this man.

At this time, China was 10,000 kilometers away.

Everyone is watching this live broadcast anytime and anywhere.

In this regard, the official also specially found a special commentator to explain this live broadcast.

When the live commentator heard what Liu Cong said and saw what Liu Cong did.

At this moment, no matter how high her professionalism was, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Why do I always have tears in my eyes? It's because I love this land so deeply!!"

"No one knows romance better than our Chinese nation, and no one is more patriotic than our Chinese people!!"

"Today, Academician Liu indeed set an example for us all at the scene."

"This action also tells us how much we can accomplish no matter where we are."

"Don't forget the motherland that supports you!!"

At this point, the host choked up again.

"Sorry, I lost my temper!!"

At this time, the host was not the only one to lose his temper.

Even the director below was in tears.

"I was an orphan when I was a child. If it weren't for the support of my motherland, and if it weren't for the motherland's tuition fees for me to go to school, I, Shen Wei, wouldn't be where I am today."


At this moment, the audience across the country watching the live broadcast was also extremely moved.

A press conference has been watched by more than 100 million people.

On the podium, Liu Cong carefully put the badge back into his pocket.

Smiling at the audience and the audience in the live broadcast room.

"That's all I'm saying!"

Although Liu Cong only said a few short words, he seemed to have said everything.

Later, I saw Liu Cong finish speaking.

The staff came up and awarded Liu Cong his Benol badge.

Two pure gold medals were handed to Liu Cong by the staff in person.

When Liu Cong got the badge in his hand, he felt heavy.

Because this has given people across the country the expectation of winning the Benol Prize for decades.

Soon, Liu Cong got off the podium under the leadership of the staff.

After coming down, Lieutenant General Li Hu hugged Liu Cong.

This frightened Liu Cong.

"Lieutenant General Li, what are you doing?"

"So many people are watching!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu realized that he had lost his temper and quickly let go of his hand.

"Liu Yuan, I'm really sorry, I just lost my temper!!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu held Liu Cong's cell phone in one hand and wiped his eyes with the other.

"Lieutenant General Li, did I win?"

Lieutenant General Li Hu had not yet come out of his emotion. When asked by Liu Cong, he was stunned on the spot.


"I did not notice!"

Lieutenant General Li Hu came to his senses, looked at the empty hall on the Doudizhu interface, and scratched his head.

"Liu Yuan, it seems there are no more beans!!!"

When Liu Cong heard what Lieutenant General Li Hu said, he touched his forehead.

"These are the beans I have been saving for a long time, and you actually lost them all to me!"

"How many times did you double it?"

Faced with Liu Cong's questioning, Lieutenant General Li Hu and Monk Zhang Er were at a loss for a while.

"I don't know, I just watched you present the award!"

Liu Cong took the phone, looked at the beans he had saved for a long time, and sighed.

"Forget it, forget it, it's gone if it's gone."

"Uninstall and stop playing!"


The next process is nothing more than taking pictures.

Then they shook hands with each other.

When Liu Cong shook hands with Academician Wilson, he deliberately used a lot of force.

Liu Cong was also unequivocal, reciprocating tooth for tooth.


A scream came from the venue.

This is the cry of Academician Wilson.

I saw that his hand was firmly held by Liu Cong at this time.

Liu Cong looked at Academician Wilson as if nothing was wrong.

Seeing that Academician Wilson couldn't bear it anymore, Liu Cong let go of his hand with an innocent look.

He deliberately pretended not to know anything, and then greeted Academician Wilson in fluent English.

"My dear Academician Wilson, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you okay?"

Liu Cong comforted Academician Wilson in a good voice, but Academician Wilson suddenly cursed.


"Get out of here and stay away from me!!"

Facing Liu Cong's hypocritical concern, Academician Wilson could no longer bear it.

At this moment, the audience who did not know the situation were completely confused.

Seeing the chaos, the staff quickly stepped forward to mediate.

"He he he he! He squeezed me with his hands!"

Academician Wilson's right hand couldn't help but tremble, and he briefly described the situation to the staff.

PS: Thanks to Big Pao Bear for sending me flowers, and thanks to Zhaotian Gang-system backend management for sending me reminder charms. Thank you all for your flowers. I can add another chicken drumstick to my meal tomorrow, hahaha, I’ll add more later. One more chapter.

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